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Moving to a Whip Stick

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Here's the story, I was shooting around with my friend the other day and he told me that I seem to shoot a lot with my wrists and that a Whippy stick may help me out. I right now use a TPS Responce plus Regular flex but after thinking about it Im going to try out the Whip Flex(I really don't take a lot of slappers anyway)and I have a couple questions.

1. Does the whip flex seem to bend or buckle when receving passes?

2. Does it make a big difference shooting wise?

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I don't know how your experience will be but personally, I tried to play w/ a 65 flex jr. UL shaft after using cut down 100/stiff flexes (which are very inappropriate for my size) and it felt like I was stickhandling w/ a noodle.

Day and night I know.

That was a while ago, now I am toying w/ some int./med. flex woodies.

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i use a response plus and its really good...i think ive got a whip cuz it flexes alot.i love it...best stick i ever used. u can feel the stick flex a little during whild taking a pass but not a whole bit. I wpould recommend the whip its really good especially the resp plus. mines broken but imma buy a new one soon

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I seem to receive passes and stickhandle better with my 100-flex T-Flex than with my 85-Flex T-Flex. But, there are slightly different blades on each of these.

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If you make fast, choppy movements while stickhandling you may feel the flex. If you are smooth, you shouldn't feel anything.

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ive used a whip flex tps for a year now, and the wrist shot is definitely much stronger than that of a 100 flex shaft. Passes are much easier to make with the whippier shaft, and like Chadd said, if you're smooth, it will work out for ya.

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I used to play with 100 flex (Si Core, Stealth and Vapor XX). Now I switched to a 50 flex (trix flex gold 52 Flex, I am 5,6 ft for 136 lb). The first two hours of play was bad, but after a lot of shoutting, I can definitly say that, for me, play with whiped flex is better than with a 100 flex (and I take many slapshots, wrist shots ... and stickhandling).

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i have a whip red lite and i love it for wristers and snap shots but i cant really hanlde it for slappers there not as good. it doesnt bend when reciving a pass but at first i notice the flex when stickhanlding.

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I used to play with 100 flex (Si Core, Stealth and Vapor XX). Now I switched to a 50 flex (trix flex gold 52 Flex, I am 5,6 ft for 136 lb). The first two hours of play was bad, but after a lot of shoutting, I can definitly say that, for me, play with whiped flex is better than with a 100 flex (and I take many slapshots, wrist shots ... and stickhandling).

wow, big switch...seriously. i am 5-4 118 lbs, and I use a 75 flex, I think that's a little whippy for me, but wow 50 flex for a 5-6 fella?!?! :huh:

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Thanks for all the help guys. Im pretty smooth when it comes to stickhandling so hopefully that won't be a problem. Keep the advice coming.

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I absolutely love the tps whip flex ,my slapshot seemed to be stronger and more accurate,with wristers the whip gives your shot extra kick,making your shots harder ,but they might rise faster if you put too much weight on the shaft

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Its personal preference, I went from a 100 flex t-flex to 300 flex inno 1100, couldn't do anything with the inno, just too much flex for me, but I know people who loved whippy sticks after trying them out and moving down from a stiffer stick

My main problem was the stick flexed way too much while I'm shooting, it was hard for me to control where the puck goes....

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Why not something less drastic? An easton 85 is a lot more whippy then a TPS regular imo but not nearly as extreme as a whip.

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I use an XN10 shaft in regular flex and love it. Then I had the chance to pick up an R2 shaft for cheap which is in whip flex. I heard good things about the extra kick from whippy shafts/sticks and wanted to try myself but the TPS whip is definitly to flexy for me and I feel I lose power when following through my shots. Thats on slappers as well as wrister. But thats personal preference I guess....... just my 2 cents :ph34r:

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between my whip redlight shaft and my bauer xv 102 flex shaft i find my wristers have the same velocity just with the added whip its a much quicker release.

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I currently use a redlite xn10 whip flex, and just like someone said earlier, it's a good stick for wrist/snap shots, but for slapshots it's iffy. I shoot harder slapshots with my 85 UL. MY 85 UL feels like a 100 flex for some odd reason.

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out of all the whippy sticks i've used, i still prefere my cyclone, it's a 70 flex, but once i'd used it for about 5 sessions, it was going towards a whip flex by itself, i'm 5'10. 15 and not putting all that much pressure on the stick. Maybe you would benefit from buying a slightly higher flex shaft and let it work to the flex your putting on it by itself?

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Kind of off topic, but is a TPS junior flex about the same as an Easton 50?

nope Tps is like 45 in a easton scale from what i feel

i currently use a redlite xn10 whip flex, and just like someone said earlier, it's a good stick for wrist/snap shots, but for slapshots it's iffy. I shoot harder slapshots with my 85 UL. MY 85 UL feels like a 100 flex for some odd reason.

i agree a 55 UL feels a z bubble int (75)

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