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Playing "Canadian"

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I was checking out a pickup game and talking to some guys about sticks and one guy mentioned that even though he was right handed he played with a "left handed" stick. The idea was that you tend to have a "strong" hand and that in America you are taught to play "strong hand low" for power, but in Canada you're taught to play "strong hand high" since in game situations you have one hand on the stick alot for checking and such.

Is this true?

Is there any value in learning both?


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I was checking out a pickup game and talking to some guys about sticks and one guy mentioned that even though he was right handed he played with a "left handed" stick. The idea was that you tend to have a "strong" hand and that in America you are taught to play "strong hand low" for power, but in Canada you're taught to play "strong hand high" since in game situations you have one hand on the stick alot for checking and such.

Is this true?

Is there any value in learning both?


Learning both would be hard because you'd basically have to be ambedextrious( cant spell) so it would be akward.

I'm right handed but I shoot lefty. WHen I started playing, I tried RH but that didn't work too well obviously.

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I would say there is value in trying both, to see what works best for you. Since most Americans play baseball or golf long before they play hockey they are already predisposed to handling their stick one way or another.

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In Canada its generally the opposite of Chadds idea. Learn it one way, then play baseball and golf the other way. I don't remember teaching or being taught "Dominant hand on top" I think I started with a straight stick and just went with it. Either that or I was using one of my dads.

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I also learned with a straight stick, and then just chose to go left handed. Now when I'm shoveling the driveway, or playing pool, my left hand is always on top.

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I'm left handed and grew up playing baseball left handed, golf right handed and hockey right handed... I can only play baseball switch without looking like I'm having a seziure.

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I'm the only one of my hockey friends who I've golfed with that plays hockey with one hand and golfs with the other. My dad bought me my first hockey stick and specifically got me a LH, and he also bought me my first golf clubs that were RH. He did it because thats how he does it. If I ever swing LH golf clubs, the motion feels really smooth and I think I could change fairly quickly. But there is no way in hell I could ever play hockey RH.

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Ya I've seen guys who are right handed try to learn how to shoot lefthanded so they can have their stronger hand on top. Which I guess is debatable wheither its right or wrong. Myself I bat lefthanded, golf lefthanded, shoot lefthanded and write righthanded.

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I was born to be a righty. Shoot RH, Golf RH, Bat RH, Write RH, basically my write hand is my power hand. I catch with my LH, but I can catch with my RH aswell. I found that for hockey, this might just be me, that I like having the stronger hand low for "mentally" more power on the shot. And the weaker hand up top, I've actually found that (if this makes sense), my left hand is quicker, so its good (cuz I play D) because I can give a feel good poke check with it.

Thats my system

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My hand that is more coordinated is on top. The right hand. I do everything RH except play hockey.

Same,exact thing with me JR,I do everything righty except hockey. Ive played street hockey righty before and I had a powerful shot but it didnt feel comfortable or right at all, and plus I have no accuracy shooting righty.

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baseballs weird for me because i bet both ways and i cant figure out which way to bat half the time ,at one point i could bat better on one side. im kinda weird ,i switch hit in baseball ,shoot left in hockey ,im right handed ,i golf left but put right

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i play baseball righty, golf righty, shoot righty, write righty

everythingo for me is righty. im from canada, my dad is the same way so perhaps i copied him growing up?

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shoot RH, bat RH, Golf RH, write RH, throw with my RH. i started playing with a straight stick when i started. ive tryed shooting left i just cant do it.

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I don't think it is a matter of right way vs wrong way. You either learn to be more coordinated or more powerful with your "off" hand.

Like you want but you need to control your stick with your top hand not your lower hand so it's why the most coordinated hand should be on top.

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i do everything right handed. When i started, my first stick was one of my friend's sticks who was right handed, so i just figured that was the right way. I can't do anything but catch a baseball with my left hand/arm. My right is FAR more dominant.

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Hell, look at the NHL.

Like JR said, the most coordinate should be on the top. You don't want to have your lower hand controlling your stick.

That's the funny thing for me. I am slightly RH dominant in most things but after playing guitar since I was 10 or so, my left hand is very dexterous. I get the best of both.

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