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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How often do you tape your stick?

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I only have access to the Renfrew tape. I use black for blades and white for the top handle grip. Black has rubbed off on my gloves over the years and it's hard to get the stuff off. I find my black tape frays a little better than the white does, doesn't hang off as much when it wears down.

Where do you live?

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Guest phillyfan

Usually a combination of white/yellow or white/green on the handle, and always black tape on the blade.

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I use white on my handle, and mostly black on the blade. Sometimes if I have other colours such as green, red, or yellow, I use those for the blade.

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For inline on Sportcourt, I retape the blade every 2-3 games or when the bottom of the blade starts showing.

I've always used red on the butt-end (it kills my gloves, I know, I know) and white on the blade. No reason, just a dirty 10-yr habit.

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I tape my stick about every ice time and white top and bottom it saves the gloves and I have Eagle x90's so I like to keep the palm in good shaped. I dont want to buy $245 gloves for a while. ;)

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white and white, I use a puck to smooth out the tape on the blade though which marks up the tape alot though...

use the tape, not a puck, the puck will black it all and look bad, if you use the tape roll, it wont leave marks, thats what i do and it works well...

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I tape white on top and black on blade. I retape my blade if it needs it. If it's just for pick up and it's a crappy stick, than I don't care.

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Guest 2048

Every game now that I'm playing center. Faceoffs are brutal on tape.

Edit- White on the end plug and whatever color I have in my bag for the blade.

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Guest Stax7

i use whatever i have. But mostly black on blade becuase i was told by a goalie that sometimes its hard to see the puck with black tape on the bottom

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Guest LEAFS12

I always use black tape, infact that is the only color I use for my Ice hockey sticks.

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well i use a wilson tennis grip on the butt so i never touch that.

blade i re-tape when it gets covered in cat hair from my house.

i use white on the blade. call me silly, but i seem to feel a huge weight difference between white and black. white is so much lighter.

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I only retape the buttend when it get to horrible looking and i retape the blade when the blade face is full of holes i dont retape when it goes through the bottom as i prefer it

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