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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well, the most popular pattern in the NHL is the Drury (Jokinenish) pattern, so you are bound to come along what you are looking for.

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Well, the most popular pattern in the NHL is the Drury (Jokinenish) pattern, so you are bound to come along what you are looking for.

I know the Drury pattern is the same as the Bauer P91 Kovalchuk pattern but how different is it from the P106 Jokinen?

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the p106 is the drury, not the p91

106 is deeper and more rounded than Drury.

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To my eye, the P91 curves at a similar spot on the heel relative to the Drury and has a similar open loft, but the P91 curve is a little deeper. The P106 is more of a rounded, deeper curve (like Chadd said) relative to the Drury and a little less loft.

The P91 is the closer of the two IMO.

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The p91 is the drury equivalent for bauer. There are no other retail patterns on the market like the p106. The curve starts at the heel and then has a slight hook at the toe.

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Ok thanks.

But I'have an other question :

Which Easton's retail pattern is close to the P 106 Jokinen ?

even though they don't look a like, a lot of people say sakic and jokien feel very simalir

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If you're talking about David Nemirovsky, then ya that's my uncle. He played for Ak Bars and CKA in Russia this year. He hasn't been in Jokerit for a couple years. I made the curve for him last summer. It's just a larger shanny with a rounder toe.

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If you're talking about David Nemirovsky, then ya that's my uncle. He played for Ak Bars and CKA in Russia this year. He hasn't been in Jokerit for a couple years. I made the curve for him last summer. It's just a larger shanny with a rounder toe.

A little off topic, but did he end up getting any icetime for AK Bars?

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I know he was on Morozov's line. I dont know how much ice time he got to be honest, but he did leave and went to CKA.

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I know he was on Morozov's line. I dont know how much ice time he got to be honest, but he did leave and went to CKA.

yeah cause i played summer hockey with him last year, i saw his curve when a guy larry bloch, not sure if u know him david sold him one of his stealths

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