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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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as a parent i agree with SalmimgUSA. you have to realize that parents are not your enemy in this. sometimes kids may think they are ready for more responsiblity when in reality they are not.

another way of looking at it is: when other kids get in a ton of trouble later in the nite and your home safe with no fear of the law, or any other trouble that kids find.

besides what is there that you do after your cerfew that you can't do before?

HockeyMidget, did you say that you are 15? look at it this way you'll be going to college in a few years. your parents are prepareing you for that. because they won't be there to guide you. i wish my dad had been stricter with me on my cerfew. flunked out of college in 1 semester. had to much fun drinking and partying. skipped class alot.

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another thing lying = BAD IDEA! trust me i know first hand. about a month ago i went to my friends house then we where going to a party. i didnt tell my parents that i was going to the party fearing they would say you cant go. so we went to the party first thing i know the cops are at the door and i got split up from the friend i went to the party with and i just went to another friends house.

After about an hour there i was still really drunk so i walked some girls home then met up with some more firends that where camping out in the woods andt hey said why dont you come back with us so i did. after about an hour in the woods they convinced me to call home and said me and one of my buddys was staying at so and so's house. i did made a bunch of bs up then my mom was like really? becuase your father just seem your buddy biking home.

long story short she knew i was lying and i ended up telling her the whole story the next day. i didnt get in any trouble and they where glad i came clean with them. so dont lie trust is everything. i lost some trust and it kinda sucks.

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prove to them you're responsible enough to the point where you don't need one. I'm 17 and can stay out for 5 days if I really wanted to because my parents trust me.

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HockeyMidget, did you say that you are 15? look at it this way you'll be going to college in a few years. your parents are prepareing you for that. because they won't be there to guide you. i wish my dad had been stricter with me on my cerfew. flunked out of college in 1 semester. had to much fun drinking and partying. skipped class alot.

That's the thing. My parents are strict...but a little too strict. Like Salming and I said, they are overprotective mostly. My 12 year old sister came walking in the door at 10:42 exactly tonight, and I don't believe it, she got a later curfew than me and I am a lot more active with my friends and stuff than she is. They think my sister is Missy Goodie Goodie, cuz she gets mostly straight A's, and for me, I get C's and D's (algebra killed me), and B's...then never yell at her to study, yet she never does. They always yell at me...but studying doesn't help for me. I study? I fail, horribly (46 on a Midterm)...I don't study? I do good (96 on midterm)...I just wish my parents trusted me more...then I could most likely have a later curfew...my parents aren't preparing me for college, they tell me I'm paying my own way through college. Wanna know how much is in my bank account? 500 dollars (US)...I have to buy my own car, pay for insurance, and pay for college. They want me to get a job but like I said, not many people think I am 15, I look about 10-12.......I may wait another year, keep working with my dad, and then apply for a job at my LHS...hopefully my knowledge from MSH will get me it. Then I can win most of my parent's trust back. Oh yeah, and doing good in school would help too..

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your parents ARE preparing you for life. paying for college, car, car insurance ect are exapmles of that. do you have a cell phone if you do who pays the bill? will your parents pay for your sister's car when she turns 16? what about her college?

i know how you feel. my sister got EVERYTHING she wanted from my mom. still does to this day. when i wanted something i was told we don't have the money for it, ten mins later my sister got something she wanted. as a result i don't talk to my mom very much. my son who is 19months wont let her hold him. best tthing that happenedto me was when my mom kicked me out and sent me to live with my dad.

you realy need to express your feelings to your parents respectfully.

you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family

i truly don't wish divorce on anyone. don't let your feelings determine how you interact with your sister. try to make the best of a bad situation. IT will get better trust me.

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your parents ARE preparing you for life. paying for college, car, car insurance ect are exapmles of that. do you have a cell phone if you do who pays the bill? will your parents pay for your sister's car when she turns 16? what about her college?

my sister has a phone and shes 12, i got mine on my 15th birthday...my sister rarely uses hers...and my parents arent paying for college, a car, insurance,...i have to...but they do pay the phone bill thankfully

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An 11:30 curfew compared to 12:00 isn't that much different. Where are you going to be hanging out at that time anyway? Just 'sleepover' at someone's house.

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Your parents are probably just looking out for whats in your best interest. Young men can wind up in a lot of trouble without parental guidance. I got myself into a lot of trouble when I was 16, and it would have never happened if I had a curfew. Also, you might find that your sister will get a similar or even stricter curfew when she gets a little older and boys are calling. Some parents are stricter with girls because of things like date rape, pregnancies, and such.

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I havnt had a cerfew since grade 8, i can come home whenever I want and they dont ask where I was or what I was doing. I forgot to let anyone know that I was sleeping out at the beach at my girlfriends house overnight and I didnt even get in trouble, only "how were the fireworks?" haha, i love my parents. The way i got it to be like this was trust, they realized the can trust me cuse I never got in trouble and when I had cerfews I was home in time.

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Just let your parents know how you feel. and if it gets much worse, just stay out late and have a good time. sure there will be punishment, but at least youll have one night where you had the time of your life. thats how i see it.

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didn't the great Will Smit honce say "parent just don't understand"?

don't know what else to say. one day when you have a teenager you'll be in this position. and you'll think back t ohow it was when you were that age.

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An 11:30 curfew compared to 12:00 isn't that much different. Where are you going to be hanging out at that time anyway? Just 'sleepover' at someone's house.

It is though, I am in the town over, so I have to leave 15-30 mins before I'm supposed to be home, because I'm walking. And I wouldn't end up 'sleeping over' someone's house, so when I go home and my parents see me in the morning or something there's really nothing I can do

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im 13 and i have not curfew. I would suggest not complaining and following your curfew. Maybe after a while your parents will make it later.

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That's the thing. My parents are strict...but a little too strict. Like Salming and I said, they are overprotective mostly. My 12 year old sister came walking in the door at 10:42 exactly tonight, and I don't believe it, she got a later curfew than me and I am a lot more active with my friends and stuff than she is. They think my sister is Missy Goodie Goodie, cuz she gets mostly straight A's, and for me, I get C's and D's (algebra killed me), and B's...then never yell at her to study, yet she never does. They always yell at me...but studying doesn't help for me. I study? I fail, horribly (46 on a Midterm)...I don't study? I do good (96 on midterm)...I just wish my parents trusted me more...then I could most likely have a later curfew...my parents aren't preparing me for college, they tell me I'm paying my own way through college. Wanna know how much is in my bank account? 500 dollars (US)...I have to buy my own car, pay for insurance, and pay for college. They want me to get a job but like I said, not many people think I am 15, I look about 10-12.......I may wait another year, keep working with my dad, and then apply for a job at my LHS...hopefully my knowledge from MSH will get me it. Then I can win most of my parent's trust back. Oh yeah, and doing good in school would help too..

With younger siblings, my parents have always been more flexible with them, it's just a normal thing. As with you, I was 14 when I got my first cell phone, my brother just turned 13, and got one 2 months ago. Not just the parents, but things like that will gradually change as time goes on. Example, I heard two kids at the WaWa the other day, maybe 10 years old talking about things I didn't hear or understand until I became a teenager. My nieces are another example, they are 3 and 6 years old, and already talking about their "boyfriends."

With grades, it was opposite with my brother and I, I always ended up getting the better grades, and more slack when it came to HW and studying, where my brother had stricter guidelines and rules. With help, he was able to rebound a bit, and as he got older and more mature, the trust was built.(Grades were probably a factor in cell phone)

I can see right from this, "my parents aren't preparing me for college, they tell me I'm paying my own way through college. Wanna know how much is in my bank account? 500 dollars (US)...I have to buy my own car, pay for insurance, and pay for college, " that you have quite a bit of room to learn, mature, and earn respect and trust from your parents. That isn't a wrong outlook, but not an outlook from someone who wants to earn trust from parents. Like someone said, your parents are preparing you for life, as they should be. You having $500 in the bank is good, you've started to save, possibly for an investment somewhere down the line. It also shows that you won't be a spoiled fool who is dependent on everyone else when you are 30 because everything you wanted or needed was instantly there for you. I'd say the majority of us had to pay for our own cars, insurance, and find ways to get through college.

Before trust can be established, there has to be respect. And with respect, you have to give it to get it, just like anything else. So you must realize what your parents are trying to do, and show you understand it. With my parents, sitting down and talking about it wouldn't result in me getting what I wanted a half hour later, things like that take time. Now with your parents, you may be able to get the extension if you are careful with your words, and are able to show your understanding, and if so, go for it. Otherwise, be patient, and allow your actions to speak for you.

I'm done, God, I feel like my Priest at private school giving advice... :blink:

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That's the thing. My parents are strict...but a little too strict. Like Salming and I said, they are overprotective mostly. My 12 year old sister came walking in the door at 10:42 exactly tonight, and I don't believe it, she got a later curfew than me and I am a lot more active with my friends and stuff than she is. They think my sister is Missy Goodie Goodie, cuz she gets mostly straight A's, and for me, I get C's and D's (algebra killed me), and B's...then never yell at her to study, yet she never does. They always yell at me...but studying doesn't help for me. I study? I fail, horribly (46 on a Midterm)...I don't study? I do good (96 on midterm)...I just wish my parents trusted me more...then I could most likely have a later curfew...my parents aren't preparing me for college, they tell me I'm paying my own way through college. Wanna know how much is in my bank account? 500 dollars (US)...I have to buy my own car, pay for insurance, and pay for college. They want me to get a job but like I said, not many people think I am 15, I look about 10-12.......I may wait another year, keep working with my dad, and then apply for a job at my LHS...hopefully my knowledge from MSH will get me it. Then I can win most of my parent's trust back. Oh yeah, and doing good in school would help too..

With younger siblings, my parents have always been more flexible with them, it's just a normal thing. As with you, I was 14 when I got my first cell phone, my brother just turned 13, and got one 2 months ago. Not just the parents, but things like that will gradually change as time goes on. Example, I heard two kids at the WaWa the other day, maybe 10 years old talking about things I didn't hear or understand until I became a teenager. My nieces are another example, they are 3 and 6 years old, and already talking about their "boyfriends."

With grades, it was opposite with my brother and I, I always ended up getting the better grades, and more slack when it came to HW and studying, where my brother had stricter guidelines and rules. With help, he was able to rebound a bit, and as he got older and more mature, the trust was built.(Grades were probably a factor in cell phone)

I can see right from this, "my parents aren't preparing me for college, they tell me I'm paying my own way through college. Wanna know how much is in my bank account? 500 dollars (US)...I have to buy my own car, pay for insurance, and pay for college, " that you have quite a bit of room to learn, mature, and earn respect and trust from your parents. That isn't a wrong outlook, but not an outlook from someone who wants to earn trust from parents. Like someone said, your parents are preparing you for life, as they should be. You having $500 in the bank is good, you've started to save, possibly for an investment somewhere down the line. It also shows that you won't be a spoiled fool who is dependent on everyone else when you are 30 because everything you wanted or needed was instantly there for you. I'd say the majority of us had to pay for our own cars, insurance, and find ways to get through college.

Before trust can be established, there has to be respect. And with respect, you have to give it to get it, just like anything else. So you must realize what your parents are trying to do, and show you understand it. With my parents, sitting down and talking about it wouldn't result in me getting what I wanted a half hour later, things like that take time. Now with your parents, you may be able to get the extension if you are careful with your words, and are able to show your understanding, and if so, go for it. Otherwise, be patient, and allow your actions to speak for you.

I'm done, God, I feel like my Priest at private school giving advice... :blink:

Don't worry about it...good advice...thanks

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Does your dad pay you when you work with him?

Getting a job would be a good idea but most places don't hire you until you're 16 unless you want to caddyat a nearby golf course.

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Dude I have the same problem as you. My parents are always saying things like "look at what happnened on the news a 15 yr old got jumped"or something like that. My parents think I'm the type to act tough and cocky, when really they haven't even seen me with my friends. And my "curfew" is really weird. I can hangout for like 5 hours max on days, so basically if I go out at 1 p.m I have to be home by 6 p.m, and if I go out at 7 p.m I have to be home at 12 p.m....weird eh?

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Does your dad pay you when you work with him?

Getting a job would be a good idea but most places don't hire you until you're 16 unless you want to caddyat a nearby golf course.

Yes he does...and pretty well too for what I do

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