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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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OPS VS. Woody

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Do OPS really give a player that much of an advantage. I have had a synergy, a synthesis, and a stealth grip, and the stealth isnt proving that durable and it is really expensive. I am thinking about buying an easton Z-carbon woody to save some money. What do you guys think??

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Z-carbs aren't that durable. The only + I see for OPS is that they are more consistant, last longer, and are lighter. Wood sticks give just as hard a shot, and are better for recieving passes and stickhandling.

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Do OPS really give a player that much of an advantage. I have had a synergy, a synthesis, and a stealth grip, and the stealth isnt proving that durable and it is really expensive. I am thinking about buying an easton Z-carbon woody to save some money. What do you guys think??

Your entire composite experience has been exclusive only to Easton sticks. Try a TPS or a brand NOT Easton and maybe your mind will change about OPS will change. There's lots of reviews on OPS on this board and the final decision will depend on whichever one you want.

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Yeah I think you should try a TPS stick, not necessarily a OPS though because that way you can still save some 'feel'. I personally have had experiences only with TPS and I like their products! Z-carbs aren't too bad either BUT like Blues_91 said their durablity isnt quite.... up to par

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Get a tapered shaft. You get the performance of a one piece stick but you can replace the blades when they break. If you're breaking shafts due to poor shooting form, get a lesson. If you're breaking shafts due to slashes, there isn't much you can do.

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If you're breaking shafts due to poor shooting form, get a lesson.

Help a brother out, what kind of poor shooting form would lead to broken shafts - putting too much weight on the stick before the release?

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If you're breaking shafts due to poor shooting form, get a lesson.

Help a brother out, what kind of poor shooting form would lead to broken shafts - putting too much weight on the stick before the release?

Yeah, mashing it into the ice will destroy shafts as well as the heel of your blade. I recall one coach who was telling his players to hit the ice a foot before the puck on slappers and then didn't know why his kids broke so many sticks.

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If you're breaking shafts due to poor shooting form, get a lesson.

Help a brother out, what kind of poor shooting form would lead to broken shafts - putting too much weight on the stick before the release?

Yeah, mashing it into the ice will destroy shafts as well as the heel of your blade. I recall one coach who was telling his players to hit the ice a foot before the puck on slappers and then didn't know why his kids broke so many sticks.

how do you tell kids how to shoot slappers? thats how i was taught as well. i used woodies at the time of course, it helps learn how to flex the stick when shooting. snap shots are the same way, you put pressure on the surface behind the puck - then snap thru. i cant shoot the way i was taught with ops's - im afraid to snap them because i put so much torque on it.

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how do you tell kids how to shoot slappers?

As long as you aren't using a stick that's very stiff, a couple inches behind the puck is more than sufficient. A low, sweeping motion is generally more efficient than crushing the stick into the ice, assuming you use a lively shaft.

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how do you tell kids how to shoot slappers?

As long as you aren't using a stick that's very stiff, a couple inches behind the puck is more than sufficient. A low, sweeping motion is generally more efficient than crushing the stick into the ice, assuming you use a lively shaft.

my bad, i thought you were saying not to do that. of course, its bad to mash straight down into the ice instead of the sweeping motion - though mccinnis always had more of a down then thru motion. i always taught kids to "sweep the floor - like a broom" instead of "chopping wood" or "golfing".

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for the first topic i would have to say that ops's are better than wood because they just last longer. If i was a pro and could get unlimited number of sticks i would use woods. But for know i dont have unlimited number of sticks and woods only last me like a good 3-5 games. Another difference is that ops's release a lot quicker.

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I had a Easton Synergy for my 1st ops, I hated it. That was around 2002 maybe. Then this year I picked up a Sherwood Eclipse for really cheap and just loved it. But it broke, so now im back to wood.

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I like OPS and taprerd shafts but I just hate my ST it's my first Synergy and I just don't like it.

All of my friends with ST grip's really don't like them also...

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I like OPS and taprerd shafts but I just hate my ST it's my first Synergy and I just don't like it.

All of my friends with ST grip's really don't like them also...

How could you with that nasty green color. Ew!

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I like OPS and taprerd shafts but I just hate my ST it's my first Synergy and I just don't like it.

All of my friends with ST grip's really don't like them also...

why didnt they like them? and notorious you could always paint it all black if you dont liek the colour.

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I like OPS and taprerd shafts but I just hate my ST it's my first Synergy and I just don't like it.

All of my friends with ST grip's really don't like them also...

why didnt they like them? and notorious you could always paint it all black if you dont liek the colour.

No feel and blade heavy on the ice were the two main reasons. One of them said it kicked in random spots when he took shots too. Sounds like 03 Synergys all over again.

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