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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Ipod colors would you get!?

Which colors would you get for a 5G Ipod  

31 members have voted

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I really don't know which one to take...First i was going to buy a photo it was clear(there only the white one)

But now they make the white one and the U2 with color screen at about the same price!!!

Help me out please lol!!

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Althought I voted U2 already, I would like to change my mind. Get a mini and save yourself some money. There are several more and better colours to choose from too.

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i don't really like U2...i'm more hip hop...but the colors is still not bad!!!

and i already saved my money...to get a 30gb photo...but when i heard rumors about new ipod coming soon...i waited!!

And 4gb to me isnt really big...because i would use my ipod as a external hard drive!!!and i really whant this color screen!!!:P

Anyways thanks guys voting and Keep voting!!! lol!:P

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Yeah Apple totally rearranged their iPod line. The regular iPods have color screens now as well as the U2 iPod. They come in 20 and 60 GB and the U2 in 20 GB also. And now the iPods have the click wheel like whats on the iPod mini's. They claim that the battery life is longer too. But, the best part about this is the price, only $299 U.S. for the 20 GB and $399 U.S. and the U2 $329 U.S. Personally I would go for the U2.

100th post :P

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I'd get the U2 if it wasnt a U2 model, if that makes any sense. I dont like all the signitures and stuff but the colour is sick. I would go with the original. I like the white on the front and mirror on the back.

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Originally I wanted to also get the Ipod photo one, but then I thought of how pointless that is to store photos on an Ipod! I just dont understand the use in that. So I decided to get an Ipod mini since I dont think i really need 15,000 songs on my Ipod.

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Doesn't the U2 one come with a free album or something of U2 that you can get from iTunes. If you don't like U2 it doesn't make sense to get that if its more money. Where I live the U2 iPod is still $429 and the original is $379.

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Doesn't the U2 one come with a free album or something of U2 that you can get from iTunes.  If you don't like U2 it doesn't make sense to get that if its more money.  Where I live the U2 iPod is still $429 and the original is $379.


$50 for a U2 album and a coloured case now thats value people!!!!!!!!

Well you have to decide if you can live without $50 or that U2 coloured ipod

the choice is your's ;)

[Edit]All this post was performed in an over the top sarcastic voice!

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came out in the Singapore newspapers today that they are going to drop the prices for the ipod by about 10%... seems that apple is coming out with a new range... maybe you wanna wait till then, maybe out 3rd quarter...

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well i'm sick of waiting now...

and as for the U2 i don't care about the brand beside maybe 5 good song(that i like!)

I was just wondering for the colors!!

And i don't care about the photo display, but i do whant a color screen badly!! and with the new ipod...they came with this feature...it still a plus..that doesn't cost a penny!

and when your talking about something that cost 400CND is not a 30$ more or less that will make a difference!!!

Anywayz, i think i will go for the U2 just to be a bit difference than all other ipod!

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I really don't know which one to take...First i was going to buy a photo it was clear(there only the white one)

But now they make the white one and the U2 with color screen at about the same price!!!

Help me out please lol!!

If you need help deciding your iPod color, I'd hate to see what happens when something very serious comes up....

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I have to agree with that. I'm guessing some peoples' parents still have to lay out their clothes for them at night.

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