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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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heres another one, kids in rice rockets that think they can run with me in the M roadster.

Yeah, but I don't have an M

I just hate how they think their car is cool

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Forgetting my putter, and having to borrow one that's too short and 2-3 putting every hole and lose even though my long games on fire. :lol:

People who breath heavy for no apparent reason.

Kids who come to shinney and want to fight because I'm showing them up.

People who fail classes and brag about it.

People who do drugs/drink at 14-15 because they think they are cool and brag about it.

People who think they're better than everyone at everything.

People who spell horribly.

Girls who are bitches to everyone. Such a turn off.

AAAnd people who chew with their mouths open, or talk with their mouths full or make wierd noises while their eating.

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Can't think of any right now except those losers that stare at you on the highway :angry: . I'll probably have more peeves later.

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Another one is when people use bad grammer. I'm not a perfectionist but it bothers me when someone says something like this.."aint no way yous gonna win dis game"

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girls that are sluts, and have been with over 10 guys in one school year, and wont admit it. and people that think there good at hockey when they play with their freinds, and then when they get in a game or shinny, they suck and get mad when i hit them

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girls that are sluts, and have been with over 10 guys in one school year, and wont admit it.

So, what if a guy was with ten girls in one school year? Would that make him a stud?

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girls that are sluts, and have been with over 10 guys in one school year, and wont admit it.

So, what if a guy was with ten girls in one school year? Would that make him a stud?

Some of my best friends were "sluts"

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girls that are sluts, and have been with over 10 guys in one school year, and wont admit it.

So, what if a guy was with ten girls in one school year? Would that make him a stud?

No not if he goes around bragging about it. If the girls brag about it and the guy doesnt say anything then the guys a true stud.

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The only problem with the morally-flexible girls is when they get a little wear 'n tear and feel like poker chips. Well that and the chance at social disease.

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girls that are sluts, and have been with over 10 guys in one school year, and wont admit it.

So, what if a guy was with ten girls in one school year? Would that make him a stud?

No not if he goes around bragging about it. If the girls brag about it and the guy doesnt say anything then the guys a true stud.

I remember a time in the locker room when the big stud was telling us about his hookup at the party over the weekend. He said the girl was moaning for four hours, and we all stood there nodding our heads enthusiastically as if we knew what he was talking about. Well, a doctor friend of mine had the best line. She said the only time a woman's going to moan for four hours is when she's giving birth. ;)

What's the point of this? You realize as you get older that much of the bragging guys do is hot air because nobody wants to be ratted out as The Last One Who Hasn't, so they brag about it to deflect any suspicion.

And what's the point of that? I'm convinced I ruined a few potential boyfriend/girlfriend chances in HS because I pushed too far too soon, since I was convinced I was The Last Man Standing.

Just some advice I can't impart to the sons I don't have, so I'll impart to my young compadres on this board.....

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I remember a time in the locker room when the big stud was telling us about his hookup at the party over the weekend. He said the girl was moaning for four hours, and we all stood there nodding our heads enthusiastically as if we knew what he was talking about. Well, a doctor friend of mine had the best line. She said the only time a woman's going to moan for four hours is when she's giving birth. ;)

What's the point of this? You realize as you get older that much of the bragging guys do is hot air because nobody wants to be ratted out as The Last One Who Hasn't, so they brag about it to deflect any suspicion.

And what's the point of that? I'm convinced I ruined a few potential boyfriend/girlfriend chances in HS because I pushed too far too soon, since I was convinced I was The Last Man Standing.

Just some advice I can't impart to the sons I don't have, so I'll impart to my young compadres on this board.....

It's amazing how many times guys will talk about someone being easy after they get rejected.

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girls that are sluts, and have been with over 10 guys in one school year, and wont admit it.

So, what if a guy was with ten girls in one school year? Would that make him a stud?

No not if he goes around bragging about it. If the girls brag about it and the guy doesnt say anything then the guys a true stud.

I remember a time in the locker room when the big stud was telling us about his hookup at the party over the weekend. He said the girl was moaning for four hours, and we all stood there nodding our heads enthusiastically as if we knew what he was talking about. Well, a doctor friend of mine had the best line. She said the only time a woman's going to moan for four hours is when she's giving birth. ;)

What's the point of this? You realize as you get older that much of the bragging guys do is hot air because nobody wants to be ratted out as The Last One Who Hasn't, so they brag about it to deflect any suspicion.

And what's the point of that? I'm convinced I ruined a few potential boyfriend/girlfriend chances in HS because I pushed too far too soon, since I was convinced I was The Last Man Standing.

Just some advice I can't impart to the sons I don't have, so I'll impart to my young compadres on this board.....

Moral of that story is to bang a dirty and get it out of the way.

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Here we go:

-People who think they know what they are talking about.

-Closeminded people

-People who talk the talk but have no intention of walking the walk

-People who are unconsiderit because they figure it's somebody else's job to clean their mess.

-People who want to fight just because YOU'RE a hockey player and if they happen to win they brag about being "the best"

-And last but not least the people who are the greatest ledgends in their own mind.

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People who wear socks inside of their sandles

People who correct grammer


People who call their connections after they talk smack about people and get into fights.

School teachers that wear thongs, I was pretty disguisted.

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People who fail classes and brag about it.

People who do drugs/drink at 14-15 because they think they are cool and brag about it.

Girls who are bitches to everyone.  Such a turn off.

I completely agree. Pisses me off to NO end when I overhear people saying that they ONLY failed 3 out of 4 academic courses, or when people say "failing's what cool people do". Listen kids, flunking out of high school is not "cool", nor is it enough to land you a decent job anymore. Neither is skipping. Eventually, all this hard work you put into being "cool" will backfire when your school is kicking you out. This also ties in with bragging about drinking. Drinking when you're 14-15 isn't "cool"; it kills brain cells and plus most alcohol is nasty anyways (with the exception of coolers, some vodkas, and maybe the occasional beer). Ironically, the females who do this almost always suffer from a "disease of character" (guess where I got that from) which causes them to act in ways which completely turn off people.

Anyways...my list of things I don't like....it's a tad long:

People who jump to conclusions

People who can't drive worth crap to keep their license (I swear, they give those things out to ANYONE these days)

When you get to drive the car (I'm 18, driving my parents' car) and the fuel gauge reads empty

People who make a point, but don't back it up

Teachers who can't teach, but have the audacity to talk down their students

People who mean ONE thing, but say another

People who say that they weren't trying when you beat them when they were clearly giving it their all

People who ruin perfectly good cars with ugly rims and a sound system that does nothing but play bass....what the hell's the point of playing music when it's inaudible?

Police Officers that don't do anything but lounge in their cop car and hang out at the local Tim Hortons

People who think that it's cool to play with firecrackers in Halloween, only to bitch about getting shot by a roman candle in a "battle" that they started because they can't shut up

People who beg and plead just to get one extra percent in school "just in case" they need it when they're getting 98% already

People who talk like they know something; then you find out that they were bsing through their teeth

I'm sure there's more...just can't think this late...

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1.When my college teachers teach their classes with their own book. They become legends in their own minds, and you wind up learning the prof's oppinion rather than the material you are trying to study.

2. Millitant Democrat Professors. I lead the young Republicans at SMU, and am constantly criticized for my "dangerous political views". My psychology teacher actually kicked me out of class for wearing a "George Bush is my homeboy" t-shirts. I just wish there actually were professors who were unashamed to be Republicans instead of being suppressed by all of the "Free and independent thinking" tenured professors who turn colleges into radical police states.

And thus ends my rant for today. No offense to you Democrats, but college bewcomes a total mindf*** to young Republicans. You would think I was the only one there.

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-People who don't think

-People in America that don't speak English

-People in America who refuse to assimilate into American culture

-People who make up their own languages

-Usually the person driving in front of me, behind me, and beside me.

- People who drive with their direction signal on.

-People in the left lane who cannot and will not go anywhere near the speed limit.

-People who say something obvious in class like it is the most Earth-shattering revelation

-Kids who play hockey that don't understand how to play the game

-Parents who think they know anything about hockey but don't know their ass from a hole in the ground

-Minorities who dress in clothes 12 sizes too big, have 14 piercings on their face, 500 tattoos that are symbolic to them and only them, don't speak anywhere near proper English, and then complain that mainstream America is racist because they aren't working on Wall St.

- Liberals

- People who argue with you after asking for your help.

- People who think the world would be a better place without guns.

- People who think hunting is cruel and is not a sensible control of animal population.

-And anyone else I may have left out.

Oh...I'm just warming up.

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