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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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No commercials?!

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Wonder why some of the high end hockey companies besides RBK don't do commercials. IMO it would be really cool to see some nice stick commercials while watching a game. CCM had one once but that is all I can recall seeing? <_<

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Because having the product on an NHLers body is enough advertising for the niche market that is hockey equipment. Theres a much greater market for the new "super duper allen iverson reeboks" hence the need for expanded advertising for products such as basketball shoes, under armour, etc.

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the ones i've seen were

CCM Lecavalier/Thornton icepipe thing

CCM Externo E-60 with Thornton

CCM 1152 Custom Fit Tacks w/ Mark Recchi

Nike: Breakaway - Naslund Kovalchuk

Goalie Save - Naslund Kovalchuk

Replay - Naslund Kovalchuk

RBK, Itech's Ad for the I2 cage, and this doesn't really count but several Source for Sports ones

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The old Nike commericals were the best.  I wish I could find them somewhere.

Are you talking about the unemployed goalie ones? If so, I totally agree as those commercials were a hoot. Did you know that in Toronto, they actually had people dress up as goalies panhandling to support the campaign. Too funny!


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The hockey industry is much different than most other industries. Somebody will not just go out and buy skates/sticks because they saw them on TV, but people will buy shoes when they see them on TV.

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The old Nike commericals were the best. I wish I could find them somewhere.

you can but you have to contact Nike and ask them to send you a tape of all of their commercials for which ever sport you want it from for i think $5

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mission had an ad for one of their promos during the quebec peewee international tourny

When we played that tourney 2 years ago, my team had to wear the Nike Appolo lids. Might have been the most hideous things ever. They had Nike ads all over the rooms and at the skills competition guys were given Nike stuff.

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Wonder why some of the high end hockey companies besides RBK don't do commercials. IMO it would be really cool to see some nice stick commercials while watching a game. CCM had one once but that is all I can recall seeing? <_<

I thought RBK has a commercial where they say 'The switch is on' or something? I remember seeing players like Modano, Pronger, Amonte, Luongo and more. They have the commercial playing on their website.


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Wonder why some of the high end hockey companies besides RBK don't do commercials. IMO it would be really cool to see some nice stick commercials while watching a game. CCM had one once but that is all I can recall seeing? <_<

I thought RBK has a commercial where they say 'The switch is on' or something? I remember seeing players like Modano, Pronger, Amonte, Luongo and more. They have the commercial playing on their website.


every other commercial during the NCAA playoffs was a RBK one, it had Modano, Burgeron, etc, along with all the goalies.

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I think the reason, at least in USA, is that they understand where their bread is buttered. When it comes to TV what is the key group watching? Mostly people that are already in the game. But those folks probably already know what they like.

Advertising is about getting people who are "on the fence" into your camp. And in hockey that's the young one's or more precisely their parents with the check books.

If you were the president of "Ultima Hockey" would you spend $500,000 on a 30 second ad during the NHL finals or on 500 shops' point of sale displays pushing your product?

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