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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Endure OPS

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if you like really tacky grip go for it, it seems like a really good stick, and a guy that is a hockey director at my rink has one and he likes it.

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I got a chance to use my friends for a little while and I must say it wasnt a bad stick. The grip is very nice, like the Inno soft grip :ph34r: but a tad stickier in the gloves. The only thing I didnt like about the stick was the weight, I currently use a TPS Response+ shaft with an Inno blade and it was much lighter but none the less the stick was great. Excellent release and if my Response+ shaft breaks ill most likely consider one of these Endures.

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Ya i have one and it's great the stick is holding up well but the paint scrapes off fairly easily. If you have the chance i'd say scoop it up it's great.

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I happend to get a chance to use one for about 20 mins at a practice a few weeks ago.. very nice grip - as Briggy said, its very similair to the Inno soft grip, and it was extremely well balanced making the sticks true weight very decieving.. It felt a tad heavier than one of my XX's. The blade feels quite nice too, stiff but soft.

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The grip is really thick and heavy. It's nothing like the soft grip on the kovy commander shafts that I've had. I had to get a blade replaced at another shop tonight before my game and I was checking them out. I can honestly say I wouldn't buy one.

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The grip is really thick and heavy. It's nothing like the soft grip on the kovy commander shafts that I've had. I had to get a blade replaced at another shop tonight before my game and I was checking them out. I can honestly say I wouldn't buy one.

just wondering as to why? your opinions. A guy in my beer league, has it and says its a good warmup stick since its so heavy, then switches back to his xx.

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The grip is really thick and heavy. It's nothing like the soft grip on the kovy commander shafts that I've had. I had to get a blade replaced at another shop tonight before my game and I was checking them out. I can honestly say I wouldn't buy one.

just wondering as to why? your opinions. A guy in my beer league, has it and says its a good warmup stick since its so heavy, then switches back to his xx.

Chadd can say otherwise if I'm wrong. But chad has nice palms on his gloves, no need for that much, or really any grip at all, if you've got a nice set of goatskin or some sort of leather palm.

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From the Endures that I have seen I would say that I agree with both comments about the stick seeming to be well balanced and also with it being too sticky/tacky. It almost has too much grip. You need at least some movement. I might pick one up anyways and try it out. If I do then I will post more info.

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The grip is really thick and heavy. It's nothing like the soft grip on the kovy commander shafts that I've had. I had to get a blade replaced at another shop tonight before my game and I was checking them out. I can honestly say I wouldn't buy one.

just wondering as to why? your opinions. A guy in my beer league, has it and says its a good warmup stick since its so heavy, then switches back to his xx.

Chadd can say otherwise if I'm wrong. But chad has nice palms on his gloves, no need for that much, or really any grip at all, if you've got a nice set of goatskin or some sort of leather palm.

I also use some old TPS gloves with nash palms from time to time, but the Heliums are my usual gloves. The grip just feels very thick, I don't know how else to describe it. I also don't think the balance is that great and it's too short for a senior stick.

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We have sold every Endure OPS we ordered out here at our shop in Northern California. Mostly 87 & 102 flex, mostly Pm9. We are getting ready for another batch becuase of the demand. The big selling point was the durability even though most had never tried the stick, just heard the buzz. Most were bought by our lower and mid level adult players, plenty of hackers & slashers in those leagues.

We still sell more XXs, but we are now getting plenty of sells from the XXX & Endure OPS, plus the X & XV shafts. The true test will be when Youth Travel, Tier, & Junior B hockey starts up here at the end of the summer.

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The big selling point was the durability even though most had never tried the stick, just heard the buzz.

That sums up most of the market anymore.

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