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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Easton stick?

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What's "affordable" then? I'd bet most hockey players would say that $200+ USD for a stick that will barely last a month isn't "affordable".


I understand what you're saying. I was just trying to make a point that the manufacturers themselves would like the prices to be lower -- while maintaining durability.

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easton is selling a stick called comp777 in sweeden. it is not aviable here in the states. i saw it on a sweedish web site.

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easton is selling a stick called comp777 in sweeden. it is not aviable here in the states. i saw it on a sweedish web site.

Someone posted a link or an image of it a month or so ago.

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Once again, the shaft has to BREAK. You cannot have an unbreakable stick then go into the boards stick-first and have the stick survive.

Not only that but why have an unbreakable stick? Company's would take a huge downfall. They'd patent it, sell it and then everyone would have an "unbreakable" stick and no one would need to buy more sticks. I'm not saying companies make sticks to break on purpose (even though it may seem that way) I'm just saying it'd be a really stupid idea to put yourself out of the business.

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What's "affordable" then?  I'd bet most hockey players would say that $200+ USD for a stick that will barely last a month isn't "affordable".


I understand what you're saying. I was just trying to make a point that the manufacturers themselves would like the prices to be lower -- while maintaining durability.

I'd just be curious to know how much they'd cost to manufacture, let alone retail for. Then again, its all a moot point, because like everyone has mentioned, its much better that they break.

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Easton Comp 777

Behold, the Easton Comp 777.

It looks very similarly styled like "The One" but with different colours.

Also, check out the accessories on that Swedish site. Aluminium butt ends for shafts!

They also had some other unique products like the CCM V90 "Chameleon"

CCM V90 Chameleon

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wholesale cost on some products is hilarious in relation to retail price.

Especially compared to other retail stores.

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Yeah, but i personally like the color of the Chameleon.

Well.. i guess everyone but me hates it (like the octane color)

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Yeah, but i personally like the color of the Chameleon.

Well.. i guess everyone but me hates it (like the octane color)

I like the colour of the V90 Chameleon. It's a nice, dark understated colour that isn't too distracting unlike the colour of the Easton Octane which is loud, garrish and distracting.

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Only new Easton Sticks i've seen around are the Synergy ST and ST Grip (green one) Synergy SL. Those are new for '05

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