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the iceman

Team Canda New Look Uniforms

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heres a link to a few more pics of the jerseys and the new nike gloves AND gagne with the new vapor stick


So what color is the XXX, yellow or red? In the first picture it looks yellow, but in the 2nd, it looks red

In the first pic on that link, it's a XXX with yellow X's. In the second pic, it's a XX with red X's. In the original pics, posted by Sichy, they look like XXXs with red X's. I think they might be different colors depending on grip maybe.

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Maybe the yellow XXX is the version with Stick' Um (grip) just like the XX is yellow with Stick' Um.

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I've always liked the Canadian uniforms and I'm not even Canadian, but this one looks like crap! What's up with those fugly socks? And those stripes on the jersey? A tight fit is one thing if it actually affects performance, but why ruin the graphics and make them look like soccer uniforms? :blink:

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i gotta say they make the guys look like imperial storm troopers, im just waiting to see gretzky come out in all black and go to pat quinn and say "pat, I am your father"

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Just remember that this technology will be available for all International teams and not only Canada. But it does look a bit like the uniforms in the movie Roller Ball.

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I think that it is a valiant effort to "upgrade" the NHL, BUT I do think the tighter uniforms will ultimately make the players look smaller, and lose some of that larger than life look of the pro players. It would be interesting to see how the team "enforcers" will feel about looking smaller. I know it sounds like a trivial issue, but you never know how it may get into some guys heads.

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I think that it is a valiant effort to "upgrade" the NHL, BUT I do think the tighter uniforms will ultimately make the players look smaller, and lose some of that larger than life look of the pro players. It would be interesting to see how the team "enforcers" will feel about looking smaller. I know it sounds like a trivial issue, but you never know how it may get into some guys heads.

As somebody who fills out a XXL jersey quite nicely, I am absolutely horrified to see what would happen if I was forced into wearing a tight fit jersey. I look huge and intimidating in a jersey now, but if I wore a tight fit jersey, people would think that I was smuggling loaves of bread.

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i can see that new jersey being a real b****** to get off if a fight breaks out or if its over your head the socks look a little thin

in normal socks if you kneel on the ice for 2-3 mins the socks stick to the ice and leave fluff i dont htink this'll happen with these

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The glove isn't a Vapor..

the jerseys aren't meant/made for the XXL set..I don't think its anything you'll have to worry about fitting into in the near future and likely won't be seen at the retail level..just like the gear for other Winter Olympians (ie. speedskaters) never makes it to market for the non-elite long tracker..

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The glove isn't a Vapor..

the jerseys aren't meant/made for the XXL set..I don't think its anything you'll have to worry about fitting into in the near future and likely won't be seen at the retail level..just like the gear for other Winter Olympians (ie. speedskaters) never makes it to market for the non-elite long tracker..

You will see that jersey style, just in different materials. It doesn't make sense to sell replica jerseys that aren't similar in style. Once they hit the replica market, it won't take long before that style is available to the average joe beerleager.

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I actually think the "fugliness" has more to do with the graphical desgin than the new materials. Slanted vertical stirpes on socks??? I have a hard enough time getting my socks on right side out without having to worry about a front and back! Who designed those things? I can't look at them without thinking they were designed by someone who designs roller hockey uniforms. Same with the sweater. No horizontal stripes? That vast expanse of white really draws attention to how tight it is. I took the liberty of photoshopping some red and black stripes onto the sweater (at the bottom and the arms) and it went from "fugly" to a nice looking sweater.

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exactly Chadd..the cuts of the jersey will stay the same, they will just have stripes..these guys aren't going to make a jersey with that fit for the replica market it makes no sense...since 90%of the people who buy them never touch the ice

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exactly Chadd..the cuts of the jersey will stay the same, they will just have stripes..these guys aren't going to make a jersey with that fit for the replica market it makes no sense...since 90%of the people who buy them never touch the ice

Actually my post is saying that they will most likely make the replica jersey in the same cut as the pro models. I just don't see them using the same materials. Sorry if it wasn't clear.

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I would doubt that somebody would pay $200 or however much replica jerseys are and not get an exact replica of a professional jersey, including the cut of the jersey. Maybe on the cheaper replica's they would just have a regular jersey with the appropriate colors and stripes, but I would doubt the expensive ones would vary much from the real things.

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first of all, i kinda like the new jerseys but think they look a little simple... but does anybody know if the numbers logos and letters are sewn on or are they screened like the projoy jerseys

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Lets be grateful Team Canada and the NHL has not yet plastered the jerseys with logos as our Euro friends do.

I agree...putting 20 lego on a shirt it pretty ugly....but now everybody is getting on the case of TEAM CANADA...do you think every other country will do the same(i.e:usa)??

Personally, just by look and not fit...the look good...the greatest but not the baddest IMO....fit...well who does really care except the guys who wearing it!! :ph34r:

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Check out the Team Canada Replica Jerseys.

Team Canada 2006 Olympic Replica White Jersey


Team Canada 2006 Olympic Replica Red Jersey


Team Canada 2006 Olympic Replica Black Jersey


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The white is fugly, the red is ok, I kinda like the black. This whole jersey thing seems stupid...I can't believe they are doing the same thing to jerseys that they did to sticks. Oh well, everyone looks for the best advantage...I dont say I blame them though. I probably shouldn't complain about OPS invading the stick market, cause I like them so much more...haha.

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The vertical stipes don't bother me as much as how they just stop out of no where. If they went all the way down the sleeve or something like that it wouldn't be as bad. Either way I'm still liking the idea. The socks are another story...

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