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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Stick warranties?

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I had a conversation with a retailer yesterday and he raised a hypothetical question regarding our warranty and stick warranties in general. I based my response off of information I had gleaned from talking with Sweden or reading the websites of the major manufacturers, but I thought some of you here may have better knowledge than me.

Essentially, what I want to know is, from your experience are the following statements true?

I had said that stick warranties only covered manufacturing defects, which would be things like the blade flying off as you took a shot, or a thin crack developing from normal playing during the warranty period. However, I said things like the stick getting stuck into the zamboni door, or breaking when two guys collide, were not usually warrantied because the stick should be breaking in those instances to prevent injuries. I also said the major companies do not warranty their sticks for junior, college or pro teams. He didn't list any examples, but he felt a stick breaking when two guys collide would be covered by the warranty.

What is your experience with warranties? What company said 'yes' or 'no' to you under what circumstances?



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Never had a problems with any warranty replacements at all. I think they just look for the obvious things like paint marks from losing it over a crossbar/post.

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I've never had to deal with a warranty.

My blade usually goes soft before the stick breaks. The only sticks i have broken are from regular use and out of frustration.

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However, I said things like the stick getting stuck into the zamboni door, or breaking when two guys collide, were not usually warrantied because the stick should be breaking in those instances to prevent injuries.

i had exactly this problem with my synergy, but i couldnt get a warrenty replacment, which i really think we should because its not really our fault it happened. Like what if the blade was too thin and if it was thicker it wouldnt hav gone in the boards to start with.

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i had exactly this problem with my synergy, but i couldnt get a warrenty replacment, which i really think we should because its not really our fault it happened. Like what if the blade was too thin and if it was thicker it wouldnt hav gone in the boards to start with.

Are you kidding me?

Its the companies fault that you were actually using the stick? If anything its more of the rinks problem then the manufacturer.

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My opinion is that all mfgrs are too lax with their warranty policies. Using a stick for 29 days and it then breaking shouldn't warrant a replacement. They are performance sticks. Those breakages coming from normal wear and tear are not manufacturer defects. Most customers buy them knowing that they'll get another one in a month - they see it as a 2 for 1 deal.

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I think part of it has to do with PR purposes. If word got out that a company was really strict with their policies, right or wrong, it could effect sales.

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My opinion is that all mfgrs are too lax with their warranty policies. Using a stick for 29 days and it then breaking shouldn't warrant a replacement. They are performance sticks. Those breakages coming from normal wear and tear are not manufacturer defects. Most customers buy them knowing that they'll get another one in a month - they see it as a 2 for 1 deal.

I see that all the time. Stick is chipped and beat to hell from 30-40 slashes a game, three times a week and when it breaks on day 30 (or 35) some people expect a replacement.

I think part of it has to do with PR purposes. If word got out that a company was really strict with their policies, right or wrong, it could effect sales.

Easton, BNH or THC there is no overall effect on their business. Smaller brands would have the problems you mentioned.

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Personally, I don't think their should be any warranties. Wood sticks never had them and no one ever expected a replacement if one broke within 30 days. Sticks break, that's a product of playing hockey, normal wear and tear as JR stated. Slamming on ice, or across the crossbar is not a manufactures defect.

I once saw a whole youth team, throw their sticks in anger in the locker room after loosing a tough overtime game. All warranties do is encourage rough play. When their is no consequence, folks are reckless. If warranties were like auto insurance, where after an "accident', your rates went up. That would certainly curtail abuse.

Rarely do I see sticks break from "defects". Bauer had a problem with the XX and CCM with the early model V130's. I agree with JR though, manufacturers are too lax. A stick caught in a zam door should not be covered.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Personally, I don't think their should be any warranties.  Wood sticks never had them and no one ever expected a replacement if one broke within 30 days.  Sticks break, that's a product of playing hockey, normal wear and tear as JR stated.  Slamming on ice, or across the crossbar is not a manufactures defect.

I once saw a whole youth team, throw their sticks in anger in the locker room after loosing a tough overtime game.  All warranties do is encourage rough play.  When their is no consequence, folks are reckless.  If warranties were like auto insurance, where after an "accident', your rates went up.  That would certainly curtail abuse.

Rarely do I see sticks break from "defects".  Bauer had a problem with the XX and CCM with the early model V130's.  I agree with JR though, manufacturers are too lax.  A stick caught in a zam door should not be covered.

Here, here! I love hearing this from a retailer, especially when they feel that no warranty will NOT affect their sales.

I totally agree you Jimmy!

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I agree but how would they know anyway if it got caught in a door or just broke or somehting freakish?They should put cameras in the sticks ;)

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I had a conversation with a retailer yesterday and he raised a hypothetical question regarding our warranty and stick warranties in general. I based my response off of information I had gleaned from talking with Sweden or reading the websites of the major manufacturers, but I thought some of you here may have better knowledge than me.

Essentially, what I want to know is, from your experience are the following statements true?

I had said that stick warranties only covered manufacturing defects, which would be things like the blade flying off as you took a shot, or a thin crack developing from normal playing during the warranty period. However, I said things like the stick getting stuck into the zamboni door, or breaking when two guys collide, were not usually warrantied because the stick should be breaking in those instances to prevent injuries. I also said the major companies do not warranty their sticks for junior, college or pro teams. He didn't list any examples, but he felt a stick breaking when two guys collide would be covered by the warranty.

What is your experience with warranties? What company said 'yes' or 'no' to you under what circumstances?



Salming (Jason), it is widely understood that the warrantee is exactly as you described - for manufacturing defects. Two-handing it over the goal post, breaking it because someone stepped on it or because it got stuck in the zam door, etc, SHOULD not be covered as a result. However, I have never heard of anyone being turned down for that. For one, it's hard to prove, and for another, the sticks are so costly that it's worth more, PR wise, to just replace it.

If you were to go an NOT offer a warrantee, but reduce the stick price by 30% you might have something. However, the problem then would be that uneducated consumers would look at the price and assume that it was an inferior product to that of the ones costing more and offering warrantees.

Maybe the best hybrid would be to sell it at the 15% discount (or whatever) and then offer warrantee to bring up up to the cost of the other sticks.

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Maybe the best hybrid would be to sell it at the 15% discount (or whatever) and then offer warrantee to bring up up to the cost of the other sticks.

If that happened, people might feel EVEN MORE entitled to bust their sticks on day 29 because you've gone and made paying for the warranty explicit.

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Better yet, sell the stick at regular price and offer a warranty for an extra price. I'd bet most would choose not to purchase the extra warranty.

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Jimmy, it'd be harder to sell at that price if a warrantee wasn't included. Plus.... part of the product cost involves covering the cost of replacement sticks. If they took the warrantees off, they'd be, in effect, charging more for the stick.

And, Jason, I think you're right now that I think of it. If they PAY for the warrantee as an option they might be more inclined to commit fraud and intentionally break it in the late innings of the warrantee.

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I believe that people buy a stick because thats what they want to use. After the "Oh my gosh I just got a new stick I creamed my pants" stage they don't care and thats when the warranty comes in. The warranty is just there for an excuse for players to get a new stick. Companies use it for a reason to put comfort into the player buying it, knowing they can get another one if something happens. Sticks are going to break and we have to accept it. I don't think the Manufacturers are out to deny you your warranty replacement, I think they don't want people purposly breaking sticks coughlikev130shaftscough. They also look to see if the blade was heated or any part of the shaft, but 9 out of 10 times they replace your stick as long as you still have the recipt and a valid story.

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Your're right in a sense, most people are honest. But you would'nt believe just how many scamers are out there. I had to put a security camera on the stick room because they steal the serial numbers off the sticks. These are the same folks who buy a new stick after breaking the one they had for 6 months, then use the new receipt and send in the old stick. Or they don't like the curve they got, so they break the stick to get a new replacement, which they sell to a friend or try to trade in at the LHS. The list goes on.

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Interesting points some of you have made about it perhaps being a PR hit to a smaller company for seemingly not backing up a warranty. Because the converse is it's a financial hit to have to cover products that were not manufacturing defects and could even be flat out fraud. (I'm well aware of guys on my team bragging about pulling scams on the manufacturers to get replacement sticks.)

Honestly, I don't know the answer, but the whole conversation with the retailer started when I mentioned a time one guy checked another in rec hockey and it broke his stick on the first day of use. It wasn't as though I was gleeful about it, but I told the player that the stick wasn't defective because it should break in that circumstance; otherwise, he could have severely hurt the other guy. This retailer seemed to think the stick should be replaced since it happened on the first day.

Again, I don't know what the right answer is.

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People just need to realize when they are buying these sticks that they are made for performance. When you buy the stick you should know that its not gonna last for ever and scamming the company is not the way to get the most for your money. The manufactures job is to create a stick free of DEFECTS not a stick that will last for 30 days no matter what you put it through.

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most companies have actually put a stamp on sticks saying there warranties or there shipped ot them directly to the consumer that way theres no receipt given. but i agree that most people have there sticks break from taking a shot. ive only seen a few instances where its not the consumers fault. This was when the synergys were just relased and we had a consumer whose blade actually fell out of the stick. but if a person breaks a stick and its warrantied the shop cant take it back because theres no warranty on that stick

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Here's another vote that warranties should only apply to manufacturer defects. In 10 years of using tons of composite shafts or OPS, I've only broken two within the 30 day span (Mission M2 shaft and TPS R+). I don't break sticks often but most have been well after a 60-90 day span.

I realize that it could be considered "normal game wear" but tons of players just take slapshot after slapshot after slapshot. Most rec league players' slapshots aren't perfect form and if you keep burying that blade down into the ice, it will snap that much quicker. The two sticks I've broken were the result of taking too much ground on a slapper and I don't neccesarily think that the warranty should have covered those breakages. I did explain exactly what happened to the customer service reps when I called and they said, "Send it in, we'll take a look." I didn't expect a replacement on either stick but I did receive them.

I believe a lot of companies are doing this to show they have superior customer service which is a fantastic thought...BUT if all these warranty replacements are being doled out at a crazy rate, how much does that drive up stick prices and is THAT really worth it in the end. I'd pay $10 less for a stick with no warranty. But again as has been uttered thousands of times by many people on MSH...."People who break sticks will ALWAYS break sticks."

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