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Jofa Pads

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I decided that I'm going to join an instructional hockey league, and now need to buy some pads. My question is should I go for the Jofa pads? Since RBK is rebranding their pads, I thought this would be the way to go since they are fairly cheap. Haven't really started shopping though. I'm bigger than hell, so bulkiness really isn't a factor. Just your opinions on protection value and value for dollar would be appreciated. I have already compiled a list for pants, helmet, and stick, so I just need shins, sholders, and elbows.

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get the 6500 shins. theyre 19.95 and i think theyre the best feeling shins out there. i have a pair of old school hard cap jofas from when i started playin 6 years ago, and i still love them a lot

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xx90 is a lot of pad. I suggest it if you can get it at a good price, but I'd go down personally - the xx60 gets it done and cheaper (at full price)

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I decided that I'm going to join an instructional hockey league, and now need to buy some pads. My question is should I go for the Jofa pads? Since RBK is rebranding their pads, I thought this would be the way to go since they are fairly cheap. Haven't really started shopping though. I'm bigger than hell, so bulkiness really isn't a factor. Just your opinions on protection value and value for dollar would be appreciated. I have already compiled a list for pants, helmet, and stick, so I just need shins, sholders, and elbows.

The only pads I have that aren't Jofa are my pants, gloves, and helmet. I went with the 9060's in shin pads because that is what they had there in my size at the time, I really wanted the 9090's, but I haven't had any complaints with them. I got the 9800's in shoulder pads, and 9177's in elbow.

You might want to check out PowerplayHockey shop off of Plano and Dallas Pkwy. He just moved to that location and I think his Jofa stuff is still on sale. http://www.powerplayhockeyshop.com/. The owner's name is Mark and he has treated me quite well since I started buying pads.

I decided that since I want to play hockey for fun and I wanted to keep injury to a minimum I spared no expense on my pads. If you can get your hands on a pair of RBK 8k pants I HIGHLY recommend it.

In the end most of your pad selection is gonna be one part fit, and one part protection. I read around on the internet and it seemed that there weren't any complaints about Jofa protection, I then asked around at the hockey shops and decieded to go ahead and go with Jofa.

My helmet I picked up used from a friend, and you've probably already read the story of my pants. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?showtopic=10893 . My gloves were an impulse purchase. I wanted to get Jofa, but I was having problems finding them at any of the local shops, I wanted the 9800's. So when looking around I found a pair of gloves that were burgandy (I really liked the color), I asked about them and found out that they were the same gloves that the owner of the hockey shop played with, so I figured that if they were good enough for him they otta be good enoug for me. I went with Bauer Vapor XX's.

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Bouce- you work every time! Thanks, and good luck in Detroit.

Thanks. THe reason why I say this is because the xx90 is a NHL-level pad - that's what almost everyone uses. I had a pair of 8060s and they served me well for a few years, and then I upgraded to 8090. They were heavier because there was more padding, but just too much for the level I was playing.

RDV had a sick sale on Jofa right before I left. For some reason we could never move the stuff. I think that single strap on the shins did them in. When a company does not change their pad design for many years, it tells you they're doing something right.

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RDV had a sick sale on Jofa right before I left.  For some reason we could never move the stuff.  I think that single strap on the shins did them in.  When a company does not change their pad design for many years, it tells you they're doing something right.

That single strap was a problem for me. My legs were too large for it to fit. I made a new strap that worked for a little while then I just removed it and just worked with tape. It was nice of them NOT to stitch that strap in for me. :D

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The reason why is because the pros would ditch the strap and use tape. Even if you used the strap, you still need to tape up. The new RBK pads have two straps, however, the straps are easily removable if you want to go strapless. I use a 2" shinguard strap then tape.

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Yeah, I've had a pair of 8060s and now 9090s I just got on the cheap. First thing I did with both was ditch the strap

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Second the 6500 for $19.95 from epuck. Best shinguard bar none, however, I have heard that Nike V12 stuff is outstanding as well and is on clearance at evil hockey giant

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About a 2 months ago i purchesed some jofa 7500 shin pads. I honeslty didn't like them i' found them to big and bulky. I think i ordered the wrong size thought, cause i'm 5"6" and i got 15" . So i went back to my old shinpads which were 13".

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I am in the same boat as Drewhunz as I too am going to learn this fine game. And along the same line I have heard nothing but good reviews about Jofa protective. So I have the 9040 shins and 9400 shoulders. Haven't worn them on the ice yet but they seem very comfortable just wearing them in the house. Got a good deal on them as they are last years and with the RBK/Jofa combining for this year. I asked around and the general conseus was to go with the higher end if I could afford it even though it will be a "no check" league - self preservation - if you know what I mean..

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Finally had time to pick up my pads. Shins: Jofa 9060, Shoulder: Jofa 9800, Elbows: 9066, and I just picked up a Carbster from Ebay for 18.00 shipped. Don't know if it will fit, so if it doesn't I will sell it here cheap.

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