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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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13, but i'm not a dipper, just tried it a few times...

13?? i see a lot lot of my high school peers dip, it isnt a good habit to pick up at that age

Did you miss the part where I said I'm not a dipper?


i meant even if your buddies are doing it thats a young age, i realize that u tried it and didnt like it,

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13, but i'm not a dipper, just tried it a few times...

13?? i see a lot lot of my high school peers dip, it isnt a good habit to pick up at that age

Did you miss the part where I said I'm not a dipper?


i meaNT even if your peers are dipping that it isnt a good thing to do, 13 is a bad age to start that, i mean thats like in middle school...

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I know 7th graders that do it regularly here.

wow, here in kntucky their is a lot of tobacco grown and sold. i am amazed that in some places 7th graders dip.here in ky its mostly adults....maybe its just not a fad here because its the city. its probably like that in the farm towns or the hick towns.

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Pavel Kubina? Since he was 6.

I was skating with one of his teammates and he told me that.

How crazy is that?

thats nasty, im suprised he hasnt gotten cancer and lost half of his face!!

lol--jr u have 6666 posts....not a good number

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Pavel Kubina? Since he was 6.

I was skating with one of his teammates and he told me that.

How crazy is that?

yeah , i'd love to see his gumline, if its still there

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13, but i'm not a dipper, just tried it a few times...

13?? i see a lot lot of my high school peers dip, it isnt a good habit to pick up at that age

Did you miss the part where I said I'm not a dipper?



Spaz, quit with the caps.

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13, but i'm not a dipper, just tried it a few times...

13?? i see a lot lot of my high school peers dip, it isnt a good habit to pick up at that age

Did you miss the part where I said I'm not a dipper?


i meant even if your buddies are doing it thats a young age, i realize that u tried it and didnt like it,

No he quit because on his second dip he threw up. Haha

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13, but i'm not a dipper, just tried it a few times...

13?? i see a lot lot of my high school peers dip, it isnt a good habit to pick up at that age

Did you miss the part where I said I'm not a dipper?


i meant even if your buddies are doing it thats a young age, i realize that u tried it and didnt like it,

No he quit because on his second dip he threw up. Haha

I really wanted to throw up my first time. Vanilla is just wrong.

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I threw up my third time. 6 Irish Carbombs and then some Wintergreen...ugh.

I dipped Vanilla once. Was so disgusted I threw it away. I do know a girl who dips Vanilla...LOL

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13, but i'm not a dipper, just tried it a few times...

13?? i see a lot lot of my high school peers dip, it isnt a good habit to pick up at that age

Did you miss the part where I said I'm not a dipper?


i meant even if your buddies are doing it thats a young age, i realize that u tried it and didnt like it,

No he quit because on his second dip he threw up. Haha

4th time

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I used to do it. My first was Vanilla as well. Had a good buzz goin then I just started burning up and felt sick but I did not throw up. I only dipped for about 2 months.

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i know most us prob put a lip in before the game in the locker room, but do any of you guys do it during a game? ive always wondered if anybody has.  I only know one guy that did it back when i played in a summer roller hockey tournament. So do any of you guys do it?

I grew up in Ohio and started dipping in 7th grade (12 or 13yo). I dipped for about 10 years until I moved to Delaware. Since it wasn't that accepted here I moved to smokes; besides they taste way better with a beer and even better "after". ;)

Now I'm back to my good ol' Skoal Original Fine Cut. Trying to quit smoking. I know its stupid to replace one addiction with another, but I gotta try something.

As for using during a game/practice I did once in 8th grade during football practice and nearly hurled. I wouldn't think of doing it now.

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We did it in practice a few times, I got hit once and it made a huge mess all over my mouth so stopped doing that. If you want a real buzz Redman/Nicorette. For for about 30 minutes because your so hyped up but then after that you want to sleep.

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drinking, and chewing is the worse. haha. i think the first 10 times i did so. i threw up. bah, the drunkeness, and the buzz ruin you.

anyone ever do upper lip and bottom?

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drinking, and chewing is the worse. haha. i think the first 10 times i did so. i threw up. bah, the drunkeness, and the buzz ruin you.

anyone ever do upper lip and bottom?

This guy on my team goes Upper, Sides, Lower. Hes also the biggest dirtbag Ive ever played with

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I have done a horseshoe on the bottom and top with Cope Black...

I decided to name it "Around the World."

I think I used at least 3/4 of the tin, if not more.

Kept it in for 1 hr. 30 mins., too...

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