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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do you look for when buying a stick

What do you look for when buying a stick  

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Pretty much curve first, then flex, weight, brand, cost. I'd never purchase a stick or not purchase a stick because of the way it looked. The reason I look at brand is because if I've had a bad experience with a certain stick, I'm very hesitant to return to that brand. It took the Christmas Toy Drive this year to get me to return to Easton after their poor showing a few years ago.

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I used to be obsessed with weight, however now I find balance to be more important.

I look for that first, then curve/pattern, followed by size and flex.

Then I decide if the price is worth how long I think it'll last for me.

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Also, another thing that I take into consideration is word of mouth. Obviously not from the random store employee, but from the majority of members on here. People on here definitely know their sticks.

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I try to accomodate everything you said, except for looks, brand, and price which arent an issue.

I agree 100%. I would throw LIE into the other category, there's no point in having a stick you can't do anything with. Everything else I hope to see.

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Stiffness-Like shafts real stiff

The feel of the flex-Some shafts have a much stronger recoil than others for whatever reason.

Build quality



Those are my considerations when buying a stick top to bottom.

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the main thing i look for is the flex, and the feel.

If the grip is too grippy I won't like it. The lie is important and the pattern is somethin I like to try and be flexible with but I mostly look for a Pronger/Lecavalier or a Sakic/Naslund type.

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As a poor college student, who doesn't play in very competitive leagues anymore, I look at price first. That doesn't mean I'd use a anything just because it was on sale...I do look at flex and length, but I've never had an OPS. I just buy shafts that are on clearance and throw cheap blades in them with a pattern/lie that I am familiar with. I'm definately not influence by a shiny paint job.

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I used to be obsessed with weight, however now I find balance to be more important.

I look for that first, then curve/pattern, followed by size and flex.

Then I decide if the price is worth how long I think it'll last for me.

Exactly what i would have said..

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I used to be obsessed with weight, however now I find balance to be more important.

I look for that first, then curve/pattern, followed by size and flex.

Then I decide if the price is worth how long I think it'll last for me.

Put me in Neo's boat... B)

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Back in the day of woodies, the first thing I looked at was length (as some wood sticks were dreadfully short). With composites, not as much of a big deal (as you can add a plug).

With composites, it's then pattern, price, flex, and reputation/durability. I could care less about looks and weight. Brand comes into consideration only when the reputation/durability factor.

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it's so hard to know what stick you are going to enjoy playing with when you just flex it in the shop. I usually know what products I want to look at based on input from players who have used the product.

Then I find somthing that fits my needs in these categories.




I thought flexing a stick/shaft you hadn't paid for was a no no. No?

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First I use the Modsquad pattern database to get a short list of blades that I can work with.

Once I have that short list, which esentially tells me lies and curves, I look at flex, balance, then price, and finally the name.


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what i do is wait for MSH guys to dish out the 200$ for the stick first and review it, then i consider lol

i always btw look at easton first as i have been in love with their one pieces since 01, although last yr they almost lost me when i broke more synergies then i ever have before

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