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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest Stax7

Sport Drinks controversy

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i found accelerade too grainy and I didn't like the taste much and its expensive as well. I found a product called gpush and they had a 4 types of drinks I liked the hydrate one best. They have ceased production since it wasn't economically viable. GPush hydration had the best taste and it didn't make me sick, but now that my supply has run out I started experimenting again. I've since tried the GU20 stuff and its not bad, not as good as the old Gpush stuff but not bad. I sweat a lot, so I just try to keep from dyhydrating I tried the accelerade stuff to see if it would give me an edge and I didn't notice that it did.

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Merged the year old topic B_rad managed to dig up with the discussion from last week.

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PowerAde all the way man. I love the Blackcherry Lime Flavor but its hard to find for some reason. Also the Blue and Green ones are great too.

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Red Xfactor, Cool Blue Gatorade, and Watermelon Gatorade are soooo good. Could just be me but does anybody think Powerade tastes sugary over different brands? Could just be me though.

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