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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About SouthpawTRK

  • Birthday September 23


  • Skates
    RBK 5K
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 3K
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 3K
  • Shoulder Pads
    RBK 3K
  • Pants
    RBK 5K
  • Helmet
    RBK 4K
  • Gloves
    Warrior Pro Bully
  • Stick
    Easton and Nike-Bauer

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Music, art, graff, golf, baseball, college football, movies, subculture societies
  • Location
    Northern California
  • Gender

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  1. After it all happened, I thought to myself how I could have approached the conversation differently. However, I actually did not start the conversation with that it could be his technique; I offered the fitting first and did make mention that sometimes it's technique (but would not know until after the fitting); thus the full effect of getting properly fit. As far as a guy at my LHS telling me that "It isn't the hammer, it's the carpenter"; I can tell you with confidence that conversation will never happen. I will support my LHS on some product; but old stock and high prices (mainly on sticks) don't interest me. Free shipping, 10% discount, competitive pricing, and no hassles on returns are what I find when I shop online. What's perplexing is that I did tell him which driver would give him the least amount of spin and then is comment of shopping online really had me scratching my head.
  2. Most days I really love my job; it's indoors, I don't have to wear a shirt and tie and I get to talk about golf most of the day. However there are days like today that I don't understand the general public. Here's the start of my morning: So a customer comes in today in the midst of a good sized rush (as well as our sales staff being on the low side) and he's looking for a new driver. He's unsure on which model to get from a particular manufacturer's offering. He states that he has a really crappy club and is looking for the one that is going to offer him less spin. I make mention to him that he probably should sign up for a fitting and that a lot of the time it's not always the club's fault and that sometimes technique comes into play. I must have hit a nerve with him or damaged his precious ego. I make mention again that he should sign up for a fitting (which the store I work at offers) to help him make the correct decision. He takes a short breath and then storms off saying "this is why I should buy the club online" and slams down a box of golf balls on a nearby shelf.
  3. I apologize about my earlier post; by no means was I trying to say that what you do on MSH is marketing. The point I was trying to make was that I like your honest approach to describing the versatility of the Nexus; I definitely value it and the Nexus will be the next stick I purchase.
  4. Bauer should hire you JR to front their marketing department; you got me sold on the stick without even trying the Nexus!!!
  5. One helluva deflection for the game winning goal!!! Congratulations to #57 and the rest of the Blues!!!
  6. Went to stick and puck this morning and they actually had a goalie out there.
  7. Congratulations on the new gig! It's always great to work with people that you know and like.
  8. Go to www.mywarriorhockey.com and start the glove customizer program. On step #2 where it says "Select Model"; the glove on the left side has all three glove materials that are available. Carbon: On the display glove it's the yellowish-green color stripes on the back of the glove. Carbon has an appearance of carbon fiber and it's a coated material (coated in polyurethane). Tufftek: On the display glove the Tufftek is the navy part of the glove. It's a hydrophobic 600 deniers polyester (coated with polyurethane) and is much more durable than the standard nylon used by other manufacturers. Classic: On the display glove the cuff roll and pinky are employing the Classic material. The Classic material is a man made leather with a polyurethane base to help repel water. If you go down to your LHS, you should be able to see some real world examples of the materials. Keep in mind that each material has a slightly different color palette. If you look through the link for the Custom Glove Gallery (http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3659-custom-glove-gallery), you can see what some of the colors/materials look like.
  9. I just don't understand why customers cannot be more upfront with employees; especially if they are unsatisfied with the service (or lack there of)? If I'm dissatisfied with the service that I've received; I'll say something while I'm in the store as politely as possible. If I am upset to the point that I cannot verbalize my dissatisfaction, I just go elsewhere. I don't go home and write a one sided email to the store/corporate office to voice my complaint; but I guess it varies from person to person.
  10. Here are my first pair of custom gloves to honor the passing of my brother: Model: Warrior Franchise (Main color: Black tufftek, Inside stripes: MTL Blue tufftek, Inside stripe: Silver carbon, Full cuff roll: White tufftek) Print color: Black Outline color: Silver Cuff: Hossa Palm: Mustang Gussets: 3D Mesh Foams: VA-80 Pro Pack with Thumb Lock Name: B.KOBATA Number: 18 Many thanks to everyone at Warrior (much props to Joe) and at IW for making these a reality and a pair of gloves that I know that my brother would have loved
  11. Played my first game last night in over a year
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