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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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He also had pictures with guys with cannons and everything.They werent very clear but you could still make out what the stuff was.

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I dont have any other pics besides this one.I think he got rid of them and only kept this one and another one,Ill see if I can get it.

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Cool pic but it proves nothing. I've been there a bunch of times and taken hundreds of pictures and never had anything like that. Then again, they have "ghost tours" of the battlefield from time to time and people swear they see or take pics of ghosts every time. I live about 90 minutes from there and I've been pretty jaded about the ghost thing for a while.

Where was the pic taken? I don't recall much of the battlefield being lighted, but I don't recall the last time I was actually there.

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I dont know the exact area.Ill ask tomarrow,but it wasnt on part of a major battlefield.The bigger version of the pic looks like the kid lost his arm

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wow thats cool, lets see the others!

as for me? i do believe in em, i swear ive seen the ghost in my friends house before, or at least heard her

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I believe there's a great possibility they exist. I just don't know if I believe they are seen/heard as often as people claim.

In any event, it is a very cool picture B)

BTW, were you guys able to see it w/ your naked eyes or was only the camera able to pick it up?

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I'll buy into that because down in the South they have many Civil War battlefields that constantly get talked about having "soldiers" walking around. That and I've seen some crazy crap happen at old plantations down here.

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Wow, I've seen tons of pictures like that, and my brother's best friend develops photos and that can be easily done in about 10 minutes. I'm not sure how he does it, but what I can tell you is that pic is a weak attempt to fool people.

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As much as I want to believe it, the whole picture is just a bit too blurry for me to buy into it. Even the people in the background to the left look a bit like ghosts...

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I can tell you right now that photo is not fake.It may be blurry and I dont know why it is.But if you zoom in you can see some detail of the clothes and everything.My friend's dad does not work in a photo development lab and why would I post this if i knew it was fake.If you dont believe it ,then thats your opinion,you dont have to go and say it was developed in a photo lab or whatever.It was posted for your enjoyment, not for me to be critized(sp?).

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Nobody is criticizing you. Nobody came out and called you a dirty liar or anything like that, so there's no reason to go defending yourself like somebody hurt your feelings...Hockeyman was simply giving us his "semi-expert" take on the picture (he seems to have a little more experience with this sort of thing than many of us), and we were all just offering our own opinions.

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I can tell you right now that photo is not fake.It may be blurry and I dont know why it is.But if you zoom in you can see some detail of the clothes and everything.My friend's dad does not work in a photo development lab and why would I post this if i knew it was fake.If you dont believe it ,then thats your opinion,you dont have to go and say it was developed in a photo lab or whatever.It was posted for your enjoyment, not for me to be critized(sp?).

There are a fair bit of scenarios

If it's real, its real, but it could be the lighting, it could be a fake off the net you linked to, it could be a fake the guys dad made, it could be kids at the photolab playing a joke on you, it could be a thing they do to all pictures taken at that spot.

Personally, I don't know, but I don't think he was attacking, just stating he didn't believe it was real because he had experiences with faking ghosts.

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I get what he was saying now,but it started to sound like people where saying it was made up.I was there when it was downloaded of the digital camera so there was no way its fake.Im just trying to clear up saying it is real.It could just be a person,because of the bluriness but i think its the real deal.

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I made it bigger and your right , you can see the details in the clothes. I do believe in ghosts but I don't think they've been seen as much as people claim. If the pic was altered I must say the person who did it was damn good

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That looks pretty real if you look at the larger version, but the people walking in the background look sorta like that too. It does look real though.

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It could just be one of those cameras that takes like 4-5 seconds into one picture, its a popular photo style among photographers; however it would have had to done very well to capture only that person... dressed as a Union soldier. Im going to come right out and criticize the picture right now. Any kid could have done that in photoshop and if there were more pictures of this that you saw getting downloaded, why did your friend delete them?

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With it blown up it looks like the image is doubled just to the right and overlapping the more clear image of the apparition.

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With it blown up it looks like the image is doubled just to the right and overlapping the more clear image of the apparition.

Chadd,I just noticed that too.The other pictures were deleted because they were horrible and showed nothing.Criticize the picture all you want,it was not made in photoshop and was taken by a regular old digital camera.

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