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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Suggestions

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I'm looking for some new skates,

I fit the CCM brand great.

I'm looking for a skate in the CAN $200-300 price range and it must have really good ankle support.

I know you guys get a lot of different posts like this but any help would be appreciated. I tried searching but I need something a little more specific.


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you can get the mid end ccm vector for like 330 which is a nice boot compared to the 3.0 is below 200. now are u looking for 300 tax in or before tax.

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A lot of the Externos are available at a cut price these days if on a budget (the E60 was the top model, I think). These were the pre-cursors to the Vector lines.

You could also consider some of the Nike products. I understand they have a wide toe-box too (like CCM). I've seen a lot of the V10 and V12 Quest and Flexlites on sale lately. Those are supposed to be pretty decent skates, from what I understand.

Also, there are some Easton Ultra Lites floating around as well. Also wide toe boxes, but have heard that the arch is sort of flat.

You might even be able to get like a 750 Synnergy skate - think the MSRP is in that range.

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I'm looking for some new skates,

I fit the CCM brand great.

I'm looking for a skate in the CAN $200-300 price range and it must have really good ankle support.

I know you guys get a lot of different posts like this but any help would be appreciated. I tried searching but I need something a little more specific.


The new Tacks don't fit the same as the old ones.

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I'm looking for some new skates,

I fit the CCM brand great.

I'm looking for a skate in the CAN $200-300 price range and it must have really good ankle support.

I know you guys get a lot of different posts like this but any help would be appreciated. I tried searching but I need something a little more specific.


The new Tacks don't fit the same as the old ones.

What was the change between the old ones and the new ones?

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I'm looking for some new skates,

I fit the CCM brand great.

I'm looking for a skate in the CAN $200-300 price range and it must have really good ankle support.

I know you guys get a lot of different posts like this but any help would be appreciated. I tried searching but I need something a little more specific.


they sell vectors 6 at sports rousseau for $249 can.


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bauer 8000s are going for 180 at my local shop. they are really stiff, and have great support.

you should prlly try a pair on to be sure they would fit you, but if you want, i might be able to work something out with you and get them to you..

pm me if your interested

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