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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blacking out sticks

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No stupid questions, only stupid answers....

I'm not really sure how the manufacturers do it. But to us normal guys without that kind of access to their stuff, spraypaint would be the best way. It's going to chip...alot too. Only thing I could offer as help would be to use spray enamel before, make the paint stick good, then the paint, then maybe some clearcoat or something like that. It's not going to be perfect and it's not going to look like a professional job or a real stick paint job either. But, it will be black when you're done :lol:

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how do u black out a stick witout using spaypaint

Okay, depends on what kind of stick you have.. If you have an OPS or Shaft with glossy spray - i.e. { All Synergy's, Response's Xn10/Plus+ M1 etc } then your in luck.. Get some nail polish remover and an old cloth or rag and apply a fair amount.. Apply to shaft where needed to remove paint leaving a pure black carbon composite core.. p.s. This may take a little will to complete - good luck. :)

p.p.s. 200th Post ! :D

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how do u black out a stick witout using spaypaint

Okay, depends on what kind of stick you have.. If you have an OPS or Shaft with glossy spray - i.e. { All Synergy's, Response's Xn10/Plus+ M1 etc } then your in luck.. Get some nail polish remover and an old cloth or rag and apply a fair amount.. Apply to shaft where needed to remove paint leaving a pure black carbon composite core.. p.s. This may take a little will to complete - good luck. :)

p.p.s. 200th Post ! :D

does that actually work??

man should try acetone or paint thinner

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There has been debate as to how acetone and paint thinner would affect the graphite/composite. Especially since many of the weave cohesive epoxy might be detrimentally effected by using acetone or paint thinner.

Personally? I think the whole blacking out of the stick is way, way, WAY over rated anyway. If I were you? I'd use electrical tape and try it out for a few games. Easier to remove than hockey tape, and you'd get the same effect without leaving sticky goo all over the shaft.

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Electrical tape will make the shaft very slick, very little grip. Also, adding tape of any kind or any material to the shaft to black it out will add weight to your stick. Maybe you should try this on a broken stick first.

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when i black out my sticks i mark off the spot on the shaft with some tape, get some high gloss spray paint and throw on one or two coats, works nicely and easiest to do i think, because some of the shafts are tough to get the paint off with nail polish remover.

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When you're laying out carbon parts for cars acetone and paint thinner is a big no-no, so I wouldn't use a lot on your stick.

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I spray painted the bottom of one of my SL's to black along with the blade. It looks cool actually since i taped off some of the logos. Extra paint i tried to remove took alot of grit to get it off with paint thinner. I should try the nail polish remover.

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...Use Pro Toe?....

Don't mean to jack this topic. Has anyone tried using Pro Toe? Does it work well? Does it add alot of weight? I have always thought about trying it, but I never did because I wasn't sure if it would work or not.

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