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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What Pants?

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I need to get new pants and the major prority that I need for them is that they have good lower back / tailbone protection. I know it doesn't seem like a major concern but I ve hurt my tailbone many times and its can become a long, naging injury. I know that some Tackla's appear to have good protection. Any have any ideas or expierences? Thanks

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the mission m-1's have great padding for tailbone/lower back. it's thicker and it seems more resilient than all the other pants' padding, i suggest giving them a look

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quest 1's, and mission m-1. the mission's are pretty much all around tank protection

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Don't Fury's have extra padding at the spine?

Yes, but unlike the Mission spine protector it doesn't move with you. It is always straight up, like the old Nikes. The Mission floating spine protector is the best design I've seen and it's remarkably simple as well.

Most top end pants should handle the tailbone protection pretty well. I'd check out a few pair and see what fits you and has the protection that you need.

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the mission m-1's have great padding for tailbone/lower back. it's thicker and it seems more resilient than all the other pants' padding, i suggest giving them a look

Yes, M1's are very good

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