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First NHL 06 Trailer

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I always find that the espn hockey games(saga) are always kinda cheesy. They don't look as real as EA. but other than game play espn is better ex: create a team, dynasty mode, classic teams etc.

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This game look alot better than 2005. i hope they put create a player back in

I read in an early newspaper preview the other day that the create a player feature will indeed be back, it'll be similar to the one in Tiger Woods (which I haven't tried myself), and it said you can even add little details such as black eyes and scars to your created players. And also, it'll be possible to edit all players that come with the game. At least according to the article.

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This game look alot better than 2005. i hope they put create a player back in

I read in an early newspaper preview the other day that the create a player feature will indeed be back, it'll be similar to the one in Tiger Woods (which I haven't tried myself), and it said you can even add little details such as black eyes and scars to your created players. And also, it'll be possible to edit all players that come with the game. At least according to the article.

it's true, you get to add scars to intimidate the goalies <_<

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In my opinion, it looks absolutely HORRENDOUS!! Almost all of these moves are near impossible in a league like the NHL. Did anyone pay any attention to the defenders or goalies in that video? They look like complete idiots!! Instead of just standing there while the guy moves the puck in 50,000 directions around you, why not just hit the guy?! EA gets more and more unrealistic year after year.

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In my opinion, it looks absolutely HORRENDOUS!! Almost all of these moves are near impossible in a league like the NHL. Did anyone pay any attention to the defenders or goalies in that video? They look like complete idiots!! Instead of just standing there while the guy moves the puck in 50,000 directions around you, why not just hit the guy?! EA gets more and more unrealistic year after year.

Dont agree with you at all.

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In my opinion, it looks absolutely HORRENDOUS!! Almost all of these moves are near impossible in a league like the NHL.

thats not true

a lot of those moves have been done already

i just don't remember seeing any bat-ins recently

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In my opinion, it looks absolutely HORRENDOUS!!  Almost all of these moves are near impossible in a league like the NHL.

thats not true

a lot of those moves have been done already

Yea sure, every once in a while someone busts out a move like these, but how often? I just don't think it would be realistic that you can just do it with the push of a button (or a few buttons, whatever) as many times as you want.

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In my opinion, it looks absolutely HORRENDOUS!!  Almost all of these moves are near impossible in a league like the NHL.

i just don't remember seeing any bat-ins recently

I've seen some bat-ins, but the flip pass over the net?? Come on now. I don't ever remember seeing an NHL player flip the puck over the net and opposing goalie to a teammate on the other side.

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What I see in the vid scares me. I had hoped that after the buggy '05 arcade fiasco, EA would finally go back to a sports simulation for the NHL-series. Well, the clip doesn't show much, but the fact that they only show fancy dekes that are unrealistic for the most part (for NHL play) is proof of EA's false priorities.

Sidenote for the goalies out there: in old videos, EA always showed big saves, too. In this one: nada. All shots are score or rebounds that end in scores.

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my biggest concern with NHL 06 is that I will probably be seeing players like Tie Domi and Jarkko Ruutu pulling off toe drags and between the legs moves. I can only hope that EA makes these do-able based off the skill level of these players in categories such as Deking Ability and Stickhandling. Also they need to fix the issue of players like St. Louis laying out someone Chara.. They said they fixed that with Personality Driven AI in 2005 saying people like Naslund or Sakic wouldn't be powering to the net, they'd deke around the guy.. All I saw was them getting layed out so 06 could be a great game and it might not be. We'll just have to wait and see how each one does

and because 06 is coming out in october, I hope it will be better because last year 2005 came out in September. 2k5 came out in august and the majority of the people likeed that one way better.

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I find that with all the new moves they put in, to make it more realistic it's just going to make it be less realistic cause you will have about 10 jagr dekes and about 3 bat ins per game while you only see moves like that 2 or 3 times a year.

just my too sense

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I would have to say that you guys are living in a fantasy. I mean come on, from their perspective they have to give people what they want...they want to do the cool moves that they see on TV, even if it is only once or twice a year. Remember, the target market isn’t people looking for the ultra realistic hockey experience. (Hence the success of the rock em' sock em' "Hitz" series.) Money decides how the game is played. Judging by the success of the company, they know what they are doing. Maybe you aren’t the target market for this game; it may very well be a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds who imagine themselves as players doing amazing moves. Playing the trap correctly probably isn’t fun for that kid, but scoring goals and doing moves is. If you think they are going to lose the youth fans of the NHL series of games so that it is more realistic then I have a bridge to sell you...

That said, the game looks pretty sweet.

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here's the thing

they add features to make the game better

they over do the features and ends up being too much of one thing making the game crap

Like I said, I hope EA straightens up this year and makes this the comeback year for their NHL 0X series.

Toe Drags sound awesome, the fact you can get injured by a puck is now awesome but it seems like something they will be overdoing but thats just my opinion.. Look at 2005, Hip checks were way tooo abundant

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EA seem to make the better games on even years.I noticed that but it could just be me.

In the 90's my buddy Mike and I used to alternate having great years. He would smoke me in even years and I would kill him in the odd years.

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I just started playing 2004 after installing a huge super pack that replaces all the grpahics with newer and better ones and I'll say right now that that game is better, it's just WAY TOO easy to score on a goalie. I just played 2005 again today and noticed all I could hear was the body contacting the ice the whole game along with the crowd yelling or booing.

I don't know how i was able to play that game

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About 6 videos, one of which is an interview with the producer, David Littman.

Playstation 2 special feature:

You can play NHL 94

I wouldn't mind playing some 94, so I is almost worth buying 06 just for 94.

I am impressed with the equipment in the create a player. Synergy skates, XXX, grafs, etc.

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In the video of Heatley in a one on one with Kipper (I think) there seems to be a few nice adjustments. It seems like backhands are more realistic, and I think I saw a behind the back Michigan move (about 28 seconds in). I'll probably rent both games before I buy. I did it a few years ago, but haven't been happy with either games I've owned lately. 2K3, then 2004 (EA)

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