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CCM v130c shaft

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Anybody out there use an '05 model v130c shaft?

How does it play? Does it last? And will the 24" extra-long taper really add to a "regular" 11-inch taper?

Finally, how much does the thing weigh, at the risk of sounding like a lightness freak...


OK, I am a lightness freak.

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I don't think it's been released yet, and if it has, I don't think there has been enough time to have a justifiable review on it. The CCM website doesn't have the weight so I don't know on that one. The 24" taper will make it slightly whipper than before, it will also add to the kick of the shaft, but overall it's personal preferance on how you like longer or shorter tapers. The shaft is itsefl tapered only accepting short hosel blades but you probably already knew that.

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right..i dont think many people have used it, if at all...if its anything like the v130 OPS of last year it wont sell well

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It starts selling pretty well over here regarding it is a tapered shaft which are generally not so popular (due to the lack of shops having tapered blades) in Europe. A friend of mine bought one about a months ago and I briefly tested it during a practice session. It is not the lightest shaft, I´d say about the same as an Ultra Lite somewhere around or rather slightly above 300g. I don´t know about it´s durability but 3 guys on my team including me use the 05 OPS and they are holding up well for almost 2 months now. Flex wise I´d say it´s a little flexier than the OPS. I use the regular flex (40 kp) on my OPS and it felt identical to the stiff flex (45 kp) that my teammate´s got on his shaft.

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I had the v130 shaft briefly during the end of the hockey season in March, and was very surprised at how whippy it was for a regular flex considering i've used many regular flex vectors. Other than getting used to the flex which turned out to be pretty nice, the shaft is a tank. Because the season was over shortly after i purchased it I asked my buddy to break it to take advantage of the warranty and it seriously took him a solid twenty minutes to break it, the stick just came back for more and he's not a light kid ( about 215 pounds). I just recently received my warranty replacement for next season use and am very excited to use it.

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I had the v130 shaft briefly during the end of the hockey season in March, and was very surprised at how whippy it was for a regular flex considering i've used many regular flex vectors. Other than getting used to the flex which turned out to be pretty nice, the shaft is a tank. Because the season was over shortly after i purchased it I asked my buddy to break it to take advantage of the warranty and it seriously took him a solid twenty minutes to break it, the stick just came back for more and he's not a light kid ( about 215 pounds). I just recently received my warranty replacement for next season use and am very excited to use it.

You suck. I really hope somebody from CCM reads your post. Its people like you who are going to ruin the system, ass.

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I had the v130 shaft briefly during the end of the hockey season in March, and was very surprised at how whippy it was for a regular flex considering i've used many regular flex vectors. Other than getting used to the flex which turned out to be pretty nice, the shaft is a tank. Because the season was over shortly after i purchased it I asked my buddy to break it to take advantage of the warranty and it seriously took him a solid twenty minutes to break it, the stick just came back for more and he's not a light kid ( about 215 pounds). I just recently received my warranty replacement for next season use and am very excited to use it.

You suck. I really hope somebody from CCM reads your post. Its people like you who are going to ruin the system, ass.

Agreed, there was no reason to break a perfectly good shaft just because you think it's no good at the end of the season?! hope it snaps on you

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I had the v130 shaft briefly during the end of the hockey season in March, and was very surprised at how whippy it was for a regular flex considering i've used many regular flex vectors. Other than getting used to the flex which turned out to be pretty nice, the shaft is a tank. Because the season was over shortly after i purchased it I asked my buddy to break it to take advantage of the warranty and it seriously took him a solid twenty minutes to break it, the stick just came back for more and he's not a light kid ( about 215 pounds). I just recently received my warranty replacement for next season use and am very excited to use it.

You suck. I really hope somebody from CCM reads your post. Its people like you who are going to ruin the system, ass.

Don't sugar coat it Kosy. Seriously, I agree with you.

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I had the v130 shaft briefly during the end of the hockey season in March, and was very surprised at how whippy it was for a regular flex considering i've used many regular flex vectors. Other than getting used to the flex which turned out to be pretty nice, the shaft is a tank. Because the season was over shortly after i purchased it I asked my buddy to break it to take advantage of the warranty and it seriously took him a solid twenty minutes to break it, the stick just came back for more and he's not a light kid ( about 215 pounds). I just recently received my warranty replacement for next season use and am very excited to use it.

And that is part of the reason why sticks cost as much as they do. Thanks for contributing.

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I had the v130 shaft briefly during the end of the hockey season in March, and was very surprised at how whippy it was for a regular flex considering i've used many regular flex vectors. Other than getting used to the flex which turned out to be pretty nice, the shaft is a tank. Because the season was over shortly after i purchased it I asked my buddy to break it to take advantage of the warranty and it seriously took him a solid twenty minutes to break it, the stick just came back for more and he's not a light kid ( about 215 pounds). I just recently received my warranty replacement for next season use and am very excited to use it.

You suck. I really hope somebody from CCM reads your post. Its people like you who are going to ruin the system, ass.

Don't sugar coat it Kosy. Seriously, I agree with you.

Its almost like he is proud of it, like he has found a way to outsmart the system.

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Every time I cut down an ops, I take the leftover piece and attack it with a hammer, kinda my unscientific way of testing strength and durability. Most ops give after 2 to 4 good wacks, but I found the 130 to be very good, just like it's older brothers the 110/120, up to 10 hits or more before it goes. It's definately not a weak shaft, unlike the SL for example.

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I had the v130 shaft briefly during the end of the hockey season in March, and was very surprised at how whippy it was for a regular flex considering i've used many regular flex vectors. Other than getting used to the flex which turned out to be pretty nice, the shaft is a tank. Because the season was over shortly after i purchased it I asked my buddy to break it to take advantage of the warranty and it seriously took him a solid twenty minutes to break it, the stick just came back for more and he's not a light kid ( about 215 pounds). I just recently received my warranty replacement for next season use and am very excited to use it.

Why bother going through the trouble if you hadn't even used it that much to begin with?

Thanks for increasing the price of sticks for all of us.

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Every time I cut down an ops, I take the leftover piece and attack it with a hammer, kinda my unscientific way of testing strength and durability. Most ops give after 2 to 4 good wacks, but I found the 130 to be very good, just like it's older brothers the 110/120, up to 10 hits or more before it goes. It's definately not a weak shaft, unlike the SL for example.

Funny you mention that, i do that everytime i cut down an ops or shaft, i also found the V110 to be very good as was the old ultra lite shaft.

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K whoa calm down all of you. You guys are getting a tad bit intense over this. I purchased this stick about 2 weeks to the end of the season, and during the season went through at least a grand worth of sticks. I figured since i wasn't playing competitive hockey for another 3-4 months, why keep the stick and slowly hack away at it through summer leagues and what not, and have to buy a brand new one at the season's start. Im not trying to glorify anything and am not trying "beat the system" like some of you said. I know i should have kept my mouth closed about this, but saying that it's people like me who make these sticks so damn expensive. Please guys.

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K whoa calm down all of you. You guys are getting a tad bit intense over this. I purchased this stick about 2 weeks to the end of the season, and during the season went through at least a grand worth of sticks. I figured since i wasn't playing competitive hockey for another 3-4 months, why keep the stick and slowly hack away at it through summer leagues and what not, and have to buy a brand new one at the season's start. Im not trying to glorify anything and am not trying "beat the system" like some of you said. I know i should have kept my mouth closed about this, but saying that it's people like me who make these sticks so damn expensive. Please guys.

Listen here, stick warranties cover manufacturing defects not intentional breakage.

What you did, by having a friend break the shaft so you could get a "warranty replacement", was commit fraud.

And, yes, fraud in warranty replacements is one of the reasons why composite sticks cost so much.

The money to cover the replacement sticks has to come from somewhere and the companies recoup it by raising prices.

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K whoa calm down all of you. You guys are getting a tad bit intense over this. I purchased this stick about 2 weeks to the end of the season, and during the season went through at least a grand worth of sticks.  I figured since i wasn't playing competitive hockey for another 3-4 months, why keep the stick and slowly hack away at it through summer leagues and what not, and have to buy a brand new one at the season's start. Im not trying to glorify anything and am not trying "beat the system" like some of you said. I know i should have kept my mouth closed about this, but saying that it's people like me who make these sticks so damn expensive. Please guys.

Intense? Sorry if we all think committing fraud is a pretty big deal. I wouldn't be so pissed off at kids like you except that you being an ass drives up the price of my sticks. Plus, kids like you will also be the death of the warranty on sticks. Companies don't have to offer warranties, its an added bonus. But because you are greedy and want more from a perfectly good stick that obviously had no manufacturing defects, we all will eventually get screwed. I hope you know that members from every major hockey company frequent this board, and by reading this, it might make them less inclined to be so nice as to offer warranties.

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You know why there are warranties Kosydar? not because its an "added bonus," its because if there weren't, nobody would buy a damn 300$ stick that's why. Without the warranties, these companies would make jack squat off of these sticks, cuz i along with many people would sure as hell not buy them without the warranty. Don't go attacking me and accusing me of committing fraud, give me a break. Do you really think a rep. from CCM will see this thread and immediately think to himself " Geez i never knew this could happen, let's raise all the prices of our sticks and take away the warranties." Be real man, and calm down.

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You know why there are warranties Kosydar? not because its an "added bonus," its because if there weren't, nobody would buy a damn 300$ stick that's why. Without the warranties, these companies would make jack squat off of these sticks, cuz i along with many people would sure as hell not buy them without the warranty. Don't go attacking me and accusing me of committing fraud, give me a break. Do you really think a rep. from CCM will see this thread and immediately think to himself " Geez i never knew this could happen, let's raise all the prices of our sticks and take away the warranties." Be real man, and calm down.

you are commiting fraud. i dont buy a stick because i know if i break it i will get a replacment, and most likely the stick will happen to break a week or two after the warrentee is up.

oh and FYI a CCM rep is a member on this board ;)

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You know why there are warranties Kosydar? not because its an "added bonus," its because if there weren't, nobody would buy a damn 300$ stick that's why. Without the warranties, these companies would make jack squat off of these sticks, cuz i along with many people would sure as hell not buy them without the warranty. Don't go attacking me and accusing me of committing fraud, give me a break. Do you really think a rep. from CCM will see this thread and immediately think to himself " Geez i never knew this could happen, let's raise all the prices of our sticks and take away the warranties." Be real man, and calm down.

People will buy sticks with or without warranties. If there were not warranties on sticks, there is a very good chance that the prices would be lowered. The companies don't make money on warranty sticks. In fact, I remember a rep posting on here something like out of every 100 sticks produced, 50 go towards warranty replacements. My numbers might be off, but I'm sure someone can back me up. I'm not accusing you of anything, you simply admitted you committed fraud. And I really do think that companies will get fed up with this type of bullshit you're trying to pull and will eventually quit having warranties. Grow up.

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v130 shafts have been around my lhs for awhile now. They sell for about 189.99 CDN. The v130 blade is about 129.99 CDN here aswell. I dont know of anyone who has used it.

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Beans that great! :lol:. Why didn't you use the stick in the first place. You contradicted yourself by saying the stick would be hacked and no good through 3 months and yet you also said that the stick was "hard to break". Next time use a hack saw if you want to kill a stick, instead of ruining the system that everyone else uses fairly.

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You know why there are warranties Kosydar? not because its an "added bonus,"  its because if there weren't, nobody would buy a damn 300$ stick that's why. Without the warranties, these companies would make jack squat off of these sticks, cuz i along with many people would sure as hell not buy them without the warranty. Don't go attacking me and accusing me of committing fraud, give me a break. Do you really think a rep. from CCM will see this thread and immediately think to himself " Geez i never knew this could happen, let's raise all the prices of our sticks and take away the warranties." Be real man, and calm down.

People will buy sticks with or without warranties. If there were not warranties on sticks, there is a very good chance that the prices would be lowered. The companies don't make money on warranty sticks. In fact, I remember a rep posting on here something like out of every 100 sticks produced, 50 go towards warranty replacements. My numbers might be off, but I'm sure someone can back me up. I'm not accusing you of anything, you simply admitted you committed fraud. And I really do think that companies will get fed up with this type of bullshit you're trying to pull and will eventually quit having warranties. Grow up.

Thats why they sell Pro-Stock or Pro Returns because they sell like $50 cheaper than the actual thing. Minus the warranty.

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