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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone ever have this happen to them?

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So last weekend was tryouts for the summer team I was gonna play on, and they posted the team on Monday. I ended up not making it, for whatever reason, even though I was clearly in the top half of the squad (according to many people who were at the tryout...) and should have made the team without a doubt. Anyway, my friend who did make the team ended up not being able to play on it because of baseball, so then apparently I was next on the list and they called me up today to ask if I wanted to play. I said no way cuz they effed me in the tryouts and I don't wanna play for them.

Has anyone else had this happen? What do you think about my decision?

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I had a similar situation. Got cut the first night actually, but asked back by the manager as opposed to the coach. Then the last night I was the last cut (not bad considering the talent was above me), however I've always been a game time player and don't impress much in tryouts. Not a great skater which hurts my original look. By the end of the first tourney I was their #1D, powerplay, Pk, regular, Ot, etc...

I never like to burn my bridges no matter what, so if you did say no I hope you did it alot more politely than that. If you don't want to play I understand, its tough to walk into the room, but make sure you do it with class. I enjoyed my experience on that team, but cannot gaurantee you will like yours.

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Squirt Minor AAA, got diced last cut because I supposedly 'wasn't big enough'..although there is no hitting in Squirt :blink: . I ended up playing for the whol year there, every game, tourney, praccy. You know honestly I didn't care if they snipped me because I ended up having a good time, got to play a ton of hockey and got to prove to the coaches that cutting me was a bad choice.

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If there is a different team you could play for in the summer, I'd go that route. But thats just me, I hold grudges. If you really are one of the best players out there like you said, they would never cut you unless you really aren't one of the best, or there were some other issues. A team would never cut a player would would greatly help their team out there unless A. the politics got involved or B. they didn't like your attitude or you in general. I know I personally wouldn't want to play for them.

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I would go for it. I understand your stance on it though, but any chance to get noticed for what you can do, can only happen if you play.

But like kosydar said if there is another team to play for then do that instead. The worst thing that could happen is if all of this works out and you are not playing at all.

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a couple of years agoi played on a aaa that said everyone on the team who trys out next year will make it..then the next year came i tryed out for the team and i was better than half of the kids there...the next day the coach posted the list and i was put as an alternate,i was so pissed...so i went and tried out for a different team and made it no problem....then a month later we played the team and beat them ,and the coach asked if i would comeback to the team and i was like you got to be kidding right.Did he honestly think i would go back to that team

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Happened to me this year when I tried out for Bantam AAA. All the kids and their parents told me I was a lock. I got cut last round and a week later I got asked to play because 4 of their players were injured. I told them I had "basketball practice" even though I lost my chacne to tryout for the basketball team because of hockey tryouts. I'm glad I didn't play though because a buddy of mine that also got cut was asked to play and he got 6 mins in the whole game. My friends on that team were pissed at my for like a week because this other crappy player got called up. :lol:

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If you really are one of the best players out there like you said, they would never cut you unless you really aren't one of the best.

Not always Kosydar. I am one of the best in my area and I tried out for the local Jv team. I got screwed on one account,we were not rich like all the other parents. I mean im not poor. But the other guys on the team were filithy rich. It really pissed me off. Oh well they had a sucky season anyways.

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Its not that I don't believe you, its just that so many people think they are "good enough" or "better than" when that really isn't the case. If someone is really an amazing player, there is nothing that would prevent a coach from wanting them on their team. Maybe I'm more modest than most, but I've never felt that I "deserve" to be on any team, and that I'm better than any other team. I've played on high level teams and on low level teams when I didn't make the high level teams, and I've learned a lot from both. And this isn't an attack on you or anything Preds, I don't know you, I can't judge your situation. This kind of stuff happens all the time: someone tries out for a team, gets cut, and instead of accepting it and using it as a motivational tool, they just say they are better than everyone who did make it. This isn't the only thread today on this subject, either. Sorta proves my point.

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Well Eazy, I didn't say no like I said in my original post. I just told them I had already made other plans, what I said at the top were just my own thoughts. Anyways, the reason I think I wasn't on the team was last year they had a tourney where they were short some guys, and asked if I'd go play with them that weekend. I couldn't go, and I think they haven't liked me since. I won't be playing for any team this summer, I don't really want to to be honest. This team is done by the end of the school year, and then I'm left all summer doing nothing. This just interferes with things going on in the spring for me, so I decided not to play at all.

Also, I'm not saying I was heads and shoulders above everyone, I was just saying that I was clearly better than some that made it. The ones that made it above me that shouldn't have are the ones that have been playing on that team for like 4-5 summers in a row, so I understand why they picked them over me, but they just weren't as good.

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Its not that I don't believe you, its just that so many people think they are "good enough" or "better than" when that really isn't the case. If someone is really an amazing player, there is nothing that would prevent a coach from wanting them on their team. Maybe I'm more modest than most, but I've never felt that I "deserve" to be on any team, and that I'm better than any other team. I've played on high level teams and on low level teams when I didn't make the high level teams, and I've learned a lot from both. And this isn't an attack on you or anything Preds, I don't know you, I can't judge your situation. This kind of stuff happens all the time: someone tries out for a team, gets cut, and instead of accepting it and using it as a motivational tool, they just say they are better than everyone who did make it. This isn't the only thread today on this subject, either. Sorta proves my point.

The attitude that "oh, they're better than me, I must not belong on the team" won't get you anywhere, in hockey or in life. Although, it's the people who think they should make the team, then get cut and don't do anything about it that fail even worse.

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Rather than whining about it, you're better off taking them up on the invitation. Heck, freshman year I was cut from the jv team and only an alternate. Rather than sit home and pout I kept going to every practice and wound up playing the entire season. You need to show them why they shouldn't have cut you instead of taking the "screw them" attitude. Remember, coaches and team administrators talk to each other and get opinions of guys from each other. It won't be easy to lose the reputation of a sulker.

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If you think you can make a higher level team, go for it.Don't walk in assuming you belong to be there, go out and show everyone that you belong there. Remember that by going to a different club people know very little about you and everything you say or do will factor in to their decision.

Work hard, have a positive attitude and don't let up at all.

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So last weekend was tryouts for the summer team I was gonna play on, and they posted the team on Monday. I ended up not making it, for whatever reason, even though I was clearly in the top half of the squad (according to many people who were at the tryout...) and should have made the team without a doubt. Anyway, my friend who did make the team ended up not being able to play on it because of baseball, so then apparently I was next on the list and they called me up today to ask if I wanted to play. I said no way cuz they effed me in the tryouts and I don't wanna play for them.

Has anyone else had this happen? What do you think about my decision?

Martin St. Louis got cut several times. Finally ended up in Tampa and is where he is not (playing golf, but that's another matter).

If you wanted to play for the team, then play. Maybe you'll end up making significant contributions. It's tough to guage who can add what to a team based on a few practices and scrimmages.

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unless you had other teams at a similar or better levels to play for, i think you made the wrong choice. having a negative attitude hurts you now and down the road - word can get around that you thought you were too good for them or something. its better to prove people wrong through your play - dont let ego get the best of you. if you didnt have another team to play for, youre on the couch. playing at a lesser level just because they may want you more doesnt further you any, other than making you feel better about yourself. now that im older, i wished id begged to play at the highest level i couldve - instead of being comfortable where i was already good.

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As a coach there are some very good players that I know that I wouldn't have on my team because of their bad attitude, temper, disrespectful behavior, inability to get along with teammates etc.

I'm not saying that you're like that but often there's more to it than your ability to play the game.

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I'm sure it must be a blow to the ego to get cut, but there are so many players who made it to the NHl like Martin St-L who believed in themselves even when they were told they were too small, not good enough, etc.

I've always tried to follow the advice of not making big decisions when you're angry or upset. If you give yourself some time to get over the hurt of being cut, you may look at it differently. Getting asked to come back and play is a second chance to prove yourself, something a lot of players don't get. If you have a better team to play for, then by all means do it. If you don't, swallow your pride and get back on the team, and earn their respect by working your butt off.

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This happened to me for baseball. I've been playing on this team for about 3 years and I got cut this year so that a kid that was a year younger from a different org. would play. There's a team like this for 13 year olds. The kid was obviously worse than me but his dad is the athletic director at CU so yeah. They asked me to play and i said no because i didn't want to play for someone that going to cut me for a kids dad.

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This kind of stuff happens all the time: someone tries out for a team, gets cut, and instead of accepting it and using it as a motivational tool, they just say they are better than everyone who did make it. This isn't the only thread today on this subject, either. Sorta proves my point.

No biggy Kosydar. I don't pout about it. I just kept playing hockey around here.

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The way i see it, by saying no to them, you get less hockey, if you had said yes you would have got to play. either way you still have the feeling of them cutting you, but by playing you get the chance to prove them that they were wrong.

Just my opinion though.

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Rather than whining about it, you're better off taking them up on the invitation. Heck, freshman year I was cut from the jv team and only an alternate. Rather than sit home and pout I kept going to every practice and wound up playing the entire season. You need to show them why they shouldn't have cut you instead of taking the "screw them" attitude. Remember, coaches and team administrators talk to each other and get opinions of guys from each other. It won't be easy to lose the reputation of a sulker.

Exactly, I was put on the practice squad this year for high school, just because I didn't play AAA, I showed him what I could do in practise and by the end of the year I was on the first line.

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this happened to me this year. i got cut to the B team and i took it in stride i didnt care that much then i found out the A team wanted me i was in a delimma b/c alot of my friends where on the B team and i didnt really no ne1 on the A team. + they cut me and i was a little sour about that. so i went to some A practices and got to no some of the guys and long story short i played for the A team and had a great year im really glad i played for them.

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Theres these brothers on my team(or last years team) and one got cut but his dad thought the should of made it. His brother was fairly good so his dad threatned to take his brother off if his brother couldn't come play whenever he wanted. My coach being the frickon asshole that he is says ok.( He ended up getting fired halfway throught the season because he was so bad and made up stupid stuff.)If anybody else was coaching he would of said see ya. So he just showed up whenever and lot's of the time he took my ice time so there was tons of times I was going to go eff it I quit but I just kept playing. It was the worst thng I have ever seen. It didn't happen to me but It effected me and I thought I'd share it.

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I talked to the father of a kid I used to coach and he said he tried out for a AAA team in the area but they didn't take him because they didn't know him. They weren't sure if the tryout was a fluke or if it was an accurate indication of his talent.

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