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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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t-blade skates!

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i know a few people that have them but they dont play hockey.

i dont think they are proper hockey skates but for $25 you might aswell try it

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can't go wrong even if they don't fit you could sell them on or make a present out of them for someone

Didn't t-blade at first try and make their own skates un-successfully and then get bought by Graf and have deals with CCM on putting t-blades on their vector range?

If this is true there probobly a good buy and cheap because tey dont make them anymore

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At That price im goin back to the t-blades.....i didnt want to because of the cost of a new holder but i guess its just ment to be that i get back in t-blades for that price. nice find......


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Unless you've tried them first, I would avoid T-blades like the plague!

They're noisy, they flex due to excessive torque going into turns, and you have to replace the blades vs. sharpening... just too much hassle.

I have tried them one two occassions to give them a fair shake... the second time just reassured me even more that they are truly horrible.


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I really don't care if you like the TBlades or not. Some like, some hate, doesn't matter. But I am 185 lbs, 6 feet tall and feel NO FLEX at all when turning. I turn and skate pretty hard so I really wonder or am confused about the flexing comment. What am I missing? Can you explain it a little more?

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T-Blade originates from Germany. This skate had been sold there until last year when CCM and Graf became exclusive on skates.

Some people love the blade and others don't. It definatly gives you a consistant blade everytime out. You just need to find the rocker that you like. Tey are available in 3 different Rockers.

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This sellers got 256's and 280's... no 272's = (

:P That's because I bought his last 272 set for $16 after shipping. (holders, stabilizers, and screws)

I just wanted the stabilizers and screws for spares. If someone wants the holders (blue) PM me.

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I really don't care if you like the TBlades or not. Some like, some hate, doesn't matter. But I am 185 lbs, 6 feet tall and feel NO FLEX at all when turning. I turn and skate pretty hard so I really wonder or am confused about the flexing comment. What am I missing? Can you explain it a little more?

Well, I am 217 w/o gear on and when I used them, I felt the things flex like mad on every crossover and sharp turn. I even had the heel of one runner snap on me. Sort of scared me off of them for good...

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the skates are honestly very close to flite skates and if its the older version of t-blade then they are the very flexible version. the new ones are a sitffer holder like the ones you find on the grafs and ccm's. i play with a guy whose atleast 230+ and likes them alot. and hes a fairly hard skater, also elias used to have them on his bauers and hes a pro player mind you he took them off not sure why. but from what i heard he liked them just his team didnt want to pay the bill for the blades.

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I am the biggest fan of TBlades on the planet, but I DOUBT very seriously that Elias wanted to use TBlades but the team wouldn't pay. It's the NHL, he was the only one in the league using them so I know TBlade would have GLADLY sent him 10,000 pairs. So, and I hate to admit it, but he must have just preferred his old blades. Not sure why but if he liked them and they were better for him, he would have kept them. Period. Maybe it's because he grew up on traditional Tuuks, maybe he got a better deal...maybe he's just fickle- heck look at how he changes sticks, blades and curves? But I promise you, it had nothing to do with tight budget of his NHL team.

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also elias used to have them on his bauers and hes a pro player mind you he took them off not sure why. but from what i heard he liked them just his team didnt want to pay the bill for the blades.

Dennis Seidenberg (sp?) of the Philadelphia Phantoms in the AHL has used them ever since he played pro in the US, granted he came from Deutschland, maker of the t'Blades, but I'm guessing he seems to like them

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oh im all for the t-blades i think there a great idea just some people have it in there minds that its not a great system. they say its not that great and most ppl get turned off by the skates i find. like i wore t-blades for awhile but when i had them i wasnt using the hollow i use now. i used there 18 hollow and found it too sharp. but its also all about preference

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