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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jjmills22

  1. dented an itech titanium cage... didn't know that was possible
  2. broke a synergy st tonight... did not think that was possible
  3. Towards the back, right below where the screw goes- aluminum was still in tact, making me not notice it over the weekend or monday night practice, but before my skate on tuesday. you couldn't see it was broken unless you looked directly down at it. I was told that I should be able to have them warrantied at the place i bought em cause they're under 12 months old...
  4. No, Wall is definitely the smelliest rink on the East Coast
  5. $10 Skate Sharpening at the Ocean Ice Palace
  6. Can you recommend anywhere to get it done?
  7. did bauer do that or is it an after- market thing?
  8. Whats with the stitching on the X60s top few eyelets?
  9. I was there yesterday so it should still be there... not alotta action going on there this time of the year
  10. Depending on where in New Jersey your from- theres one Letang 9K 0- Stick with the old ccm V120/V130 blade at the Wall Sports arena... $120 i think it is. Same curve as the Titanium
  11. not really hockey news but..... http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10030/1032299-100.stm
  12. reason for orpik not dressing?
  13. being alone on the pond for three hours
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