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Shinguard question

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It all depends on how you like them, you could wear a number of different sizes. It depends on if you want them to stop at the top of your tongue, tuck them in or wear them over your tongue. Not to mention the difference in sizes between brands. Try on as many as you can and go from there.

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if you're buying them off the internet, epuck.com has a measuring tool, where you just measure your leg and it tells you how long the shin pad "should" be. just for reference, i'm 5'6-7 and i wear a 14" over my skates. my friend is about 5'11 and wears 15's over his skates, so you probably wouldn't go wrong with 16"s if you like to wear them over your skates

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I'm the same size and wear 15 or 16 depending on the brand.

is the difference really that big between shin guards? i figured if they use inches, then that's a lot more concrete than "sizes".

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I'm the same size and wear 15 or 16 depending on the brand.

is the difference really that big between shin guards? i figured if they use inches, then that's a lot more concrete than "sizes".

There are pretty big variations between brands from what I've seen.

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im 5' 7" and i use a 15 " rbk shinguard but i like it over my tongue almost touching the top of my foot

im play d by the way

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im 5' 10 and i think im using a 14". i have heard from many of my ex-nhl coaches that u shud put the shin guard over tha skate and measure because thats houw you SHOULD be wearing it in a game. Tony Twist told me that when he was a peewee he tucked the shin pad in his skate and someone stepped on his foot and dug it down intot he skate under the tougue.

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5'10" and I wear 15" pads outside the tongue. I think you might also take into consideration which position you play. I play D and my shins reach just over the foot. Every bit of protection counts when you are blocking shots!

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im 5' 7" and i use a 15 " rbk shinguard  but i like it over my tongue almost touching the top of my foot
5'10" and I wear 15" pads outside the tongue. I think you might also take into consideration which position you play. I play D and my shins reach just over the foot. Every bit of protection counts when you are blocking shots!

Exactly! I'm 5'8" and use a 15" Bauer 8000. I like mine over my skate tongue touching foot, (defence as well)

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I'm the same size and wear 15 or 16 depending on the brand.

is the difference really that big between shin guards? i figured if they use inches, then that's a lot more concrete than "sizes".

There are pretty big variations between brands from what I've seen.

Ditto (same size, notized same thing Chad did regarding brands). I have a pair of 16 Koho's I like to wear over the tongue that fit perfectly (length wise). Moved to a pair of Jofa 16's and they were a tad too long.

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There is no "correct" way to wear your shin pads. I prefer to have the tongue outside of my shin pad. I'm 5'10" and wear Bauer size 15's.

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I'm 5'6 and wear 15" shin guards over the tongue of my skates. Is that too big? I wanted 14" but the guy said 15" would be ok and good for growing space.

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I'm 5'6 and wear 15" shin guards over the tongue of my skates. Is that too big? I wanted 14" but the guy said 15" would be ok and good for growing space.

Those sound like they would be too long for you. I am guessing that your knee cap isn't centered very well in the knee area on the pad. The rule in protective equipment is to buy what fits, not something you will grow into.

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no actually i find that long shin guards helped my stride alot and im the same height as blues_91, my knee fits prefectly in the shinguard

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Not to add redundancy to this post,but.... Where I am just getting into this sport, I have 15" Jofa's that fit nicely over the tongue of my skates. I am also 5'10". Now comes skating in them. They don't feel akward walking in them, but like I said I am learning so it might be a bit akward at first(right??)..

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im 5-6 and have jofa 13 inch shingards. tucked under tounge, only comes to the top of my ancle but skating in anythign bigger doesnt feel right. i play d and have taken a few shots in the ankle where theses nothing. but like i said anythign bigger doesnt feel right <_<

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If you're 5-6 and wear a 15" shin pad, you have severely abnormal legs.

Chadd,i do have pritty long legs compared to most people but,im 5'7" and a half not 5'6",just measured how tall i was

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