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Lightest and most mobile shoulder pads ..

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Up untill about a year and a half ago i was a firm beliver in the more protection and bulkiness, the better, untill i used a mates old bauer supreme 600's i think, the black and green ones, any way, i loved the way they were so mobile small and light.. I looked around for a couple of weeks and came accross an old pair of Jofa's, they are pretty much nothing really, not much protection with small shoulder caps, and i love these shoulders, they are pretty much exactly what i want except i think i want to go a little more protection now as i'm in my last year of midgett and going into juniors next year..

I tried on the 05 SyNergy shoulders last night at my LHS and, to my suprise, they were extremely light, seemed pretty protective with the more flatter shoulder caps, not so much the bulky round bauer like ones..

Any body have any feed back on these ? Pros - Cons etc..

Also, any suggestions into what im looking for in todays world of equiptment from what i stated.. ?

Thanks.. Vapor.

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I really like the synergy pads. It's weight feels like nothing on you and they have great protection. The Synergy and the Itech pads are my favorites. I'd look into the Itech 660s. They also are very protective and comfortable.

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Jofa 7500 in my view.

Without doubt the JOFA most protective. Many didn't like the look of the big shoulders, but they didn't understand the JDP technology. The RBK's design of the old Jofas toned down the caps. They really have been selling well. If ONLY THC could fill their orders quicker!!!

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Jofa 7500 in my view.

Without doubt the JOFA most protective. Many didn't like the look of the big shoulders, but they didn't understand the JDP technology. The RBK's design of the old Jofas toned down the caps. They really have been selling well. If ONLY THC could fill their orders quicker!!!

i second the nike v-10's. very light and mobile, while being protective at the same time. i'm a hardcore checker and grinder, and haven't have an injury with the shoulder pads from missed hits or whatnot.

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The good thing about the Easton's is their "Armadillo" shoulder caps which are not bulky and stick out like the rest. I've had the Nike V-Force (same as V-12 pretty much) and they are mobile as well but have that bulky shoulder cap look/feel.

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The good thing about the Easton's is their "Armadillo" shoulder caps which are not bulky and stick out like the rest. I've had the Nike V-Force (same as V-12 pretty much) and they are mobile as well but have that bulky shoulder cap look/feel.

Was gonna pick up some V-Force's tomorrow...so you say they are MOBILE but feel BULKY???

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I think the lower portion of the Nike pad is lighter because it does not have as much padding but I think the shoulder caps on the Easton's are better designed if you don't want the robot look and it's fairly light as well. Try on the 2 obviously and see what you like of course.

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I use larcrosse shoulder pads, they are light and you can move alot in them, the onl deffrence in protection from say your old pair of jofas is there is less area in the stomach to protect from getting hit with a puck there

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the D&R classic ones and sher-wood 5030 shoulders are moth light and very mobile

Amen to the DR. Maybe not the big names like Nike or Bauer but i love DR shoulder pads. I also have shinpads although i find them to be big and bulky. I just have to wear them in though.

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the D&R classic ones and sher-wood 5030 shoulders are moth light and very mobile

Amen to the DR. Maybe not the big names like Nike or Bauer but i love DR shoulder pads. I also have shinpads although i find them to be big and bulky. I just have to wear them in though.

yeah i was really impressed with the D&R stuff, the gloves and shoulderpads are great. suprisingly at the shop i work at jeff o'neil came in and bought a pair of them. Funny part was our manager told him that if you wear those youll have to watch out for yourself because he didnt realize it was jeff.

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the D&R classic ones and sher-wood 5030 shoulders are moth light and very mobile

Amen to the DR. Maybe not the big names like Nike or Bauer but i love DR shoulder pads. I also have shinpads although i find them to be big and bulky. I just have to wear them in though.

yeah i was really impressed with the D&R stuff, the gloves and shoulderpads are great. suprisingly at the shop i work at jeff o'neil came in and bought a pair of them. Funny part was our manager told him that if you wear those youll have to watch out for yourself because he didnt realize it was jeff.


I have used a pair of DR gloves before. Nothing like the eagle x90's i have now, but when i was in pewee or around there they were excellent.

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im loving the Vapor 6's. i got them for $60 and i have no complaints. i find them light and very protective. im going on my second year of using them. if you can find a pair of these id suggest them.

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I really like the synergy pads. It's weight feels like nothing on you and they have great protection. The Synergy and the Itech pads are my favorites. I'd look into the Itech 660s. They also are very protective and comfortable.

The Itech 660s and DR SP44s have both been pretty popular with the kids in our shop this year. The new vintage pads have a couple of changes from last year that I don't like. The older ones seem to fit most people a little better.

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my first paid of shoulders were a pair of D&R, nothing bad to say about them.

i tried on those new D&R gloves, 'legends' i think their called? ohhhhh man, do i love the feel of those. the palms are just wicked.

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The bauer vapor 6's are amazing. My friend bought a new pair, and I wore his old ones tonight. I felt like I had schackles taken off. :P As far as protection... who needs it? ;)

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the D&R classic ones and sher-wood 5030 shoulders are moth light and very mobile

Amen to the DR. Maybe not the big names like Nike or Bauer but i love DR shoulder pads. I also have shinpads although i find them to be big and bulky. I just have to wear them in though.

I'm not a big fan of the leg strap and I've had a few customers tell me the same thing. What model did you get and does the leg strap bother you?

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