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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by lukejameslarson

  1. Any chance we can see the goalie portion of the catalog?
  2. The box that they were in said 70 flex on it. I didn't try to flex them or lean on them. You're right, they are stiffer than that.
  3. Pretty close to a P92. Blade is a tad bit shorter, and a little more open near the toe. (P92 is the non-yellow one obv.) It does feel a bit higher (maybe .5) than the P92 Bauers that I have (marked as 6.) The stick is a fair bit shorter than the intermediate that I'm comparing it to, though. A little tough to say thus far.
  4. Pro Stock Marty St Louis - 70 Flex Grip
  5. I thought that they were supposed to be brownish-retro-whatever coloured..? Maybe it's the lighting, but those gloves look like a shiny new penny.
  6. Those are sharp! But count them... 5 rolls.
  7. Man... those Lidstrom gloves are awesome. I never see any of his pro gear anywhere. How did you come across those?
  8. The Holiday catalog shows the new Dolomite being available in Savard, Lidstrom, Toews, Vanek, Kovalev, Kovalchuk, and Gionta. I can only find the Vanek in 100 flex, and I can't seem to find any with the Lidstrom pattern anywhere. Are retailers just choosing not to carry these patterns? I'd really like to get a new Dolo in the Lidstrom pattern. Are they available anywhere, or did Warrior just decide not to produce these sticks for market?
  9. The lower part obviously says"700 NHL" but the upper part definitely looks like it says "SyNergy 100."
  10. It looks like both sticks will continue to be available. Last year, they issued the Dolomite DD right around christmas time, as well. If the pattern holds true, they will be issuing new paintjob/upgraded versions of the Spynes during the spring, and the regular Dolos for the holiday season. It's not the same, but it is sort of similar to Bauer, in the way that they alternate between issuing new versions of the Supreme and the Vapor lines.
  11. if you go here and click "detailed description" it says that the 12" is an adult small.
  12. oh, man... i used to have both the louisville flexor elbow and shoulder pads. thanks for posting that picture. that really takes me back. i hadn't thought of/seen those in YEARS. @shooter27 perani's has them in stock on their website for $5.99. can't beat that if they have your size.. if not... 14" available here for $40.
  13. what's the deal with this? it's not in the 2010 catalog. looks (specs-wise) to be the same thing as the anthem. curious.
  14. there's a shop not too far from me that had a couple of these a few months ago. there's not a lot of traffic through there, so they're probably still there.
  15. i just picked up a 7k blocker, and while it's a bit of a price point item, i really do like it quite a bit. it is very similar to my koho 590, which i thought was an excellent blocker. i looked pretty hard at the glove, too... but it didn't feel quite padded enough in the finger areas, but i assume that the higher-end model offers a bit more protection.
  16. i think that randy ladouceur is playing in your men's league (maybe playing right-handed, to keep things fair... he's an old-timer now.)
  17. Player Gear Helmet: CCM HT2 (Black) Visor: Torspo Pro Straight Shoulders: Sher-Wood Classic 5030 Elbow: Nike/Bauer Supreme One10 Pants: CCM V04 Shin Pads: Easton Z-Air Gloves: Warrior Pro Bully (Black/White/Yellow,) Bauer Impact 300 (Black/White) Skates: Torspo Surge 221 (Clear Holders) Sticks: Warrior MacDaddy Nipple Grip (100 flex/Jovanovski blade) Easton Synergy (100 flex, Lidstrom blade) Easton S5 shaft (80 flex) w/Warrior Dolomite Spyne Jovanovski blade Goalie Gear Mask: Koho Lefevre 570 C/A: Bauer Vapor X:40 Blocker: Koho 590 Trapper: Koho 590 Leg Pads: Itech ReFlex RX5, Koho 570 Jock: Bauer Goal Jock Skates: Reidell G700 Stick: Sher-Wood (25" Lalime pattern)
  18. i've heard that... i just didn't see anything about it in the specs, so i was sort of wondering if they made the 4.0 into the 4.0 pro for this year, instead of having two separate skates. the pro is listed as being available in europe only, in both 2009 and 2010, but i know some people over here were able to get them. the 2009 catalog lists the two skates as having different materials for the outsole, but everything reads the same. the 2010 catalog lists the two skates as having the same materials for the outsole, and everything else reads the same as well.
  19. Is there no longer any difference between the flexlite 4.0 and 4.0 pro skates? Maybe i'm missing something in the specs, but they appear to be the same to me. Did they change one of them to match the other?
  20. blah. ccm is really lagging behind as a company. i used to be really into everything they did, but there's nothing exciting here at all. barely anything even interesting. the gloves in particular, are hideous. there's a couple of nice helmets, and the pants aren't terrible, but... for christ's sakes bring back the tack line or something.
  21. has anybody heard what the msrp/actual sale price of the EQ5 skates will be?
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