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Looking for thoughts on gloves

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Gents (and ladies as well).

After having been on the sidelines for a number of years due to injuries, surgery, etc, I'm ready to get back in the saddle this fall. While some of my equipment is still good, I'm in dire need of some new gloves. My old Easton GX9500's in the incredibly cool looking white with black are officially done. To that end, I've got a short list of gloves I'm looking at to replace them. And before anyone mentions looking at other threads, I think I've read every one that deals with gloves.

On the lower cost but not lower quality end of things, I'm looking at Oakleys and Mission M1's, both of which are on sale at one of the online retailers. I've read good things about both of them, and the Missions in particular seem to have been popular with pros.

On the higher cost end of things, I'm looking at some custom Sandes or the oddly-named (and only recently discovered) Made In Americas. Sande is located about 25 miles east of where I am. I like the thought of being able to get what I want. Problem is, I'm not sure what I really need.

For further clarification purposes, I'm old and I play defence. I've got big mitts. Palms generally don't last that long with me, I guess because I sweat like a fiend and I'm not a finesse kind of guy. I've had my current ones replaced three times. I'm used to tight-fitting gloves because of the Eastons, but I'm not too wild about them. I'd rather have something looser fitting.

If you're in my boat, what do you do? Any suggestions are appreciated.

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bauer vapour line is tight fitting ,i think the 20 has a longer lasting palm

eagles fit looser ,their palms last pretty long

graf 600's fit nice and the 2nd layer of the palms lasts pretty long

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Well looking at your post I say that custom Eagle X71 gloves. This model has a one inch extension on the cuff. On these gloves you should have poly inserts all through the glove and the Goatskin palm to solve you palm problems. Now if you have longer fingers you can add an extra 1/2 inch or 1 inch if need be. I know Eagle gloves where not on your post bt Eagle gloves are great and well worth the money.

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what drew me to eagles 5yrs ago was how little break in time they required. have had very good luck with my x51s. if i had to replace them today i would look at the ccm652s, as i don't have alot of money to spend on hockey gear.

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If you have big hands, I would stay away from most of the Eagles. None of them fit me properly and my hands aren't that big. I had the same issue with Sande gloves but at least you have the option of driving over and trying some of the gloves on and basing any special options on actually trying the gloves. Gary is a good guy and I'm sure he would be happy to help you out.

M1s are nice but I found the fingers to be a little on the short side for me. Obviously this is a preference issue. The Oakleys are strange enough that you really should try them on before you buy them. You will either love them or hate them, there is very little middle ground with them.

Jason is right about the funk free, very good stuff. I also like the Salming gloves that he sent me to test and the 15s are huge, maybe the largest gloves I've ever worn. Tight in the fingers and very loose around the wrist.

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I'd only recomend eagles if you can find a pair from 4 years ago (the ones that said xfactor not XP) or customs. The newer stock x70s are the worst feeling gloves IMO, yet my x70s from 5 years ago were butter from the day I bought them.

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I'd only recomend eagles if you can find a pair from 4 years ago (the ones that said xfactor not XP) or customs. The newer stock x70s are the worst feeling gloves IMO, yet my x70s from 5 years ago were butter from the day I bought them.

what makes them feel different? are you sure its not the palms?

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I have to jump in on this one.  Bacteria causes smells in hockey equipment, not salt.  Sweat is "food" for bacteria and also creates the correct damp conditions for colonies to multiply. 

Most of the sprays are bacteriacides and that's why they work well at keeping odors down.  I'm sure FUnk Free is a bacteriacide with a nice smelling fragrance added.

Whoops, JR was quick in moving Funk Free to its own thread!

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Jimmy, I disagree:

"How does Funk Free work?

Funk Free breaks down the odor and replaces it with fragrance. "


Sweat contains salt (NaCl). Because funk free breaks down the odor, it leads me to beleive that the citrus evnes the pH.


DO you notice the conjugation of acid at the end of bacteracide? Acid, yes, it is what levels the pH in your "funk."

Citric acid alsao gives the smell imo.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Gents (and ladies as well).

After having been on the sidelines for a number of years due to injuries, surgery, etc, I'm ready to get back in the saddle this fall. While some of my equipment is still good, I'm in dire need of some new gloves. My old Easton GX9500's in the incredibly cool looking white with black are officially done. To that end, I've got a short list of gloves I'm looking at to replace them. And before anyone mentions looking at other threads, I think I've read every one that deals with gloves.

On the lower cost but not lower quality end of things, I'm looking at Oakleys and Mission M1's, both of which are on sale at one of the online retailers. I've read good things about both of them, and the Missions in particular seem to have been popular with pros.

On the higher cost end of things, I'm looking at some custom Sandes or the oddly-named (and only recently discovered) Made In Americas. Sande is located about 25 miles east of where I am. I like the thought of being able to get what I want. Problem is, I'm not sure what I really need.

For further clarification purposes, I'm old and I play defence. I've got big mitts. Palms generally don't last that long with me, I guess because I sweat like a fiend and I'm not a finesse kind of guy. I've had my current ones replaced three times. I'm used to tight-fitting gloves because of the Eastons, but I'm not too wild about them. I'd rather have something looser fitting.

If you're in my boat, what do you do? Any suggestions are appreciated.

Eagle L30's. All cowhide outer with cowhide palm. The weight of the glove is going to be close to that of GX9500s. The palm is outstanding and they are 15".

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Thank you for the input. It is appreciated.

I have never tried on the Oakleys or even seen them in person. Thanks for the heads-up Chadd.

I'm a bit confused about Eagles. Some of you say they fit small and I don't want anything like that. However, are the L30's sized like gloves of old, that is, a bit larger and looser?

I would have probably included the Salmings on the original list but I'm more of a traditionalist in terms of appearance. That's why the MIA's hold some appeal as well.

If I do go the custom route, which are the must have options in regards to foam, plastic and palms?

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Eagle L30's are about as traditional as it gets for glove appearance. I know of 4 people with them for over a year, and none of them have had crusting problems.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
The L30s are a nice glove, but I thought they were a little on the heavy side.

No heavier than GX9500s and real leather!

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man..i found an old pair of CCM HG1's I had back in the late 80's when the folks were cleaning stuff out before the move and couldn't believe how heavy they were!!..never mind that they were a looong 15" to boot..and it was the pro glove to have...my gloves nowadays, even when i had sentry's..had to be half their weight at least...

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Jimmy, I disagree:

"How does Funk Free work?

Funk Free breaks down the odor and replaces it with fragrance. "


Sweat contains salt (NaCl). Because funk free breaks down the odor, it leads me to beleive that the citrus evnes the pH.


DO you notice the conjugation of acid at the end of bacteracide? Acid, yes, it is what levels the pH in your "funk."

Citric acid alsao gives the smell imo.

uh... this is comepletely wrong. sweat is acidic, and NaCl isn't a base....

the "cide" (not acid...) at the end of bacteriacide implies that it kills bacteria, not that there is bacteria acid.... i don't know where you're getting your information but it's pretty much all wrong.

EDIT : sorry, sent this before reading the actual thread about funk free <_<

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The L30s are a nice glove, but I thought they were a little on the heavy side.

No heavier than GX9500s and real leather!

Once again guys, I appreciate the thoughts. A quick editorial if you'll indulge me.

If there were scouts in the stands and I was a finesse player, I may think about getting lighter equipment. As it is, I'm 22 years past my draft year (that makes me...figure it out). I'm also a defenceman in the Scott Stevens mold. Thus, a couple of points:

- a few ounces isn't going to make a bit of difference. In fact, as a Clydesdale, more is better

- I'm an old timer now. That means I can't even hit anymore, eliminating my Scott Stevens-like presence

- I've got big hands. I never said anything about them being talented

- if I get the newest, lightest skate, it isn't going to turn me into Pavel Bure pre-knee injuries. If I'm lucky, they'd make me as fast a 50 year old Harold Snepsts.

Don't put too much stock into the newest and lightest. It may make a difference for the more elite players but I truly doubt it's going to bump anyone up a step skill-wise. That's not to say you won't notice the weight difference.

Having said that, have some of you younger folk ever tried on a pair of all leather gloves? Yes, they weigh a bit more. But, the feel. The smell. The comfort. Ah, the memories...

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The L30s are a nice glove, but I thought they were a little on the heavy side.

No heavier than GX9500s and real leather!

Once again guys, I appreciate the thoughts. A quick editorial if you'll indulge me.

If there were scouts in the stands and I was a finesse player, I may think about getting lighter equipment. As it is, I'm 22 years past my draft year (that makes me...figure it out). I'm also a defenceman in the Scott Stevens mold. Thus, a couple of points:

- a few ounces isn't going to make a bit of difference. In fact, as a Clydesdale, more is better

- I'm an old timer now. That means I can't even hit anymore, eliminating my Scott Stevens-like presence

- I've got big hands. I never said anything about them being talented

- if I get the newest, lightest skate, it isn't going to turn me into Pavel Bure pre-knee injuries. If I'm lucky, they'd make me as fast a 50 year old Harold Snepsts.

Don't put too much stock into the newest and lightest. It may make a difference for the more elite players but I truly doubt it's going to bump anyone up a step skill-wise. That's not to say you won't notice the weight difference.

Having said that, have some of you younger folk ever tried on a pair of all leather gloves? Yes, they weigh a bit more. But, the feel. The smell. The comfort. Ah, the memories...

Actually, Gameface, as one who also is about 22 years pass the draft, the main reason I'd lean toward the newer gloves is they're more supple. Many of these gloves use a synthetic leather that doesn't dry out like real leather, so they don't become as crinkly.

The lower weight is nice, but it's the mobility that's far better than older gloves, regardless of your puck handling skills.


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does anyone have any opinions on TPS gloves? my Bauer Impact 500 gloves just broke so i need a new pair. there are some HGT and Response gloves at good prices on ebay. how does the fit compare to Bauer and what are the differences between the HGT and the Response?

thanks in advance

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