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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are you doing this summer?

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Gotta nice 14.25 an hour 45 hour a week job lined up, other than that playing some rec hockey and taking it easy. Might take some night school classes to get ahead on stats and boring other classes I dont feel like taking in September at U of A.

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Gotta nice 14.25 an hour 45 hour a week job lined up, other than that playing some rec hockey and taking it easy. Might take some night school classes to get ahead on stats and boring other classes I dont feel like taking in September at U of A.

I'm gonna ask...lifeguarding? My sister does it and gets 14.25. Lucky...

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Gotta nice 14.25 an hour 45 hour a week job lined up, other than that playing some rec hockey and taking it easy. Might take some night school classes to get ahead on stats and boring other classes I dont feel like taking in September at U of A.

I'm gonna ask...lifeguarding? My sister does it and gets 14.25. Lucky...

Lifeguarding, lol. I can't even swim!

I'm working in a wearhouse for a power company. It's damned hard work, but the prospect of being able to pay for my entire first year out of pocket is nice.

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im goin to a week long camp by the islanders and soundtigers coaches,prolly golf every weekend,maybe goin to a snowboard camp in oregon.most likely not this year,hang with friends,go to the gym every other day

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ohh i forgot to mention ill be celebrating my 16th b-day on july 16th. only shitty thing is im gonna be away and wont be able to party.

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Work at the sports store, and at a gas station, play some AAA ball. golf a bit, and train all summer for hockey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sleep the frig in!

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im not sure when the sschool years over but im planning on getting a gym membership and adding some muscle mass. if i get some flexability ill be able to develop my lower abs and add a few pounds ,and i have some work to do on my back and arms ,im hoping to hit atleast 190 pounds but im shooting for 200. so ill be doing that all summer ,as well as cardio and such. then im going to okanogan hockey school and then the van. giants rookie camp and then tryouts for rep.

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Let's see here: A few summer jobs (cleaning schools everyday, LL Umpire, working concerts at Six Flags, Darien Lake), baseball, golf, and, above all, hockey. I'll probably be on the ice five or six days a week, and I'll be running and lifting every second I possibly can until dryland starts up; I've got to get a wee bit bigger if I want to play Juniors anytime soon...

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