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Hockey Bag

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My hockey bags always rip and tear and i've had everyone under the sun but i cannot find leather bags. I saw an eagle one that i really liked, my buddy on my team has it and it is like what they use in the Western Hockey League. Does anyone know where i could find a leather hockey bag?

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Are you sure it's leather??? I've never seen, or heard of, a leather hockey bag.

Some teams use heavyweight canvas, others use a rubber-like material...

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Muskoka makes a very tough team bag with a strong vinyl bottom. The canvas is a very heavy denier with 2 strong shoulder straps. Single heavy duty zipper. 36" x 20" x 20" . I have them with our travel team logo on them!!

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My hockey bags always rip and tear and i've had everyone under the sun but i cannot find leather bags. I saw an eagle one that i really liked, my buddy on my team has it and it is like what they use in the Western Hockey League. Does anyone know where i could find a leather hockey bag?

The Eagle bags are nice, any Eagle dealer can order them

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Are you sure it's leather??? I've never seen, or heard of, a leather hockey bag.

Some teams use heavyweight canvas, others use a rubber-like material...

Yah thats probably it, thats what im looking for.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
My hockey bags always rip and tear and i've had everyone under the sun but i cannot find leather bags. I saw an eagle one that i really liked, my buddy on my team has it and it is like what they use in the Western Hockey League. Does anyone know where i could find a leather hockey bag?


The material in which you seek your bag to be made from is called Sterling and Eagle makes them in either custom (teams usually buy this one), or, with an Eagle logo (individuals usually buy this one). Many NHL teams use this bag such as the LA Kings, Ottawa Senators, Vancouver Canucks amongst others.

SMI can do Sterling, but, that is on a custom basis, usually of 100 pieces or more. SMI stocks "600D" bags, although, we do make 1000D for the New York Rangers, Toronto Maple Leafs amongst others.

If you have any questions, feel free to message me privately.

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Dude... I think a Leather Hockey bag isn't such a good idea. It will hold stink like your glove palms do, discolor when it gets wet, doesn't breath well (so will keep your gear moist longer), etc. Also, once it gets wet and expands/shrinks a few times, it will start to get tough, brittle, and perhaps tear a bit at the seams.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Dude... I think a Leather Hockey bag isn't such a good idea. It will hold stink like your glove palms do, discolor when it gets wet, doesn't breath well (so will keep your gear moist longer), etc. Also, once it gets wet and expands/shrinks a few times, it will start to get tough, brittle, and perhaps tear a bit at the seams.

It isn't a leather bag.

By the way, Sterling is what is used on many big rig trucks down the sides, instead of the aluminum/steel siding that they have previous used. The material is strong beyond belief and just might be one of the last hockey bags you ever buy.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
epuck i think has a no thrills heavy duty eagle bag that i've heard good things about

That is a great bag, but, not the one made out of Sterling.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Goaliehaven on Ebay has some of those eagle bags made of sterling for the penguins. Thought someone may be interested...

Those would be Eagle bags :D

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