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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What would you like to improve most?

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With the new season almost upon us, what would you improve in your game / skillset, and how are you doing it?


I'm trying to improve my quickness and agility by practicing technique with different contours,

I'm working on my hands with a smart-ball,


I'm working on my snapshot by trying a stiffer shaft and doing wrist exercises.

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my skating. really cracking down and making sure im finishing my stride completly, and coming all the way back in. before practice, during drills, and after practice taking the extra 2-5 minutes to get a few sprints / laps whatever it is to make a change.

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1. My Shot

2. My Skating

3. My Playmaking

4. My "Hockey Sence"

5. Overall Positioning & reading the Ice.

Other than that...I'm good to go :huh:

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Quickness, my top speed is decent but it takes too long to get there.

Aggressiveness, I tend to float and not head to the net.

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I need help on all the skills, but I'm also trying to get use to talking out there. I know it can help a lot, and I think about it when I'm on the bench, but when I get on the ice I can't speak!! Perhaps I should work on a "I'm open, pass it to me!" sound?

How about:




Pass it to me, please? Prettty please??



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working on, ...

a lot of stickhandeling at home with the golf ball.

shooting accuaracy.

shooting quickness and power.

toe drags, picking the puck up, between the legs, ect.

becomeing a little more physical.

...trying to become the big physical winger that has moves and can shoot too.

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No matter how good I get at something, I always work on it, but the main things I really crack down on right now are:

1. Finishing my stride and bringing it back all the way in.

2. Backwards speed

3. stickhandling as always

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To be honest:

Everything ;(

same here! haha but mainly-

1. backwards speed

2. stickhandling

3. geting better at playing the body on a 1 on 1. (i play defence)

4. getting more physical

5. getting faster all together

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My acceleration, mainly when carrying the puck. My top overall speed is decent, but I slow down when I'm stickhandling and my acceleration to reach that top speed needs improvement.

Also becoming a bit more physical, something I lost when I took a nasty stick to the face. Now I tend to flinch a bit when a stick even comes close.

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Getting over "practice player" syndrome.

When I'm in a game, I play like a deer in the headlights.

But more specifically:

- Stopping on two feet

- Keeping my head up; severe tunnel vision as well

- Conditioning; I'm 23 w/ 87 yr old lungs

- Backwards crossovers; turning left

- Putting more MPH on all types of shots and even passes

- Mental reaction time


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Physically, I'd like to be the same weight with a lot less adipose and a lot more muscle.

Gamewise, I'd like to improve my 1 on 1 D most, but many other aspects as well.

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Defensive play


Body checks

Faceoffs(if I'm centre)


I moved up to AAA this year and I'm trying to be a physical winger/centre who can score. (Bertuzzi, Lindros, Thornton) Last year I played more of a goal scoring role and I want to continue this, but also with more physical and better defensive play.

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