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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problem with Pitch blade

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I've been using Pitch holders for about 7 months now, and along the blades of them where the blade touches the ice are a few places where a tiny bit of blade has chipped/flaked off. They're small, but I was wondering if they would affect anything (I don't really notice anything, but I'm afraid I might have just gotten used to it or something). So mainly I'm just wondering if it should be enough cause to buy new holders.

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Yeah, it's pretty strange. I've heard these usually don't chip at all, but it's been far worse than my Tuuks for some reason.

have you fallen into a post at all or had metal on metal contact?

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could be from tiny rocks on the surfaces of benches and dressing rooms when walking to the ice

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estovolo, i know exactly what you are talking about.... ive seen that happen to alot of the steel on the graf colbras. i think that it may have to do with the quality of the steel of the blade... i know that the cobra blades are carbon steel and that its a little softer may have something to do with your problem, but i dont know too much about the pitch holders to be sure.

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The term is "pitting" and I've never seen it on PITCH. PITCH is probably the strongest steel in the biz.

However a lot has to do with the way you store your blades - if you throw them in the soakers right away and don't maintain your blades, it will happen.

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How can throwing the soakers on right away hurt, aren't they suppose to help?


your not letting the skate propely dry out and causing the water to soak into the steel itself causing it too weaken. and over time this can cause the steel to rust and fragment off

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JR- Should "pitting" be enough reason to buy new holders (you can't buy just new blades can you?)? I can't really tell if it's throwing off my skating at all. Again, I'm afraid I may have just gotten used to these things by now.

I do wipe down my blades after I skate to get water and ice off, but I could probably do a better job. It's just weird because I treated my TUUKs the same way, and it never happened on them.

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estovlo, what kind of dressing room floor do you have? whenever i play in arenas where the dressing room floor is some type of hard surface (not rubber), my steelg gets pitted. also, how often do you sharpen your skates and what kind of hollow do you get? i think deeper hollows pit easier than shallow hollows

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I pretty much always dress on those rubber mats. I get my skates sharpened every 5 hours or so of skating. I don't know the hollow but I don't think any of these things should be an issue since I've been doing the same sharpenings for a number of years and this is the first time it's happened.

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How can throwing the soakers on right away hurt, aren't they suppose to help?


your not letting the skate propely dry out and causing the water to soak into the steel itself causing it too weaken. and over time this can cause the steel to rust and fragment off

Soakers are used to suck up the remaining ice you couldn't wipe away, and then the condensation moisture that forms after you leave the cold rink. They should be taken off the skates when you get home. BTW, Steel does not soak up water, it is not porus. Moisture attacks the surface which can create surface rust. Once you get surface rust, that can eat away deeper into the steel. Pitts are generally caused by stepping on little rocks or baning the blades into something. If you have a whole bunch in the same area of at least 1/3 inch, then they can effect skating. But a pit here and there is nothing to worry about.

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JR- Should "pitting" be enough reason to buy new holders (you can't buy just new blades can you?)? I can't really tell if it's throwing off my skating at all. Again, I'm afraid I may have just gotten used to these things by now.

I do wipe down my blades after I skate to get water and ice off, but I could probably do a better job. It's just weird because I treated my TUUKs the same way, and it never happened on them.

You can just buy replacement steel, any Mission dealer can order them. I put my soakers on my skates when I get done skating and take them off the next time I get to the rink and I have yet to have a problem with the Mission steel. I have not done anything over recent months to prolong the life of them in any way and they show no ill effects. Normally I take care of my stuff but lately I've been too busy to spend much time taking care of my gear.

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