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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton, reebok,graf, or kor skate

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Which skate would you rather buy, i am interested because i just got the synergys and after using them for a little bit i found out that i don't like them as much as my grafs. Has anyone tried the kor skates or the 8k, and out of the skates which are the lightest

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someone correct me if im wrong, but arent the Kor skates like the Synergys? Just with the Pitch holder? Don't quote me on that, like i said, correct me if im wrong

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I love Grafs and I would never change!!! But go with what you feel fits your foot the best and also whatever you have been in and you like stay with that...

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
someone correct me if im wrong, but arent the Kor skates like the Synergys? Just with the Pitch holder? Don't quote me on that, like i said, correct me if im wrong

Yes you are wrong. ;)

The Kor skate can be custom molded to your foot, whereas the Easton cannot. I would say that is a significant difference between the two.

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All of those skates you mention fit differently....whatever fits your foot best is the best, is the most comfortable on your foot, and fits your skating style is the right choice. Personally, out of those skates, the Synergy fits my foot best and that is the skate i'd choose. I haven't tried on the Kor skate yet though.

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dumb question: how does one figure out what kind of foot they have? unfortunately, i live in a country where the selection is beyond limited and i cannot try out different brands of skates.

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The Kor skates are a lot different then the synergy skates. the Kor skates are more like the mission S500 where they are a softer boot unlike a lot of the new super light super stiff boots out on the market

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The Kor skates are a lot different then the synergy skates. the Kor skates are more like the mission S500 where they are a softer boot unlike a lot of the new super light super stiff boots out on the market

I was very impressed by how well and quickly they break in

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My grafs are the 705 and i am switching because i am a defensemen and i get hit alot by pucks in my feet, and i feel theat the grafs don't give me the prootection that i need to b e given.

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Which skate would you rather buy, i am interested because i just got the synergys and after using them for a little bit i found out that i don't like them as much as my grafs. Has anyone tried the kor skates or the 8k, and out of the skates which are the lightest

Buy the one that fits you the best..

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lawrence11 I have the same delima as you, I too had Grafs for 6 years but after having a bad experience with some defective skate and refusal from Graf to give me a replacement pair, I have a hard time forking 500$ for a new pair since every pair I see has crooked blades or bad stitching... The G series seem to have a sole problem... Now don't get me wrong, 703's fit my foot the best and those Cobra Blates have the exact feel I want...

I've tried Synergys (Hated them) Mission S500 (Grat skate but too big once heat molded)

Now My delima is either Vector Pros Or Vapor XXX only because thats whats available in my area...

I would tell you to check out the Mission skates because honestly, they feel pretty close to what Graf offers in terms of boot flex and feel... CCM and Bauer don't have the same boot feel...

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Now My delima is either Vector Pros Or Vapor XXX only because thats whats available in my area...

...A few of my buddies who have gone the way of the Vector Pros ended up getting new skates inside three months. The boots did not hold-up well at all. I have heard a few guys say that their XXXs are holding-up much better than the XXs ever did, that they stay way stiffer way longer (which is why I'm really not even considering buying the XXXs anymore). BUT, I have only spoken with a few guys with the skates, so I'd take that with a grain of salt.

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My grafs are the 705 and i am switching because i am a defensemen and i get hit alot by pucks in my feet, and i feel theat the grafs don't give me the prootection that i need to b e given.

why don't you think about some supreme 8090's?

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The Kor skates are a lot different then the synergy skates.  the Kor skates are more like the mission S500 where they are a softer boot unlike a lot of the new super light super stiff boots out on the market

I was very impressed by how well and quickly they break in

Are they pretty stiff? I was looking at the video in their site the other day and it seemed like the guys that were skating in them had little to no forward flex. I hope we get a review of those skates soon because they're pretty interesting!

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The Kor skates are a lot different then the synergy skates.  the Kor skates are more like the mission S500 where they are a softer boot unlike a lot of the new super light super stiff boots out on the market

I was very impressed by how well and quickly they break in

Are they pretty stiff? I was looking at the video in their site the other day and it seemed like the guys that were skating in them had little to no forward flex. I hope we get a review of those skates soon because they're pretty interesting!

They're much like the S500. They seem to offer pretty good forward flex but I can only go by what I've been told as I don't have mine yet. I should be getting mine in the next 2 weeks or so and I'll let everyone know.

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ive had 2 pairs of grafs .i had 502's and they were great ,no problems at all .i have 735's right now and the whole year theyve really hurt my feet and they arent very protective but other then that theyre great ,if you wanna know more i wrote a review on them on this site and so did a few other people.

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