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Equipment for 7 yr old

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My 7yr old son son just started beginner program with Rental Gear and I want to get him his own. We ordered CCM Vector 4 skates but nothing else. I have heard that Easton is very good protective gear for the money (Synthesis or Synergy 300). I also am being steered toward ITECH 1505 or JOFA H395 helmet. Any suggestions from experience at there regarding Pads or helmet ? Also, is there a big difference in pants ?

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If its at all possible, have your kid try on some of the gear and see what he likes and dislikes. Comfort is very important, obviously. When I was starting out, my shin pads were very uncomfortable, so many times I just "forgot" to wear them. You'll want your kid to get good protection, but also for him to be comfortable in what he is wearing so he doesn't hate wearing it.

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As a parent of an 8yr old, I would recomend buying a good helmet & cage. Bauer 5000 is a good one as it adjusts as his head grows. Pants do not need to be the top of the line as they will probably have too much padding and your son will not be able to move around in them. Also 7yrs olds can not check yet (legally). Easton makes a nice pants as does Tackla for kids. Try the equipment on as much as possible before buying it. Some youth programs have used equipment sales at the beginning of the season - you can sometimes get great deals on equipment used only one season as kids out grow their old equipment. I hope that helps.

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What is the worst thing for a kid is to have too long skates, or a too long stick. Buy him a pair each year if he needs it, it will cost you more money but your son will have more fun while he is on the ice, and make sure is stick is not too long too.

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My 7yr old son son just started beginner program with Rental Gear and I want to get him his own. We ordered CCM Vector 4 skates but nothing else. I have heard that Easton is very good protective gear for the money (Synthesis or Synergy 300). I also am being steered toward ITECH 1505 or JOFA H395 helmet. Any suggestions from experience at there regarding Pads or helmet ? Also, is there a big difference in pants ?

I'd say that there are other companies with better "bang for the buck" pads than Easton. Mission has a very good pant for cheap, and Bauer and DR have very good pads. Sorry, not a big fan of Easton protective.

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if you have a local shop, it would be best to go there and have him try on a couple different things and have him decide what is most comfortable. DR and Jofa(rbk) have good pads for young kids.

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if you have a local shop, it would be best to go there and have him try on a couple different things and have him decide what is most comfortable. DR and Jofa(rbk) have good pads for young kids.

And Jofa is the best protective stuff on the market (or just about the best) and you wont have to break the bank....

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I'd say go mainly with comfortable low priced items of protection as at 7years i doubt he could get much out of Nike v14 body armour or things at the higher end of hockey products and next season it won't even fit him so then there'd be $75+ each of protection not being used IMO plus there is no contact in his league im assuming

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for shoulder pads I would go mid or low level Itech, they are the most comfortable and mobile pads ive ever worn.For elbows get nice mobile soft caps. And for shin pads Bauer were my favorite growing up,they are nice and mobile also.

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i'd recommend just going out and getting used equipment for him, minus helmet, as he'll be having growth spurts throughout the next couple years, and you'll probably have to buy new sets of gear for him every year, which can take a toll on your wallet

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just make sure you do go out of his way to make sure he's happy with what he has. I know small things bothered me when I was a kid, like elbow pads slipping and stuff, along with the elastic wearing out on some of my stuff. When you're looking at shoulder pads, you might want to give him some good protection on the front and back to make him more confident going into the corners.

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well there is an obvious bias towards the child in this thread, and you should by no means buy everything your son asks, but rather make comprimises. make sure his requests are reasonable, and not just because those skates are shinnier... often kids sacrifice fit or protection for looks or trends. but as a 7 year old, i doubt he will have too much opinion yet, so just watch out for little signs that he shows that may indicate he needs certain things in his equipment

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My boy is 8 and has played for 4 years. Here is what I have found. Go top of the line (or close to) for skates and helmet. Everything else you can bargain shop as long as it fits correctly. There is really no need to overkill the protection aspect until he is a Peewee (ie. checking).

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If he is just starting a beginner program he will grow out of the gear before he has any need for even mid-line protective. I would hit your local pro shop and get a youth starter packages for $200 or so. If you already have the skates, you will save even more.

The Itech 1505 is a nice helmet, adjustable and more than adequate padding. Personally I think Easton protective is a bad investment. It's either too bulky or ineffective.

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