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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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R2 blade or synthesis wood blade

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I need help to pick the better one. they are both 29.99 and i need one for my cut synergy. :(

Thanks for your help


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Personally i would pick the Synthesis because i love the Lindstrom curve. But tis up to you.

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Seeing as it doesn't come in Lidstrom that might be difficult. No need to make two topics on the same thing. In my experience the Synth has better construction but both blades have little curve selection for me. (No Drury).

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Funny, they're the same blade.

I like the R2 wrap better than the Synth.

I prefer the wrap on the R2 as well.

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Isn't Morrow on R2 very close to the Lidstrom? I always thought so.

Morrow is fairly close to Lidstrom, but not a clone

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Nobody mention the bauer 7500....how they are??...i'm heading between the r2 and the 7500(all woods) are they bad??

By the way, how do they feel...(i mean in term of balance..) i.e: i had my l-2 paired with a l-2 blade...and i hated too death...but now with a franklin 8007 cut the hosle to be the same as my syns...and shaved to fit the shaft...it feel way better...

anyone notice this...that some wood tapered blade are even ligther than composite blade...

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Seeing as it doesn't come in Lidstrom that might be difficult. No need to make two topics on the same thing. In my experience the Synth has better construction but both blades have little curve selection for me. (No Drury).

Oh ok, i didnt realize it. I just thought they made a Lindstrom.

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The 7500 felt lighter that the others and we all know Bauer's quality when it comes to wood stick/blades. The only con is that its priced pretty high at 39.99 canadian.

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Firstly, I would just like to say I'm glad to be back after a few months of family and personal health issues.

Secondly, I would go for the R2. In my experiance (I've used both recently) the R2 retained less water and therefore stayed stiffer longer. However if you a fan of Easton curves they can be kind of funny blades.

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Firstly, I would just like to say I'm glad to be back after a few months of family and personal health issues.

Secondly, I would go for the R2. In my experiance (I've used both recently) the R2 retained less water and therefore stayed stiffer longer. However if you a fan of Easton curves they can be kind of funny blades.

Sorry to go off-topic, what happened man? I noticed you were gone for a few months...I was used to seeing your name in every thread.

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