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Best Mouthguard

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Here is the deal,

I am getting my braces off next month and I want to know what I should get. I need a very good mouth guard because of the amount of money my parents spent on my teeth. I can get a custom mouth guard (dentist) for free because it is covered by my dad's work plan. Or I could get a Shock-Doc Ultra for $40. So far I am leaning towards the Shock-Doc because it is designed speciffically for hockey.


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Get the custom one made by the dentist! I have one its awesome, most of the time you don't even do you've got on! I tried heaps of different types of mouthguards, but my custom one is the best by far!!

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Here is the deal,

I am getting my braces off next month and I want to know what I should get. I need a very good mouth guard because of the amount of money my parents spent on my teeth. I can get a custom mouth guard (dentist) for free because it is covered by my dad's work plan. Or I could get a Shock-Doc Ultra for $40. So far I am leaning towards the Shock-Doc because it is designed speciffically for hockey.


I asked my dentist and he suggested that for my level of hockey I probably didn't need to spend all that money on a custom mouth guard. Weird huh? I ended up with a shock doctor ultra(?), but I hardly use it since I haven't played in a game yet.

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Custom all the way man. Especially if your Father's plan covers it. There is no comparison between the two, that's why a custom one costs around $300 and the ones off the shelf are $20-$40.


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the shock doc is designed for everyone. the custom is designed FOR YOU not everyone else. the custom will as mentioned by others fit your mouth best. the "everyone" mouth gaurds will have slop in them, thus they will move around or not fit your mouth right. besides $40 is alot to throw away if the shock doc doesn't fit right.

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get the custom!!! they are way better. the shock dr. doesnt stay in your mouth good and u jsut end up spitin it out. with the custom it just stays in there like your not whearing anything.

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I have braces and Im going to stay with the shock doctor braces mouthguard, but Im thinking of getting a custom when I get my braces off.

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Custom is the way to go. With every other mouthguard I ever used I just chewed on it half the time and was more of a hastle. But with a custom one, it fits perfect, works great, and I hardly ever realize it's in....

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ive got a dentist made one and its perfect, it is like suctioned (sp?) to ur teeth and its really comfortable. I really dont think that mouthgaurds do a whole bunch other then bite ur tought to tell u the truth. The custom one from ur doctor wont cost much more then the other brands, mine was like 60$ CND

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theres a mouthguard thats made in australia which is prob the best. i forget the company's name but i know its bein produced by a.l 21. i saw it when it was made and too take it out you have too use two fingers because of the supreme suction

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I always have alot of trouble talking with a Mouth guard, is it easier with the Customs? I tend to be a yeller on the ice.

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Get the custom dentist one if you can get it for free. Around here they cost $150 CND not to mention they are alot more comfortable.

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Get the custom dentist one if you can get it for free. Around here they cost $150 CND not to mention they are alot more comfortable.

I 2nd that.. dentist moulded mouth guards are great..

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Does everyone here use a mouthguard? I wear a cage but I don't use a mouthguard.

Any reason for me to get one?

concussions are the main reason to wear a mouthguard, secondary reasons are protecting your teeth and gums. I took a helmet to the chin last night and I'm glad I had my mouth guard in.

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"Does everyone here use a mouthguard? I wear a cage but I don't use a mouthguard.

Any reason for me to get one? "

I can't speak for everyone but I've read statistics that show that most concussions are caused from when the mouth/jaw closes shut and the mouthguard absorbs the impact of the two coming together and dissipates the energy. As a beginner and as my namesake indicates, I'm a bad skater and I fall quite frequently and from time to time have bounced my head on the ice a few times (also got kneed in the back of the head once) and as far as I know, I've never had a real problem with it. That's why I wear a mouthguard.

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