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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vespa sports drink

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some of my friends used to take it before the second of a back to back tournament or playoff game. i remember they would plug their noses and try to just chug it down...isn't it supposed to temporarily stop your muscles from aching and feeling sore? i've never tried it myself

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I have used it on several occasions usually for tournaments like echi24 said. I only noticed it the first time I used it and like after the 1st period I wasnt huffing and puffing and I could skate longer and take longer shifts without feeeling exhausted. so I guess it worked btu after that first time it like didnt work or my body got used to it and stuff.

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I've tried Vespa. I like it (not the taste), my legs don't seem to get tired as quickly when I use it. Vespa is supposed to help your muscles recover more quickly and reduce fatigue. I've also had some people tell me they didn't think it worked. In all honesty, it might aid you a little bit, but unless you're in top shape, it might not do much. Other factors may have a bigger impact--what you ate and drank that day, if you were up running around before you skated, etc.

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I'm a well feuled and conditioned athlete, I like to drink gatorade all the time on game days, and have 2-3 gu packets before and during the game, then one after for recovery. I like the stuff a lot, and usually just think of how great I feel when everyone else is crapping out.

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I have done a little researching into this stuff, and I can say that taste and apparent performance wise, it is hard to beat gatorade endurance formula. If you have some back to back games, you can pop a half measure of unflavored whey protein into the gatorade to help with recovery between games. That way you do not have to endure the bad tast of accelerade or others!

If only someone came up with a GOOD TASTING 4:1 carb/protein mix drink with electrolytes, they would make a killing!

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yeah i tried it one game, and i noticed a little improvement in stamina, i wasn't as tired by the end, and had a little extra fuel to finish the game. i'd probably use it more if it wasn't so expensive.

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Hmmm. I played 3 years varsity lacrosse back in the day and the only thing we ever did for a boost was put crystal light in our mouth guards. For the short time you are out on the ice for a game, conditioning and good nutrition is the best way to go. That and a ice cold bottle of water on the bench.

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Hmmm. I played 3 years varsity lacrosse back in the day and the only thing we ever did for a boost was put crystal light in our mouth guards. For the short time you are out on the ice for a game, conditioning and good nutrition is the best way to go. That and a ice cold bottle of water on the bench.

Haha, must try that sometime. I've never tried Vespa but i have heard of it before. So i dont know much about it. Im taking it to be something like Redbull? Caffene and Sugar and Water?

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Vespa works for me. Legs get less fatigued. I really notice it now when I don't take it. My energy level is not as high without it.

It's made from wasp or bee venom.

Too bad it's so expensive.

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its made outta wasp extract. its supposed to kill lactic acid. if you guys dont know what that is ,open and close your hand really fast alot and youll start to feal that you cant do it anymore ,thats lactic acid.

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i haven't tried this vespa drink out, but while in the city a week or so ago with a buddy, we stopped in at a health store so my friend could pick up some protein powder. anyways, he asked for a red bull too, and the guy at the counter suggested something else, a drink called liquid speed, that's supposed to be four times stronger than red bull. you're only supposed to drink half the bottle, and needless to say, we split one on the way to the rink and were absolutely wired. this was around 7'ish, and afterwards at around 10-11 that night on the way home, we were still wired! the stuff was crazy.

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I didnt think you could get a drink that was more powerful than redbull. That cant be healthy.

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