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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ndlancer95

  1. I'm getting it next week hopefully. Looks like a different and better turn for the music gaming industyy
  2. A couple of my friends went to that game, they said it was great. What did you pick up at TSR?
  3. Allergies. Can't breath through my nose, horrible headaches, and I'm missing the first day of training camp for HS hockey along with 6 other kids that had to leave school early.
  4. Empty stick time? I went to a 3 1/2 hr session yesterday, only one on the ice so i got a heck of a workout just doing laps and working on all of my shots
  5. Just got out of math class, had my 3rd test i 3 periods, and I aced em all. i didnt even study last night, just a quick review this morning. and also im going to the islanders training camp scrimmage saturday with my friends
  6. skated my first drop in in a few months, it was a close group of friends so it was pretty fun, scored in a slapper from the point and tossed 2 passes from the goal line to a teammate coming off of the far bench for 2 A's. and dont worry, everyone was tracking stats today, our HS coach was watching
  7. skated my first drop in in a few months, it was a close group of friends so it was pretty fun, scored in a slapper from the point and tossed 2 passes from the goal line to a teammate coming off of the far bench for 2 A's. and dont worry, everyone was tracking stats today, our HS coach was watching
  8. Doctor just cleared me to skate at sticks and pucks, no contact pick up. better than not being able to skate at all
  9. Hip is feeling great after a few days of Resting it and light duty on it. I can actually run half speed with no pain. Not gonna test it this early, maybe wait until the 1 week mark to go to football. Also, made another huge chunk of money mowing lawns and hedges etc. Might splurge for some sticks or custom franchises.
  10. Gonna be some hella big traffic jams through the weekend, with gathering of the vibes starting today-Sunday and an estimated 10,000 firefighters coming to pay their respects to the 2 firefighters that died on Saturday. RIP LT Stefan Velasquez and FF Mitch Baik
  11. That's good. How many kids were in each event? Anyways, I guess it is an accomplishment to even be there. Separate sweet spot: loving my new 10k's with Tuuks.
  12. What's recovery time? And good luck. I don't think I could ever have surgery. It just freaks me out even though I know I'll be knocked out. And another vent. Just found a crack in my new x60 blade after 2 sticktimes. Anyone know if Bauer warrantees blades also?
  13. Yea. Only thing is I have to take some pain med the size of a small child every 10--12 hours. When's your acl surgery bud?
  14. Hip bursitis, no football for 2-3 weeks. Finally went to the doctor today and he said I can skate due to the low impact on the hip joint. So sticktime sounds good for now. Good thing is no more 5 AM wake-ups for football. :)
  15. Well ours had purple lettering (WTF?) and numbers so the shells had the yellow stripes and purple. I like the one you have, no purple.
  16. Those old blues unis were my travel jerseys for 2 years, still have the jersey and socks and shell. Look like the posterboy for a gay pride parade
  17. Thanks. He's doing well and is actually feeling better than he had before the accident. He said to me thy he was sick before the drop in so he probably had appendicitis and the jolt caused it to rupture. The doctor said once he can handle a regular diet he is ready to skate. Only bad thing is I'm not going to TSR now, but I couldn't have let my friend be alone this whole time. They're shooting for 7 a clock tonight getting him home.
  18. My friend is awake and doing well so faraccording to the doctors. He'll be out of the hospital by tonight hopefully
  19. Me and my vest friend were at pick up last night. 1st shift in he tries to jump over the stick of a defender, gets drilled by the other D-man and just collapses to the ground. The D-bag slashes him on the shoulder and tells him not to be a pussy. Once my friend gets his bearings, he has sharp stomach pain. Went right to the ER. At 4 this morning he gets the diagnosis of a ruptured appendix. He's in surgery now, I'm waiting for him to get out in the waiting room. Prayers please.
  20. according to the TBL gear thread, hes no longer with the lightning for those that dont have the buy sell. Really sorry to hear about the lost job. Hopefully you can get another one quick in the hockey industry. Open your own pro shop :) Good luck man
  21. There's a bad moon on te rise There's a bathroom on the right
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