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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kovyperron5727

  1. Ugg Same thing at my school dude, but at least it's not as bad as yours. It's sad that in Texas they don't realize who the real athletes are (hockey players of course)
  2. I wouldnt thinks its a bad thing to show up to a rink and nobody else be there. I love it. I do too but sometimes I'm in the mood for a pickup game and then I'm the only one there
  3. LOL, Moe Norman originally said that about golf. He just took out golf and put hockey
  4. For a big guy his speeds insane. He should have just booked it and gone on that rush he had in OT he proly would have scored
  5. Not Unlike These. Those are sexy :)
  6. I saw that earlier. It's cool how they sent JR over there
  7. I took him in the second round and Kovalev in the first :D
  8. Hahaha I saw that on the Blues forum. Good stuff
  9. Dang dude your livin' the life! Timmy's sounds really good right now for some reason lol
  10. Ha quadruple A player I like that term. I now have a classification for all the Krogs, Maltais's and Marty St.Pierres!
  11. I agree. From the the one game I watched I liked Bozak a lot. Seemed to have good hockey sense, and pass well. The announcers even commented on it a few times. Also, how is Stempniak playing? I liked him on the Blues but also like the return we got for him in Steen
  12. Yep. Players in that league had the option of visor or cages. I had friends on them and the Hawks. Btw, that tradition your team does is cool
  13. Saw him live at the Blues-Stars preseason game. Blues looked great and I'm thinking he's going to have a big year
  14. That's actually pretty good for surgery on Tuesday. My next step is taking a plane ride before my next appointment. When's your next appointment?
  15. Chadd, my miracle of the week so far has been walking around 1/4 of my block. I had back surgery on Tuesday and I'm at home recovering. Hang in there buddy I'm in the same boat as you right now kind of
  16. For those not in Leafs country and wants to watch the game, its on this site http://www.sportzone2.co.cc/
  17. You just beat me to it! He mentions MSH on one of his tweets
  18. I wish it would show the length of the stick. My guess is 48 inches because he plays a short stick if I'm correct
  19. Wow!! Never thought I'd see this but sweet DP is the man!
  20. Duxy those gloves are sexy
  21. Good job bud! You still in Poland? thanks alot man and yes i am. gotta rep texas till the end lol hahaha yep
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