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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well, we were discussing our hockey-related pet-peeves in the other section, so I figured I'd ask you all what pisses you off when you're not on the ice...

I hate it when yardage markers are off (talking about golf, here). It's not bad if you can eyeball the course and get a read on the distance, but sometimes it's difficult to nail it down visually, and it is then that I really wish I could trust that the red marker 10 yards ahead is an accurate 100 yards from the center of the green, not 90.

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Damn, I was just about to start this topic too.

I hate people with one tail light burnt out.

I hate ignorant people.

I hate stupid people.

I'll think of more when other people post.

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Where do I begin...


Junk Mail

Mosquito Bites


Spoiled kids

yellow snow


slow drivers

People who say something, then swear they didn't say that 2 days later

People who can't flush a toilet in a public bathroom

Smelly People

Gum Snappers

Gum chewers who chew with their mouth open.

People who eat with their mouth open.

Drivers who change lanes, THEN signal.



I'm sure there are other things that annoy me...but I'm tired.

Edit-Going out to the garage seeing someone walking by reminded me of another not so nice, but without doubt pet-peeve....disgustingly fat chicks in clothes Lindsay Lohan can't fit in.

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"Yellow Snow" is the name of our hockey team because the league gave us the uglyest shade of yellow jerseys in the world . It's better then the name "Urine Samples" as a teamate suggested.

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Girls that wear things they have no business wearing based on their physique. (you guys know exactly what i'm talking about)

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-i hate nerds that think there tough when they talk to you over the internet

-i hate ppl that think there popular when they arent

-i also hate ppl that are ignorant and selfish

Wow, those are mine too. Especially ignorant people where you know there wrong and you are right for sure but they still are stuborn. Its like arguing to a brick wall.

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People who's workout is more important than mine.

In other words, when a twenty minute limit on the cardio machines is clearly posted, and there are clearly four people waiting, but they have the towel over the display or they have the time count backwards or they start again quickly or any of the dumb tricks I've seen a hundred times.

As I said, their workout is more important than ours, so they don't share the equipment -- or, at least, they don't until I let them know time's up. ;)

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Missing three foot putts

People who suck at driving

People who are: annoying, stubborn, ignorant, non-negotiable

When teachers mispronounciate the most common names in the world

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I was just going to start this topic, weird.

While I was mowing the grass this morning I realized how much I hate Electric lawn mowers, chord gets in the way.

Guys who hit on my girlfriend right infront of me, then blame her because she was coming on to them.

Fat chicks who dress skimpy

Empty fridge

People who bite there nails

My friend who thinks stock probe GT's can beat my brothers GTA.

theres more but ill end it there

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like a fat chick wearing a thong?

Like what hockeydude said. The nasty fat girls who think they're hot and wear these tight as hell clothes that are 3 sizes too small and have flab hanging out.

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People that don't know anything about hockey and always ask the question "You ever get in any fights" shows what people in small town OH think about hockey.

Teachers that dont really teach and just let you figure out everything on your own after they give you some huge assignment.

People that just dont know when to shut up.

People the just float through school and expect to get somewhere in life.

Smelly People.

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Lists; people in ill-fitting clothes; mouth-breathers; people who cannot pronounce simple words like "library," "supposedly" and "supposed" among others; people who snap gum; people who chew with their mouth open; people in sandals; speed traps; having your top down on your car and rain coming out of nowhere.

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ignorent people

fads that wreck things you love ,i love wearing tight pants and band shirts but now theres that whole "emo/goth" fad going on and they all wear tight pants and band shirts and yeah...im a haircut and a my chemical romance shirt away from being one of them :o

people who show up for public skating wearing snow pants and big jackets and gloves and toques and scarves ,actualyl thats more funny then annoying

people who call you "goth" because your wearing black pants and a black shirt

bad drivers

JUST missing shows on t.v. and you watch the last like minute

having all the weight teachers be rugby coaches and the rugby players get special attention and the hockey players get pooped on

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People that don't know anything about hockey and always ask the question "You ever get in any fights" shows what people in small town OH think about hockey.

Teachers that dont really teach and just let you figure out everything on your own after they give you some huge assignment.

People that just dont know when to shut up.

People the just float through school and expect to get somewhere in life.

Smelly People.

man thats just about everything on my list especially no. 1 i also hate fat chicks in skimpy cloths too

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People who expect everything to be given to them. People who expect to start at the top and not work their way there and earn it. Frivolous lawsuits. Paying $400 so my car can pass inspection when diesel rigs spew so much crap in the air you can't breathe. Hemmorhoids. Kidney stones. Damn, I feel old and jaded.

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Fat and or ugly chicks in clothes that they have no business wearing, not beeing able to get a tee time until 5:43 even though you are an executive member (ok so its just today I'm a little pissed), people in Junior C when they are 21 who think they are the show.

One more kids who beak you because your rich but when you beak them back and say that they are poor they get pissed..happens every day.

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