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Shop in New York and his area

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Hi, I'll spend a week in november in New York. I live in France taht's why I want to go to hockey shops in NY to buy new stuff (I know prices in NY are higher than the others LHS but it's nevertheless cheaper than in France and Sweden), so can you please tell me the stores in NY. What is the price ranges in NY for Synergy skates 1300 C, Bauer Vapor XXX and Bauer Vapor XXX and Synergy 900 gloves ?

Thank you in advance.

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i went away to new york for a holiday and im from UK in manhattan there is paragon sports on broadway and theres only hockey store name called wonderland sports in a place called chelsea piers and in Queens theres a store called Sports Plus and i here thats the best. But sorry i dont know about prices but there good compared the prices in europe.

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Depends on where in new york.

New York City:

1. Cosby's(MSG)-Real expensive(what isnt in new york?), decent selection. Staff has decent knowledge, watch out for the OC guy. He's nice, but he wont stop talking to you.

2. Paragon-Huge Store, mid-low end equipment with some high end stuff, occaisonal huge clearance with great prices.($10 Zbubbles, $40 OPS, $200 skates, etc.)

3. Sky Rink Proshop(Chelsea piers)-normal proshop with decent prices.

Long Island

1. Sports Plus inside Iceland-Everything way overpriced, good selection, hit or miss staff, good sharpening.

2. Sporttime Proshop-Good selection and prices, great staff.

3. Cosbys-Less expensive than the one in MSG, better staff and selection.

4. Play it Again-Real good prices, lacks protective selection, real helpful/nice staff.

I think thats enough shops for now :lol:

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Depends on where in new york.

New York City:

1. Cosby's(MSG)-Real expensive(what isnt in new york?), decent selection. Staff has decent knowledge, watch out for the OC guy. He's nice, but he wont stop talking to you.

Good old Bruce...

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Hi, I'll spend a week in november in New York. I live in France taht's why I want to go to hockey shops in NY to buy new stuff (I know prices in NY are higher than the others LHS but it's nevertheless cheaper than in France and Sweden), so can you please tell me the stores in NY. What is the price ranges in NY for Synergy skates 1300 C, Bauer Vapor XXX and Bauer Vapor XXX and Synergy 900 gloves ?

Thank you in advance.

Salut, petite paranthese: il y a t'il beaucoup de hockeyeurs en France?? ligue,compétition etc...

Un petit québécois...

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Just a thought. Since our friend here is from France, you might want to avoid using slang and abbreviations. It's hard enough to translate proper English, lets not make it any more difficult for him.

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i don't remember who exaclty...but they were some guys pretty good in french(excepting the canadians guys lol!)

IF i'm good...i think it was ponty...

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Hi, I'll spend a week in november in New York. I live in France taht's why I want to go to hockey shops in NY to buy new stuff (I know prices in NY are higher than the others LHS but it's nevertheless cheaper than in France and Sweden), so can you please tell me the stores in NY. What is the price ranges in NY for Synergy skates 1300 C, Bauer Vapor XXX and Bauer Vapor XXX and Synergy 900 gloves ?

Thank you in advance.

Salut, petite paranthese: il y a t'il beaucoup de hockeyeurs en France?? ligue,compétition etc...

Un petit québécois...

In France, there's not to much players. I can Say that in Paris and his area (I mean about 300 km), there's about 25 teams, and there's just one league for each age. Here Hockey isn't physical but violent, it's hard to play away and there's no great play, just bad and many players wants to "score alone", in France, Hockey isn't a big sport, nothing on TV, just 2 bad hockey news papers...

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Ca serait moi qui parle francais parmis les mods. Sverige, d'où es tu en France? J'ai vecu à Paris (Boulogne-Billancourt) de 2000 à 2002 pendant mes études à la Sorbonne.

It's me who speaks French among MSH's mods. I just asked Sverige where in France he's from.

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Ca serait moi qui parle francais parmis les mods. Sverige, d'où es tu en France? J'ai vecu à Paris (Boulogne-Billancourt) de 2000 à 2002 pendant mes études à la Sorbonne.

It's me who speaks French among MSH's mods. I just asked Sverige where in France he's from.

No doubt Dave it was you lol!!! :lol:

EDIT: How much language you speak??french,english,german(you live there no??)

Nice to know,they are some english people who study in french...LOL

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I am German and have lived all my life (expect for two years) in Germany. I have learned both, English and French, at school.

Fortunately, I have had the chance to study in France for two years so my French is pretty good.

As for my English, I learned most of it on the Internet (no joke). I have never been to an English-speaking country, though, so my spoken English (accent) ain't that good. But I am planning on spending a year or so in a US-based law firm.

I wish my hockey talent was a deep as my foreign-language-talent...

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Sorry to bring back an old topic but my parents can't find hotels (there's nothing on iternet) in NY. So I ask to you if you know some hotels in NY for decent prices and good servie.

Thank you.

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you really have to just keep an eye out in NY..one of the best things to do is see if you can find a place that has US papers on a sunday...ie New York Times as they often have local hotel deals..

also you can try sites such as travelaxe.com that is good for searching mutliple sites at once..sometimes direct sites for the Pennsylvania Hotel and Ramada New Yorker can be had for $99 a night...but depending on when you are going...it can be a tough market...

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i'm a travel agent, and space in New York is limited from September to mid December. And if they are available it's going to be pretty hefty. lowest I've found lately is 279.00usd at the Roosevelt

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Hi, I'll spend a week in november in New York. I live in France taht's why I want to go to hockey shops in NY to buy new stuff (I know prices in NY are higher than the others LHS but it's nevertheless cheaper than in France and Sweden), so can you please tell me the stores in NY. What is the price ranges in NY for Synergy skates 1300 C, Bauer Vapor XXX and Bauer Vapor XXX and Synergy 900 gloves ?

Thank you in advance.

Salut, petite paranthese: il y a t'il beaucoup de hockeyeurs en France?? ligue,compétition etc...

Un petit québécois...

In France, there's not to much players. I can Say that in Paris and his area (I mean about 300 km), there's about 25 teams, and there's just one league for each age. Here Hockey isn't physical but violent, it's hard to play away and there's no great play, just bad and many players wants to "score alone", in France, Hockey isn't a big sport, nothing on TV, just 2 bad hockey news papers...

I played last year against Rennes O.o

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There's a local guy who is playing pro in France this season. He's picking up a bunch of stuff to take back because the equipment situation is so much worse than it was for him in college.

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