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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Machinehead2k5

  1. I remember seeing him in Skulls and Varsity Blues long before F&F Franchise, granted I own all of the F&F movies. I just saw him filming down at Ga St. Univ just last week. :( Sad indeed, but he went out doing something he loved and for charity.
  2. I'd keep the Speed3 just because it's more practical than the Bimmer as I already have an unpractical car, my 88 Fiero.
  3. Yeah. Me (29), the girl to the left (20), the guy above me (29), and the guy from third from right standing up (29). a couple players in their late 30s and everyone else is 40+. Good group of ppls.
  4. Won the championship earlier this year. Now 3-2 to start the new season.
  5. Me receiving a pass. Hmm. Wonder why the watermark is still there.
  6. Have had the helmet about a year and a half or so. I haven't had any problems about it drying out and getting hard. My old 9k helmet dried out just after a year.
  7. Shot last night as I get to cut my "flow" as my 9 game goal scoring streak comes to an end.
  8. Just a funny pic I thought I'd post...
  9. Thanks Law Goalie. I'll let him know about it. The nets have some type of weird metal peg that fits into the post and sits in the ice. There's also a 2nd video of the period which I will post if anyone else is interested in it. This is also at the crappiest rink in Metro ATL where the ice isn't all that great.
  10. Here's me Mic'd up from last night. Some bad words are in there. I'm number 8 (Indian dude/mirrored visor) in the Toronto blue. And yes it's just a casual beer league game.
  11. he couldn't catch a break the other day as his twitter account got hacked twice.
  12. getting held up at gunpt while closing down the restaurant blows.
  13. Helmet: RBK 8k Fitclip with HS22 Mirrored Visor Shoulders: old bauers with no shoulder caps when I do wear them Elbows: None Gloves: MIA Thrashers or Flite Franchise Replicas (black/white) Pants: Tackla Thrashers Lowers, Easton Z-Air Lowers, or RBK Penguins Lowers Shins: RBK 9k Skates: RBK 9k Pump Stick: Bauer One40 converted to shaft with a Mission Hull blade curved to a Gionta and an Easton s19 (probably a se16 repaint) with a mission hull blade curved to gionta specs
  14. it's not an RS. The taper, or lack there of, is consistent throughout.
  15. I grabbed a Stapleton stick, a few pairs of white edge socks, Thrashers Tackla pants, Ladd s19, Warrior Dolo Toe Curve, and another easton that was painted a s19 but isn't (however it's the perfect flex for me somewhere around 70).
  16. A few shots (series)from my game tonight: (yes my head needs to be up) :)
  17. Just found out that the Thrashers left over equipment have made their way to Winnipeg to be sold at PIAS. WTF? They could've sold all of it here.
  18. Really diggin' the gloves akhenaton!
  19. Already used it a couple of times. Works great. The "crack" is the running of spray paint. :)
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