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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Big changes?

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im not saying they are 'crap' by any means, all im saying is something new (warrior) is going to be refreshing for me.  AS far as the year ago thing, i am saying that i coudlve bought vectorslast year, which are very similiar to reebok line which just came out

RBK has an improved footbed and EPP on the sides. The footbed is a minor difference, the EPP is a big change.

Agree, sold a pair yesterday to a defenseman who picked the RBK over the CCM's soley because of the EPP.

Over Vectors? The Tacks also have EPP on the sides.

i believe he may have mixed them up by accident?

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Easton has an ad for a Product Manager for Skates, sticks and Protective in a major newspaper this morning...

lol... I just find it funny posting that in a general newspaper.

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Easton has an ad for a Product Manager for Skates, sticks and Protective in a major newspaper this morning...

4 more years and they would have one! damn I wish I was older!

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Easton has an ad for a Product Manager for Skates, sticks and Protective in a major newspaper this morning...

lol... I just find it funny posting that in a general newspaper.

Interesting that they've waited this long. They've known about it for a while.

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Like Chadd says, kids growing out of equipment is a huge part of a LHS' equipment sales.  There are very few full-grown (adult) players who regularly replace their equipment.  I've skated with some guys whose shin pads and pants are as old as I am, but they won't give up their old gear.

Buying habits also come into play here.  Part of it is luck, choosing the popular brands/models, but part is also finding products at a good price (cost) that you can actually sell and make money on.  Not over-buying on the big and small sizes is a plus.

I've thought alot about the sharpening, sticks-and-tape type of shop too, there are a handful of them here in Detroit that have had success.  To me, unless you're a big player or unless you open up a shop in a new market, it doesn't make sense to carry all the latest equipment, or even all the new OPS'.  If it were my little shop, I'd offer sharpening, profiling, and all the service possible on skates; laces, tape, and all other accessories; hockey-related apparel (branded tees and hats, track suits, etc.); equipment sanitizing (SaniSport or Esporta); glove repalming and equipment customization; and one or two stick lines, maybe something like Black Beauty and Christian... something unique that has a story to tell and something that offers customs.  I'd also look at carrying some more major stick brands if I could get an account or find a distributor.  No pants, no gloves, no shins, shoulders, or elbows, probably no bags... keep it simple!

The problem with just sharpening, sticks, and tape in your store is that a lot of folks won't come. They like to see a full store even if they don't plan to buy a helmet or shin, they like to windowshop. It's the same as grocery shopping, most would rather go to the big supermarket with great selection and full shelves, than a "Russian" style market. It's just part of doing business. A Nitch store can work in some cases, but it's rare.

Jimmy, you might be surprised... that kind of store works around here (Detroit). The sharpening is the draw (along with profiling). If you're a reputable sharpener, you can make a go of it on your own, outside of a rink and without the major suppliers. Good sharpenings are fairly tough to come by...

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Okay...made some calls...

adidas is looking to get into the sport.  They are looking at buying either Easton or TPS.

Interesting stuff...

that is interesting, im all about skates with three stripes

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adidas Superstar skates...with a BOA lace system...look ma, no laces!

that would be hideous, the boa wouldnt lok good on them at all!!

adidas would probably make some cool stuff tho

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Okay...made some calls...

adidas is looking to get into the sport.  They are looking at buying either Easton or TPS. 

Interesting stuff...

tps might go out of business

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Okay...made some calls...

adidas is looking to get into the sport.  They are looking at buying either Easton or TPS. 

Interesting stuff...

Ok...is my head spinning fast enough for y'all now? :blink:

What about a revitalization of kanga"ROOS" then our skates can have velcro straps and little pockets on them. :P

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Yeah I hear ya...

Someone gave me a nickname once..."The CIA of the industry." IT's great that I can just give people a call and find out stuff ;)

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Okay...made some calls...

adidas is looking to get into the sport.  They are looking at buying either Easton or TPS. 

Interesting stuff...

tps might go out of business

There's a news flash about TPS. They've been in trouble for quite a while, hence the proposed Graf merger.

When the ad agency I was IT manager for pitched Taylor Made, they said they were looking at getting into hockey. That was in 2000 or 2001.

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i remember back in the day when my bro played for viktor fedorov, sergei and fedor would always talk about adidas hockey, and this little stick company from california called innovative

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Sorry to get on this topic late.

If Inno is being bought, what does that do for other brands who outsource to Inno?

If they stop producing for other brands, and you have to assume they will, BNH and others will have to locate new production facilities. It won't be impossible but you have to wonder if quality will be an issue.

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Okay...made some calls...

adidas is looking to get into the sport. They are looking at buying either Easton or TPS.

Interesting stuff...

Are louisville's TPS (hockey) and TPX (baseball) different companies? If addidas bought TPS, would they also be buying louisville as a whole?

Does anyone think hockey may actually hit a boom period when the NHL comes back? All buisness has up and downs, just some ups are higher and some lows are lower (black tuesday!)...

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Sorry to get on this topic late.

If Inno is being bought, what does that do for other brands who outsource to Inno?

If they stop producing for other brands, and you have to assume they will, BNH and others will have to locate new production facilities. It won't be impossible but you have to wonder if quality will be an issue.

That's kind of what I was getting at. BNH's sticks could be totally different (either in quality or design).

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Sorry to get on this topic late.

If Inno is being bought, what does that do for other brands who outsource to Inno?

If they stop producing for other brands, and you have to assume they will, BNH and others will have to locate new production facilities. It won't be impossible but you have to wonder if quality will be an issue.

That's kind of what I was getting at. BNH's sticks could be totally different (either in quality or design).

That was my first thought and the first question I asked when I heard about it. We'll see what happens.

They could also split the company into 2 different ones. One A Manuf., and the other into warrior

It's not a lock they're going to call it warrior hockey.

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