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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Poutine is awesome. It's usually the only thing I eat when I eat at school. The Burger king poutine is different, but good.

They also have Mcdonalds poutine, but for some reason that doesnt sound too appetizing.

I used to think poutine was disgusting, but this year something drove me to try it and I must say that it is pretty good.

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Guest 2048
Believe me mcdonalds poutine is absolutely disgusting.

You can say that for anything from that place. McDonalds is just vile.

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Believe me mcdonalds poutine is absolutely disgusting.

You can say that for anything from that place. McDonalds is just vile.

I third that :lol:

JR: The McRib is awesome, i guess we both got a thing for sweet meat. :D

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LOL...only problem with the McRib is that not all the McDs have it. You have to venture out to the...urban areas to find it.

If you want some real ribs you gotta come down South or KC/St. Louis.

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Fries w/ cheese and brown gravy...pretty good

An American thing. Been around for god knows how long. Damn Canuks leeching off our ideas!

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Poutine is awesome. Theres a little fish and chips store near my house the makes great poutine. It's gravy and motzerrlia (sp?) cheese. Very fatining.

Mozzarella :). I make fresh Mozzaerlla, much better than the processed cheese in stores. Most Italian Delis make it fresh (its in water), so much better

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I like gravy fries. Never tried it with cheese though. In fact, I haven't had an open face turkey sandwich and gravy fries in a while. Reminds me of college.

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Anyone have any good recipes? You all have got me destined to try it, and God knows I won't be able to find it within a thousand miles of here.

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Yeah, its cocoa powder. I'm sure you can get it with cinnamon, but they are known for chili with cocoa powder. Nasty stuff.

Another "city" food to stay away from is St. Louis style pizza. Instead of mozerela cheese they use provel, which is a processed fake version of provelone. I'll always remember the day I moved to STL and mistakingly ordered a St. Louis style pizze from Imo's. blech!

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LOL...only problem with the McRib is that not all the McDs have it.  You have to venture out to the...urban areas to find it.

If you want some real ribs you gotta come down South or KC/St. Louis.

Yeah, I like the McRib too. Although one time I ordered one and instead of pickles and onions which is the standard, they put cheese on it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either.

As for ribs, we've got some really good babyback and St. Louis style rib places up here. Nothing better than on a sunday in the fall to order a rack of ribs and watch a football game. We also have rib fest which has about 15 places from all over the country come and sell ribs for a competition, and of course with lots of blues music. Good times indeed.

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Anyone have any good recipes? You all have got me destined to try it, and God knows I won't be able to find it within a thousand miles of here.

Just go to your grocery store, buy some fresh cheese curds and some gravy. Make some fries, put the cheese on, then pour the gravy over.

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Make fries, make gravy, get cheese curds and graded mozzarella cheese. Pour gravy on fries, put cheeses on gravy, heat in microwave or oven untill cheese starts to melt. Eat. There ya go, easy and tasty. Oh ya and BTW it is Canadian, you think Americans came up with the name "poutine", it's french.

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