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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anjin-san last won the day on April 10 2016

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  1. I'm currently in a pair of MX3's size 7D. I've read that the new Fit 2 is equivalent to the D width. Can anyone advise if the lengths are consistent (ie, the length of a MX3 size 7 is the same as an Ultrasonic 7)? I'm guessing that I'd fall into a size 7, Fit 2.
  2. Hey JR, I’ve noticed that the 2018 Bauer catalog has not been published. Is it (or the 2019 Bauer catalog) coming at some point, or is that a thing of the past?
  3. Has anyone had any more experience between the 2014 Supreme skates and the current 2016 models? In particular I'm curious if in fact the 1S and S190 do in fact run larger than the MX3 and the 190.
  4. Does it really matter whether the sizing lines up or is consistent with another brand? Regardless when getting fitted you're always going to try on several sizes anyways. I understand that it can be an annoyance. However I would never blindly buy new skates in a particular size based solely on past experience with a previous model. I'll always try on several pair to ensure a proper fit.
  5. Played 2 games with the Speed Plates in my MX3's. They seem to take up a hair more volume than the stock footbeds. I just barely fail the pencil test on the MX3's, most like due to the injected stability lacing. Therefore I started getting some lace bite by the end of the second game. As for the Speed Plates themselves, they were comfortable, but I can't honestly say that they performed better. Just my opinion of course.
  6. I got size 7 plates for size 7D Supreme MX3's. Fitted them last night and there is a tiny amount of space between the front of the Speed Plate and the front of the toe cap. However that's no different than how the stock insoles fit and there's no movement whatsoever when the skates are on and laced up. I'll skate in them tomorrow night. So far they are very comfortable.
  7. Just got mine and molded them in my MX3's. I won't be able to skate in them until Thursday but I'll come back with an update.
  8. Not sure if this has already been posted but Ice Warehouse has all sizes in stock. Just ordered a pair the other day. Can an anyone advise if Speed Plates take up less volume than Yellow Superfeet?
  9. SeanCornell91, can you advise if either these or the original Yellow Superfeet take up more volume when compared to stock Bauer footbeds? I really like the Yellow Superfeet and have recommended them to several friends of mine. My only issue is the loss of volume. Also, how do these compare to the Carbon Superfeet? Thanks!
  10. Any idea when these new Tacks will be released?
  11. I believe the Easton Mako skate fitting video calls for 10 minutes at 200 degrees in an Easton oven. For all other ovens reduce the time to 6 minutes. I'm not sure why you would reduce the time to 6 minutes if you were using a non Easton skate oven. Perhaps they're advising such in an abundance of caution for those that would use their kitchen oven.
  12. I'd start at the lowest heat setting. Better to be safe than sorry. Keep the heat gun moving and periodically check to see if that spot has softened up. You'll feel it become really malleable.
  13. So after cracking the carbon fiber on my first pair of Mako 2's I spent the month of September trying to get use to a pair of Supreme 190's. Despite the fact that I always skates in Supremes prior to the Makos I just couldn't get nearly as comfortable. As such I went ahead and purchased another pair of Mako 2's and baked them yesterday. It feels great to return to this level of comfort and forward pitch. I just hope that this pair proves more durable than the last. Has anyone else cracked the carbon fiber monocoque chassis on a pair of Mako 2's? Hopefully the skate I broke was just a defect.
  14. I'm going to try to make the 190's work. I've baked them twice but I've only been on the ice with them 4 times (2 public sessions and 2 games). They're definitely not broken in yet as I'm constantly fiddling with the laces between shifts.
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