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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX - Stealth - SL

In your opinion, which do you think is most durable ?  

76 members have voted

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Im in the market for sticks at the moment and have tried all 3 but would like to see my cash last more than a month.. What do you guys think is most Durable ?

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That's like asking what type of animal feces smells best. The sticks are not designed with durability as the primary goal.

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True, but what im asking is from others experiences with these OPS's, which one have they found to be the most durable, in there own opinions..

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In my experience the SL is the least durable stick I've ever used. I was absolutely disgusted by it.

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If the XXX is durable like the XX was I may steer away, ive got 2 friends who have used the SL for 4 and 3 months respectively, with paint chipping, and significant toe wear, but no breakage, but like chadd said, these arent designed to be durable sticks. Do you buy SUV's based on the gas mileage?

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No, what im getting at is breakage from normal game wear and tear, forget the slashes, sticks getting caught in the boards and paint chipping etc.. personally, i like all 3 of these sticks and these are the 3 ive come down to.

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I've used an SL and a Stealth and they werent imo the best for durability. I havent used a XXX yet but if it held up like my XX then out of those three its obviousally the XXX. Once again, these sticks in the poll are designed for performance.

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If you are concerned about durability, then maybe you should look at the Bauer Endure instead of the other sticks that you have mentioned in your poll.

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id go with the vapour xxx ,it is quite durable ive had more then enough slashes to the middle of the shaft and its fine ,it does chip a bit though. I personally wouldnt get a stealth i know those are very undurable.

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No, what im getting at is breakage from normal game wear and tear, forget the slashes, sticks getting caught in the boards and paint chipping etc.. personally, i like all 3 of these sticks and these are the 3 ive come down to.

The problem is everyone plays at different levels, in different areas, with different shooting techniques. Except for manufacturers defects, Durability can be greatly effected by a ton of factors. Slashes may not break the stick, but weaken it. You can take too much ice when you shoot, have improper form, etc... Because I say the Stealth held up well for me and another stick hasn't doesn't mean you will have the same results. If you've used all 3, use your best judgement and keep in mind what you are trying to buy.

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on a side note i got a super tough grip today from easton. its the modano model too, ive been slashing everyone in my house all day, seems like she'll hold up pretty good

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i have used all three sticks and the Vapor XXX is the most durable forsure, i have broken one but it was just a 2 hander, what stick would stand up to that? i have broken an sl in like 2 weeks, and a stealth in literally 45 minutes

go with the vapor XXX

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i have used all three sticks and the Vapor XXX is the most durable forsure, i have broken one but it was just a 2 hander, what stick would stand up to that? i have broken an sl in like 2 weeks, and a stealth in literally 45 minutes

go with the vapor XXX

IMHO if you're good on sticks and play in a decent league where people arn't hackmasters any of those sticks can live a very long time. My cousin plays in their firefighters league, a mens league, coaches with his kids, and we go to shinny all the time and his last Stealth lasted him like 5 months of 5 times a week.

People who take good care of their sticks can make them last quite a while. I don't know about you guys, but anythign I buy that takes me 25 hours of working to afford, like a Stealth, XXX, etc, I treat like it's made of glass, and stuff lasts a very long time for me.

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Thanks for all the feed back boys, the reason for my question in the begining, even though it may have sounded a bit odd, was to establish all round feedback from all different types of players so that i could hopefully see a pattern emerge on which stick you guys found to be most durable in all types of situations... looks like the XXX come out on top, but still, i know its all down to personal pref, thats why i still plan on using these sticks a few more times before i make my decision.. Cheers

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if you dont get a defect and your not stupid by banging it on the ice you can make a stick last. I also treat my sticks like glass new tape every game, take the tape off right after being on the ice etc.

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Yea, you should look at the endure. If i remember correctly, its made for someone who wants more durability. When the rep came through to show us it, they were smashing it with a 5030 and it was holding up. Kind of interesting sales technique, almost like a tupperware salesman... "Look how strong it is, and it keeps your veggies fresh!"

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Considering each of those sticks have only been available to the public for about 6 months (give or take), I'm not really sure you're going to be able to get any kind of reliable answer. I mean, best case scenario is that you have someone with the same skill, size, strength, and style as yourself who has tried all 3 and managed to break them in some fashion to let you know which has lasted the longest.....

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