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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Getting Into Contact Lenses?

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Well im suposed to wear glasses but dont, Maybe i will if Nike makes em! If they look cool and what not.

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I got Nike glasses too..their the kind that bend every which way...pretty sweet B)

Yeah the Nikes are very nice, the Flexon ones. I don't wear them often, I like my contacts a lot more...only time I wear glasses are when I am getting ready to go to sleep or waking up

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LOL the nike swoosh could go right in the middgle of the contact lens. it would be like those contact's that like make you puples(sp?) X's, but instead of the X's they would be nike swoosh's.

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Those are very interesting. I'm wondering if or how much they change the eye colour and do you see out of the contacts the same as you do out of sunglasses (tinted) or not?

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where will the logos go in the middle of the lens, in a different tint?

I know it's intended as a joke, but I know that Bausch and Lomb lenses have an inscription with the lens' info on some if not all of their lenses.

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I remember reading something about this early in the season when Roberts started the season so hot.

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Bausch and Lomb lenses have an inscription with the lens' info on some if not all of their lenses.

I use it and it's true! Anyway you can barely see it sometimes...

I wonder how much this nike lenses "stress" the eye, because coloured lenses (or the one that make strange eye) are very hard to use for long periods because they stress the eye of most people.

But i think nike wouldnt do that if they have this problem...

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